Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 682 Helmet Invasion 2

The iron door opened and a figure rushed out of it. This sudden change made Gray and King immediately make an offensive move.

"It's you!" Gray's two-gun thrust attack was forcibly taken back. Unexpectedly, the person who opened the door was Lar.

At this time, Rex found that when he had just assigned the task, Lar began to disappear. Unexpectedly, she acted alone and sneaked into the Helmet Fortress first.

Alan: "Ah, she is really an incomprehible person. Where on earth did she sneak in?"

It doesn't make sense to worry about such a question. Even if you ask Lar, she won't care to answer you.

finally passed the first level smoothly. Sure enough, now because most of the troops have been transferred and the rest are concentrated on the wall for defensive warfare, the defense force in the whole Helmet Fortress is seriously insufficient, and no one has noticed that everyone has broken in. Of course, except for lying there At the edge of the iron gate, outside the two soldiers who fell down, it seemed that they were greeted by Lal.

Next, we will start looking for the huge warehouse that stores burning barrels, as the black crow said, and this is the real test of this operation.

If you can't take the smooth road, you must sneak in from the side path. Inside this helmet fortress, the roads in the building are intricate and difficult to distinguish the correct road.

This is the most difficult place. The Holy Dragon Guard Regiment, which has been stationed in the Holy Helmet Fortress, is a legion directly belonging to the emperor, so it is rarely open to the outside world, even other legions. The map of this Helmet Fortress is also one of the secrets in the kingdom, but it is not so easy to get. If you want to catch someone to force you to ask the way, it is ineffective for soldiers who are mentally controlled by Emperor Hiloken. In this time-sensitive situation, people who can rely on...

Everyone focused their eyes on Alan.

Aram: "It's right that I'm the prophet Alan who looks at me like this, but I can only predict the danger, and I can't predict the direction of the road."

Rex: "Alan, I know this makes it difficult for you, but we can only rely on you."

Alan: "Okay, I'll try my best. Anyway, I've thought about it like this. If we can't find the warehouse, it's not only the great crisis of our resistance, but also our own big crisis. If we don't succeed, we will become benevolent. If we want to get out of danger, we must complete the task. . The place out of danger is to enter the warehouse.

Aran kept saying such words to hint to himself that his magical crisis premonition ability could smoothly take him into the warehouse. This is also the first time to enter this place, and the only way to rely on this group of people is to rely on it.

"Let me look for it." Alan looked at the road one by one, trying to find the road with the weakest sense of crisis.

In fact, every road is full of a great sense of crisis for Alan. The least dangerous way is to return directly and leave here, but this time, Alan will not choose to escape.

Even if you are not sure, you can only harden your scalp. Alan's index finger pointed to the road: "Okay, choose that side!"

Rex: "Okay, the army, be careful and follow Alan."

So, a team of people began to follow Alan into the Helmet Fortress. Rex, the commander, found that Lar had disappeared again.

Rex: "Is she still like this? Forget it. If she can succeed, why do we use it as bait?"

Lal is also a senior of Rex. Although there is no intersection with each other, through years of observation and attention, Rex has gradually learned that Lal is not a very lonely person. In fact, she just doesn't want the people around her to be hurt because of her. And Rex knew that even if the trip was successful, it would be difficult to retreat completely, and he prepared for the worst early in the morning.

Along the way, following Alan's induction, he did avoid many dangers, but there were pros and cons. As a result, Rex found that they were always spinning in one place.

It seems that this method is difficult to work, but it is not completely harvested along the way. Gray found a simple map near here from a communication room. Although it is simple, it is simply the greatest help for Rex and others.

And not only this simple map, but also some command files, one of which is very valuable. It is the acceptance form of a large number of combustion barrels in the large warehouse, which shows the quantity and precautions. Most importantly, there is also such a paragraph, that is, because there are so many burning barrels piled up. Because of the vaporization of fuel, fire is strictly prohibited and ventilation is maintained at all times, and the ventilation channel is in the southern area to the east, and there is a detailed channel number on it.

Rex: "Maybe we can sneak in smoothly through this ventilation channel."

Alan: "My little Gray is really good. That's great."

Even if Gray is praised, there is no change in expression, because he knows that even with these, it is not so simple to really enter the warehouse smoothly.

Rex: "Let's follow this simple map and continue to the southern district as much as possible."

At this moment, the sound of sword fighting suddenly came from nearby.

"No, there are enemies! We were found!"

Finally, it was discovered, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

Rex immediately made a decision: "The soldiers are divided into two ways, and they continue to create chaos here all the way to attract the attention of the enemy. On the other hand, they will quickly rush directly to the southern district with me all the way."

Now the time is a race for every second. Rex directly led this team and rushed all the way.


Outside the Helmet Fortress, as time goes by, everyone knows that Rex's team is not going very well.

Sith: "Evan, what's wrong with you? At this time, don't be too reluctant and exceed your own boundaries.

Avan's expression is very solemn. Since just now, he has been trying to communicate with Alan.

Evan: "No, it was found!" Elvin sensed that Rex Arran had encountered a battle in it.

Riding the wind, he said softly, "Hey, there seems to be an accident."

After all, in the spiritual communication with Alan, there is no more information about the inside of the Helmet Fortress. Sure enough, it is still very reluctant to do this.

ai wen did not give up: "It's too early to give up. As long as there is hope, we should believe them."

It is true that there is no complete failure yet, but it would be great if more information could be given to the companions at this time.

While Elvin was still trying to think about how to deal with it, someone couldn't bear to see everyone in so much pain and volunteered to stand up: "Brother Evan, use my strength."

