Fantasy Country

Chapter 1 Nocino

"Treatment keeps up, fat cat, what are you doing? Damn it, you are healing. How can you rush up to fight monsters? Talent is also a healing talent." In World of Warcraft, a small guild was knocking down the boss. Originally, it was still smooth sailing, but suddenly, a panda priest in the team began to convulse. The priest named Fat Cat gave up treatment and rushed to the front of the boss, constantly using the sacrament.

In addition to the most basic strike technique, there are also some attack skills and blood addition skills, but they have not been used on the point. It wastes blue and skill CDs.

"Fat cat?" The president of the guild roared angrily in YY.

Lu Xuedao didn't seem to hear the roar of the president of the guild, so he directly turned on his ear, then loosened the keyboard and mouse, and quietly appreciated his character running around in front of the boss.

Here we go again!

Yes, this is not the first time. Since two months ago, Lu Xuedao's game characters have often been uncontrollable and do some strange things. This is not a special situation of a certain game, but as long as it is a game played by Lu Xuedao, the characters in it will often be uncontrollably and run around to make some other actions.

How to say, Lu Xuedao feels that his character seems to be controlled by another person, and he is also a game novice. He is very excited to see the game, but he is not very good at anything, except for disrupting.

Oh, by the way, this mysterious guy's life-saving skills are first-class. Well, the guild team has been destroyed, and the fat panda priest named Fat Cat is still very active, all kinds of skills to roll away and dodge the boss. Of course, a little priest was inevitably crushed by the boss in the end, but he was indeed the last one to die, and he persisted for a long time.

The people of the guild have quarreled in YY, saying that they would kick the fat cat out of the guild. Before that, the fat cat left a lot of bad names in several guilds. Of course, it is not a matter of character, but every once in a while, the fat cat will convulsion from time to time and do some strange things, such as now.

"Ha~!" Lu Xuedao sighed and watched his game character being kicked out of the guild. At the same time, the fat cat priest was also slapped to death by the boss.

The game character died, and it seemed that the inexplicable existence could not control the character for the time being. Lu Xuedao resurrected his fat panda directly in the cemetery, and even the body was too lazy to run away. In a weak state, Lu Xuedao directly used the Hearthstone, flew back to the main city, and then ran to the novice village next to him.

Lu Xuedao looked at his mobile phone for exactly 30 minutes. Sure enough, the character was out of control and rushed to the monster in the novice village happily. Lu Xuedao looked at the happy character on the screen who killed the little monster and didn't know what to say.

"Who the hell are you?" Lu Xuedao subconsciously asked?

"Who am I? Do you want to know?" At this time, Lu Xuedao's character suddenly opened the dialog box and then popped up a row of subtitles.

Lu Xuedao suddenly stood up in consternment, and then looked at the rest of his room in consterling. The room is very empty. Obviously, there is no one else, but there is no one else. What's wrong with this game character? Trojan horse, hacker? Lu Xuedao didn't expect any hacker to be so powerful.

"Can you hear me?"

"That's not a matter of course. You open the microphone." The characters in the game have another row of subtitles.

Lu Xuedao checked his wheat and turned it on. Lu Xuedao calmed down his nervousness slightly before sitting down again. To be honest, Lu Xuedao's computer has also been checked many times, and the master has also consulted, but unfortunately he doesn't know what happened to him. If it is the most likely word closest to the facts, it is what a netizen said: You won't meet a ghost, will you?

Well, whether it's a ghost or a network ghost or something, Lu Xuedao... is really a little hairy. It's like now, a cold sweat has emerged behind Lu Xuedao. Is this a hacker master joking with him, or is it really... a ghost?

"Which god are you?"

"God...what is that? Can you turn on the headphones and change the YY channel? It's so tiring to type. There is another row of subtitles for the characters in the game. After seeing the subtitles of the game character, Lu Xuedao immediately changed a YY channel and turned on the headphones.

"Hey, can you hear me?" When Lu Xuedao's headphones were turned on, Lu Xuedao immediately heard a delicate voice, which sounded like a cute Loli.

Lu Xuedao looked at the YY channel, and there was only one person, himself. However, the sound in my ear is definitely not an illusion, and the hallucination is even more nonsense. He meowed. Didn't I really meet some network ghosts? After calming down a little, Lu Xuedao responded.

"Well, I can hear you."

"Ah, it's good to hear it. By the way, what do you want to ask me?" Lori Mengyin asked.

