Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 707 God of War Steel Body

Time retreated a little again. At this time, the Star Emperor's Hall has not yet begun to collapse, and the fire is still raging in the outer city of the capital of Athos, and all the rebels have now thrown their troops into the battle to extinguish the flames.

Because there is not so much water to put out the fire, the rebels have to put out the fire, then destroy the houses and buildings, and open up an unimpeded road as much as possible to evacuate the people of the inner city.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and push the buildings here to clean up!" Orez and Renard of the Lionheart Corps are commanding their soldiers to fight against the fire. However, the fire is ruthless, and the destroyed ruins are also in a mess. Here, every rebel soldier is more or less burned by the fire. However, none of the rebels will be afraid and are still constantly trying their best, and some of them are doing very hard.

"Get out of the way!" With a loud roar, the rebels present suddenly widened their eyes, and then quickly ran away. It's really impossible not to run away. I don't know where to find a super huge stone pillar hanging on the road, and the guy who can make this huge stone pillar hang horizontally is definitely the work of a monster.

Then it happens that in the rebel army, there is more than one such monster, one is two, so which one of these two will be now?

"If you want to open the way, you have to do it like this!" The huge stone pillar was easily waved, and a sweep hit the ruins of the house in front of it, as if a hurricane had swept by. The ruins of the house were completely blown away by this blow and swept away.

"Hahaha, look, how fast it is." Rubat has no Yang by his side (Yang went to the Corps of the Blue Dragon Knights). It can be said that he is free and can do whatever he wants.

Rubat: "Okay, you all learn something for me and just do it."

The rebel soldier sweated: "As usual... not everyone can have the same monster power as you."

Rubat was in a very excited state at this time and was also addicted. He picked up the huge stone pillar and continued to clean up the ruins and buildings in front of him one after another. Along the way, there were continuous loud noises, but the record was very amazing.

"What! I will never lose to anyone." He was not convinced by the black bull, another power monster in the rebel army.

Although he and Rubart no longer have a previous hostile relationship with each other, in private, the two of them with similar personalities have never stopped competing with each other. It's normal to see who kills the enemy more on the battlefield, who rushes to the front and so on. As for when there is no war, these two guys still don't calm down. It's still a random game below, such as who eats too much, who shouts loudly, and even some people It feels strange and even ridiculous. In short, if the two of them are together, there will always be a lot of noise.

He didn't know where the black bull came from, found a huge iron hammer, and followed suit. He also waved vigorously there, constantly sweeping the ruins and buildings in front of him, giving full play to his specialty, that is, destruction.

Seeing that the Black Bull was also competing with him there, Rubart's fighting heart was suddenly lifted up. It can be seen that the fiery fighting spirit constantly radiates between his eyes.

"Ah, ah, ah! Fight!" Rubat used his strength to breastfeed and compete with the black bull seriously.

Suddenly, the surrounding sand and stones, bricks and trees flew around, making the soldiers of other rebels dare not get too close to them, for fear of getting involved in their competition and becoming the most unlucky flying disaster.

Rubat and Black Bull each waved their hands in front of them to open a straight path, as if they wanted to compete and who could reach the walls of the inner city faster.

At the beginning, both of them still went hand in hand, and they did not lose much to each other, but after a while, I don't know why, the progress on Rubart stopped and remained unchanged. And Black Bull doesn't care about the reason, he continues to move forward.

Something is wrong. It's really wrong. Rubart's progress still doesn't stop moving forward. Black Bull is getting farther and farther, pulling Rubart a long way. Is it Rubat that he is too tired to walk? No, other things are possible, but only in the case of losing the game, Rubat will never lose. Moreover, strangely, it is not only here, but also where Rubat stopped, the loud noise is still endless, even far loud than the sound of Black Bull's own side.

Rubat's location, dusty and stones flying, is really a very chaotic scene. And the black bull was attracted by the sound, and the black bull also stopped his hand, because he felt very familiar with the sound, and the blood in his whole body became boiling.

"Ah! This is the sound of fighting. That's great. I'm absolutely indispensable for this kind of thing!" The black bull's body recognized the sound, and his whole body jumped up and ran to Rubart's position angrily.

Black Bull said that he was right. It was the sound of the battle. Unexpectedly, Rubart actually fought here, and the opponents he fought were naturally puppet soldiers from the control of Emperor Hiloken.

It seems that it is close to the edge of the inner city at the beginning, so in order to stop the action of the rebels, finally, the royal army will start to take action. And the first one to encounter the battle was Rubart's side. It seems that the god of war Rubart can't avoid the entanglement of strife wherever he goes.

"Ah! Damn stink beetle! You are really tough and enjoyable! It's so enjoyable! This is the real battle!" Rubart is both angry and extremely excited. It seems that he has played a difficult battle. It can be seen that his opponent is by no means simple.

"This is really a bloody battle between men. It's really exciting." Hoffman is Rubart's opponent this time, and this will be their second confrontation.

The enemy was not only Hoffman, but also the soldiers of the Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment were killed together. The scene suddenly became a mess. The battlefield composed of flames and ruins evolved into a close hand-to-hand battle.

It is indeed very painful for Hoffman to become a star spirit. Even as an enemy, Hoffman's hot-blooded man's fighting style remains unchanged, and he still deserves anyone's respect. Hoffman's title of steel body, the existence of " vitality armor" can make his whole body better than a fully protected steel armor to resist any attack from outside. In the past, this " vitality armor" can be said to be a strong shield of the resistance army, but now it has become the most difficult to break through by the resistance army. Obstruction.