Evan: "Xiona, why are you here, you..."

There is no need to say anything more. Ai Wen felt his heart and had made a great determination.

Evan: "I see, Shuna, please."

Shuna: "Well, I will try my best to help everyone."

Shuna has been following them since he left the slum with Evan and the others. Although he is small and a little shy, and has no skills or strength at all, no one will think that he is a useless coward. On the contrary, Shona has never used himself. He is the son of the lord who holds a noble status and is always so close to people, and in almost every battle, a large number of people follow the army, and even many times they are at the forefront of the dangerous battlefield, acting as everyone's eyes to see through the dark eyes ahead and contributing a lot to the victory of the rebels. This is not owned by ordinary people. Courage.

Shuna is a person who is always willing to give everything to help others and will not ask for rewards. He is always like that. In the end, he is always like this, telling others with a smile, "I'm fine, I'm fine, and I'm very happy to be able to help everyone." However, how can it always be okay?

As a star, Xiu Na has a special power, but this huge power is not what his still young life can withstand. "Spiritual Vision" has magical pupils that can see through the essence of everything in the world, but the cost is also very heavy.

Now Amy is not by his side. It seems that this is Xiu Na himself and secretly ran here again without telling her. These days, Xiu Na saw that Brother Ai Wen and all the people are constantly working for this war, and at this time, nothing can help everyone. The place has always been distressed.

At this time, Xiu Na stood beside Elvin, and his eyes began to become deep and chaotic, and the "spiritual vision" was about to begin.

Of course, Aiwen understands the harm to himself by doing this: (Shu Na, your determination, I know very well that all of us, as well as the people of King Athos, will thank you.)

"I saw it! I saw everyone!" Xiuner's eyes saw through the wall of the Holy Helmet Fortress, penetrated into the interior of the fortress, and then found Rex and the others who were fighting fiercely inside.

Shuna: "And, wow, a lot of buckets, yes, I also found that warehouse."

At this time, everything in the Helmet Fortress seemed to be unobstructed, all displayed in front of Shuna's eyes. No matter which channel, which corner, and where there were enemies, everything was clear.

Shuna: "I see that everyone seems to be moving towards the other side of the warehouse. I know that it is going to pass through that small passage, and I will help you lead the way. No, there is a team of enemies in front of us. You can't rush hard. You have to return a little and take a detour from the left. Shuna shouted there anxiously.

ai wen immediately gathered twelve cents of spirit and had a spiritual exchange with Alan, who was far away in the Helmet Fortress.


"Huh? This sound?" At this time, Alan's voice came to Alan's mind. Alan knew that this was Elvin calling him, so he immediately calmed down and went to communicate with him wholeheartedly.

Aram: "What? So that's it. Rex, let's go back quickly.

Rex: "What? Why? Isn't it the fastest road ahead?

Alan: "Listen to me. Anyway, don't quarrel so much now. I still have to concentrate to communicate with Evan."

Rex: "Okay, everyone, come with me."

In a timely manner, Rex successfully avoided a large group of defensed enemies in front of them, and then took a detour and continued to approach the warehouse.

After that, relying on the instructions of Shuna, Rex and his party went very smoothly all the way and rushed to the vicinity of the ventilation duct in the south east without being stopped by the enemy.

Rex: "It's finally here."

Alan: "Thank you, Elvin."

Grey: "But it's more dangerous down there."

Grey is right. From this ventilation pipe, he will go directly to the warehouse, but in turn, there is no way to come back from there.

Rex: "I don't need everyone to go down. I'll go down first!" Rex took the lead and took the initiative to jump down.

Grey didn't say anything more, but jumped down directly, followed by Kim.

Instead, Alan hesitated: "What should I do? How can I feel that the bottom is very, very, very dangerous... Anyway, little Gray, I will follow you wherever you go." Alan then jumped in.

Outside the Helmet Fortress, Shuna: "Finally arrived... arrived... There are only three guards left inside..."

Shuna's body began to shake, and the blood vessels around his eyes were almost full and burst. Xiuna actually reached the limit early in the morning and insisted on his own will. Finally, after guiding Rex and the others to the destination, the mission was completed and finally fell down.

After conveying the final content, Aiwen found that Xiu Na had no voice, so he turned around and immediately hugged Xiu Na.

Aiwen: "Shuina, how are you? Wake up quickly and answer me, you have to be strong!"

Shuna is now angry: "Brother Ivan, in the end... did I... successfully help everyone?"

Evan: "Yes, you did a great job..."

"Really, that's great..." Shuna finally smiled and closed his eyes.

Everyone gathered around worriedly and asked about Shuna's situation.

Shana was smiling and fell into a deep sleep that he didn't know when he would wake up.

Awen: "Have a good sleep. When you wake up, we will definitely show you a world where you can smile happily every day."

He is tired, he needs to rest, and his wish will be inherited by Elvin and everyone.

Alan: "Oh." Alan landed safely from the ventilation channel.

"Wow! A lot of wooden barrels!" Alan shouted in surprise.

In the warehouse, thousands of combustion barrels are piled up to detonate such a number of combustion barrels, which will inevitably produce an absolutely unimaginable impact.

"It's so slow. We've been waiting for you for a long time." It seems that Rex and others are not the first to arrive here.

Aran smiled bitterly and said, "Ah, Evan, this is difficult to do. That's right. There are indeed only three guards in number, but this negligible mentions the quality of guards."

What kind of guard can make Alan feel such a headache?

The three directors of the Black Dragon Hidden Force: Ethan, Nicole, and the most terrible Brute.