"Well, who are you? Why can you control my game character?" Lu Xuedao carefully paid attention to the wording. Although it's Lori Mengyin, who knows what's behind it? It's really a ghost or something...

"Hum, do you want to know who I am?"

"Yes, I want to know who you are." At this time, Lu Xuedao was also a little desperate. No matter what kind of ghost he is or a network ghost, he always has to ask the identity of the other party. To be honest, Lu Xuedao has been a little nervous by this mysterious existence in the past two months.

"There's nothing I can do about you. Since you want to know so much, I'll tell you." The other party's tone seemed to be very proud and a little arrogant. Lu Xuedao felt strange, and the other party looked very much like those arrogant girls in two dimensions.

"Let me see, the summoning style... according to this... ah, what should I do next?" Lori on the opposite seems to be tossing something, but it seems that she doesn't know much about it. From time to time, the sound makes people feel very cute. So that's it. Is it a mobile phone? Hey, do you have a mobile phone? Lori on the opposite side shouted.

"Yes, there is." Hearing the confused voice on the opposite side, Lu Xuedao was in a somewhat hairy mood and somehow became relaxed. Even if the other party was a ghost, it must be that kind of stupid ghost.

"As long as you have a mobile phone, you can connect it to the computer first." After the opposite voice finished speaking, it seemed to be looking at something and said to himself, "Uh-huh, what is the life field, the life field, ah... It's really troublesome. Forget it. You hold your mobile phone with your hand. I'm going to start!" There was an angry voice from the opposite side, and then said.

Lu Xuedao connected his mobile phone to the computer with a data cable, and then heard the sound of the opposite side. He couldn't help laughing bitterly. There was no problem. Why did he feel a little worried about the guy opposite? Lu Xuedao always felt that the other party should be reading some instructions but couldn't understand it.

But the next moment, Lu Xuedao's worries were thrown out of the sky.

In a slight trembling sound, a series of virtual electronic data spread from the mobile phone and then uploaded to Lu Xuedao's body. Subconsciously, Lu Xuedao was about to leave his mobile phone, but at this time, the cute voice of Lori came from the opposite side: "Ah, by the way, don't throw away your mobile phone halfway."

Lu Xuedao quickly grabbed half of the released mobile phone in his hand, because Lu Xuedao did not know what would happen if he threw away the mobile phone rashly.

Frightened... helpless!

Lu Xuedao can only watch the shining virtual electronic data spread to him, then surround himself, gradually change and adjust, and finally form a three-dimensional aperture around his body, in which countless virtual data are constantly changing. Lu Xuedao has been shocked that he can't speak. The current situation has completely exceeded his cognition, an unknown thing, which is impacting Lu Xuedao's common sense.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, when Lu Xuedao felt that the time was extremely long, the aperture around his body suddenly stopped, and then a round pattern appeared in the air in front of Lu Xuedao. Lu Xuedao doesn't know what this pattern represents, but it looks like the magic circle in the animation.

Countless virtual electronic signals quickly converged from the void to the middle of the pattern, and then gradually formed a petite figure, and a very cute goblin slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh, did you succeed? I'm really a genius!" When the little goblin saw himself appear, he was slightly stunned, and then suddenly crossed his waist and laughed loudly. Everyone knows that she is very proud now.

After the appearance of this little goblin, the aperture projected in the air and the magic array instantly gathered towards Lu Xuedao's mobile phone, and then left a circular law pattern on Lu Xuedao's mobile phone screen. Lu Xuedao looked at the goblin-like creature opposite and was completely stunned. What on earth is this...?


"What are you?" Lu Xuedao suppressed his uneasiness and asked in a calm tone. Everyone is looking forward to extraordinary, and everyone is looking forward to adventures, but when this kind of strange thing really happens around them, how many people can stay calm?

"I'm not a thing, no, I'm a thing... Bastard, are you on purpose?" The little figure on the opposite side heard Lu Xuedao's question and couldn't help but refute it. As a result, he accidentally surrounded himself in.

"So, what's your name?"



"Yes, it's Nocino, the character you played in 3D Artificial Goblin." Nocino nodded, and then looked curiously at Lu Xuedao's room, looking carefully observing.

Lu Xuedao suddenly realized when he heard the words. No wonder he felt so familiar. It was indeed the appearance of the character Nocino in 3D Artificial Goblin. Of course, it seemed more realistic. No, this is not the key. The key is how you ran out of the computer. What happened to the virtual electronic data and the mysterious magic array just now?

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