However, now on the side of the resistance, there can be monsters who like to fight hard. In the face of this respectable opponent, Rubart responds with the highest fighting spirit, and also does not take advantage of Hoffman with his bare hands, and has a one-on-one confrontation with this opponent.

One punch, two punches and Rubart's fists constantly bombard Hoffman's body. Hoffman's best job is to let the other party attack and then fight back. However, this time, it seems that Rubart, who is known as the God of War, doesn't work very well today.

Hoffman retreated again and again under the impact of Rubart's fist strength, and his body had obvious fist marks all night, and even fine crystal cracks appeared.

In terms of power, Rubart and Black Bull are both very powerful monsters, but it's hard to say who is better or worse in power. When Hoffman fought against Black Bull before, he did not fall down on one side like now. It can be seen that Rubart and Black Bull have a very different difference in battle. This is The reason why Rubart is called the God of War and not the monster.

Rubat: "Last time I saw you, I didn't have a good fight with you, and I also heard that you are from the same village of the black guy and the person he has never won. Today, I saw that he is really a very powerful character. That's good. As long as I defeat you here, I can beat that far. "Black guy."

Rubat never forgot to compete with Black Bulls anywhere, and the content of this comparison has changed to defeat Hoffman. Rubart also knew that this matter was not so easy, so he was particularly excited and serious at the same time.

Hoffman was not annoyed when he saw his favorite body hurt like this, but was happy.

Hoffman: "The scars are also proof of the growth of a man, not to mention the injury suffered in such a man's confrontation. Although he is very unwilling to win, he must also fight. Come on, let the battle of this man be more fierce."

"Then satisfy you!" Rubart responded well to Hoffman with one punch again, but he didn't expect that after this punch, Rubat himself was shocked back.

Rubat shouted angrily, "Damn bedbug, it turns out that your hands are so hard."

Hoffman changed his style of play. He used his arm to hard take Rubart's blow, and on his arm, there was a condensed Hoffman's strongest shield that could resist any attack - "Yuanqi Shield".

Rubat naturally couldn't feel the existence of vitality, so he simply thought that Hoffman's arm was much harder than his chest.

Rubat likes to fight hard, but he doesn't just fight to death, which is also one of his advantages different from Black Bull. Rubat bypassed Hoffman's arm and still aimed at the weakness of his chest that he had just hit.

"Ah! Why has your whole body hardened? Rubart didn't know that the "Yuanqi Shield" could be moved, but he bumped into it confusedly.

"I don't care, so hard! My fist is harder!" Rubart was furious and could really do anything. He danced wildly and densely at Hoffman, and the sound of critical strikes was endless.

Hoffman's defense is indeed very powerful, but in the face of the crazy offensive of Rubat, there is only one way to defend. The two sides are competing for fighting spirit and endurance, and it happens that these two people are the best at. Therefore, you can imagine what a earth-shaking and protracted battle this will be.

The battle between the two sides did not mean to stop at all. Even if Rubat's fists were dyed red, he still kept fists, and the cracks on Hoffman's body began to slowly increase.

People can still support it, but the ground they are standing on is beginning to be unbearable. The Wangdu Avenue made of marble stone is in the middle of the explosion point of this force. As a result, it breaks open because it can't stand it, and the stone fragments fly around because of the stir.

Hoffman's "Yuanqi Shield" concentrates the vitality of the whole body. In this way, it will inevitably cause the body to have no defense anywhere else. In the face of gravel, it must be difficult to take care of defense, so Hoffman has to risk it.

"Yuanqi • Shock", the huge impact generated by the outbreak of vitality suddenly blew the gravel away and doubled it to Rubart.

Under Hoffman's move, Rubart's gravel and vitality impact, he didn't like defense and loved to resist. Suddenly, his whole body suffered countless heavy blows, and his body bent to the sky, as if he was going to be blown away by this impact.

"I am the invincible God of War, and I will not take a step back when I die!" Rubat forcibly twisted his waist and pulled his body back. Then he made a crazy move and directly hit Hoffman's head with his bare head, and the mallet of both sides burst into a dull noise.

After the " vitality shock", Hoffman's whole body was in a state of defenselessness. Under this blow, an amazing crystal crack appeared in Hoffman's head. It seemed that this blow was his first. Looking back at Rubat, his head was full of blood, but he still had an excited expression that he would not lose at all.

Hoffman: "Okay, this is the bloody battle between men."

Rubat: "Haha, I haven't encountered such a battle for a long time."

The battle between the two was ready to start again, but suddenly a deafening roar interrupted them.

"You dead red head! Let me out of the way, he is mine!" He killed the black bull angrily.

"What you say is yours is yours! This is me... huh?" The first time Rubat saw the Black Bull, he had such a very serious expression, not crazy at all, and even had a sad mood inside.

Hoffman has extraordinary special feelings between black bulls.

Rubat: "Forget, just let me give you this black guy once, but it was agreed in advance that I didn't lose! If you lose, I will laugh you to death."

Black Bull: "You dead red head, get out of here. Don't get out of my business."

Rubat took the initiative to walk away to meet the other enemy soldiers of the old flying cavalry who rushed to fight. At the scene, only Black Bull and Hoffman were left.

"I want to fight with you again this time!"

Black Bull is indeed a black bull. On such an occasion, what he said is still so direct and straightforward, which is also his true temperament.

Hoffman smiled and said, "Well, men just want to use a bloody duel as a dialogue between each other. Continue the confrontation we have been doing before, and continue our187 confrontations. The result of the previous victory and me and you was a hundred and seventy-one draw and 16 victories. Now, let's start the 88th duel!"