Fantasy Country

Chapter 26 Angel of Desire

After the man opened his eyes, he suddenly looked at the top of his head. Several virtual electronic data appeared in the void and spread to him. However, in an instant, all these electronic data suddenly collapsed, causing a series of magnetic explosions around him. Everything in the hall was suddenly blown upside down by the violent explosion, and a black light curtain appeared beside the man, blocking all the explosions outside.

'Who is it? Isn't that boy dead?'

Xie Sutong gasped on the ground for a while, spit out a mouthful of blood again, and then slowly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "Aunt Xu, come to my brother's room and take me to the hospital." After saying that, Xie Sutong climbed over and grabbed his brother's mobile phone in his hand again. This time, Xie Sutong did not dare to press anything again, just put his mobile phone in his pocket.

After a while, a young woman in a Chinese maid costume ran here and saw Xie Sutong sitting softly on the ground at a glance.

"Miss, what are you?"

"Don't ask so much, take me to the hospital, and don't tell anyone else." Xie Sutong immediately told him.

"Okay." The nanny named Aunt Xu immediately nodded seriously. She has been working in the Xie family for two years. Although the Xie family is not very rich, it also belongs to the rich in this society. Aunt Xu knows that it is better not to care about some things. It is enough to do her duty well.

Xie Sutong was immediately sent to the hospital for scanning, surgery... When the attending physician came out after working for several hours, Xie Sutong's condition stabilized. Baron Flame said that the life field is not suitable, not the corresponding suitable person, and is likely to die, which is definitely not a joke. If it had been delayed for a while, if it hadn't been for the Xie family, Xie Sutong would have died.

After the operation, Xie Sutong held her brother's mobile phone. Silently waiting for the unknown network life to find himself. Summoners and online summoning life are connected to each other. Since Xie Sutong has been rebounded by summoning, the online summoning life will also be felt. Sure enough, shortly after the operation, Xie Sutong heard a vague voice.

'Who do I think I am? It turned out to be that boy's sister.'

"Su Tong, what the hell happened?" A middle-aged man who looked cold and majestic also asked at this time. This is Xie Sutong's father. After hearing the news of Xie Sutong's accident, he immediately left his things in his hand and came. His son died inexplicably a few months ago, and he didn't want his daughter to go inexplicably.

"I'm fine. I'll tell my father when I get home." Xie Sutong felt that she should tell her parents about this, but it is obviously not suitable now.

Xie Shengnian looked at his daughter and found that her eyes were very calm. Since junior high school, he felt that his daughter was becoming more and more strange. However, he still knew one thing that his daughter was very excellent.

"Good!" Without asking more questions, Xie Shengnian left the ward.

'Hello!' After Xie Shengnian left, Xie Sutong immediately said in her heart. Although the voice just now was vague, Xie Sutong was sure that it was definitely not an illusion.

'You don't seem to be surprised.'


'I said you don't seem to be surprised. Cut, the life field is not synchronized. Is it really hard to even call?' After explaining, the man sitting in the chair scolded, as if he was very impatient with this vague call. Although Xie Sutong didn't quite understand, she could also feel the impatience on the other side. Xie Sutong doesn't want the other party to stop talking like this. This is an opportunity she has finally found to talk directly with online life.

'Because I've heard about you from other cyber life, it's not surprising. Can you recommend a cyber life for me?' Xie Sutong said directly.

The man opposite was preparing to interrupt communication, just like what Xie Sutong felt, connecting reality, just because of curiosity, who started the summoning technique again. Since he found that it was not a big deal, he was too lazy to continue to pay attention to it. As a result, Xie Sutong's words aroused his curiosity.

'Do you want a network to summon life?'

'Hmm.' Xie Sutong nodded.

'How much do you know about the Internet summoning life? Don't be like your brother's fool. You think it's just a game to let him make the decision, but it hangs up in less than a few days.' The man opposite said lazily.

Xie Sutong clenched her fist when she heard the words, and her brother... Is his positioning inaccurate? The online world is definitely not a stand-alone game in those fan fictions that let the protagonist show off his shallow knowledge and play other characters as NPCs.

'I know that the emergence of your network life, the source of autonomous consciousness, and the summoning technique do not have any binding on you. The summoner's life field assimilation consciousness into the online world can learn your power; and I know the news that if you die, the real world will also die.' Xie Sutong answered.

'Oh~~! I know a lot.'

'So, can you recommend an online summoning life for me?' Xie Sutong asked.

'You just believe me, do you know who I am?'

'...who?' Xie Sutong was stunned when she heard the words, and then asked slowly. In fact, Xie Sutong has more or less guessed that the other party is probably not the role of the kind of the camp. You know, in the online world, there are not only those kind guys. Speaking of which, there are not many peaceful guys like Nocino, such as the Flame Baron.

'I'm Sasm, the fourth of the nine fallen angels - the angel of desire!'

Xie Sutong was suddenly shocked to stay where she was. The identity of the other party was obviously beyond her imagination. Originally, I thought that the other party was a character in the evil camp, but who knew that it would be a boss-level existence. Last time, Baron Flame said that in online life, in fact, many people disdain to have contact with human beings. How could such a boss choose her brother?

Wait...Desire Angel-Sam!

The summoning style is not binding... So that the network characters of these evil camps are more liberal. There are no restrictions or losses in signing contracts with human beings to assimilate the life field. Therefore, Sasum chose his brother as an experiment. Anyway, it's not a pity to die. .

It's not a pity to die...!

Almost in an instant, Xie Sutong guessed Sasim's general idea. However, after guessing this idea, Xie Sutong seemed very powerless. Resentment? No! Xie Sutong's reason made her resentful. Although the online life of these evil camps does hold a dispensable mentality, this is actually a rare opportunity for human beings. The only mistake is that his brother's mentality is inaccurate... just self-destruction.

'Can Lord Sasum help me recommend an online summoning life?' After thinking clearly, Xie Sutong asked again.


It seems that Sasum did not expect that Xie Sutong would make this request after knowing his identity. It seems that this woman named Xie Sutong is much smarter and more rational than her brother. It's really... It's a pity that if it's not your own suitability, otherwise it's good to be a partner.

'The guys I know are not good people, you have to understand.'


'Hmm, hahahahaha, you wait, I'll contact you.' After Sasum laughed, it gradually disappeared, and Xie Sutong's mind returned to quiet.

Holding his brother's mobile phone, Xie Sutong lay quietly on the sick**. Desire Angel-Sam, the person he found, should be several other fallen angels, but it may not be so coincidental that he is their suitability, so it is likely to be the existence of other evil camps. I really feel a little desperate to summon life for the Internet. I hope... it's not too bad.


Actual combat is the best way to improve combat experience!

Because of Nocino's irresponsible sentence, Lu Xuedao was pulled down the Naruto plane of the network world again. Still in that place, when Lu Xuedao's consciousness was summoned, he immediately found that he was jokingly looking at himself, and Nocino had sat affectionately on his white shoulder.

Actually, Nocino, you just want to hang out with Bai... Lu Xuedao complained in his heart. But he knows that Nocino's combat skills are many times better than those of Zai Buzhan and Bai. However, because it is too strong, Lu Xuedao and Nocino can't achieve the purpose of practice at all. Obviously, it is the same spiritual power and the same spiritual skill, but Lu Xuedao always has only one result in the face of Nocino - second kill!

If he really does it, Lu Xuedao will be killed by Nochino more than ten times in the blink of an eye.

"Yo~!" Lu Xuedao waved his hand and said hello, and it was a little uncomfortable to be looked at like this.

"I heard that you have learned a power called spiritual power. Nocino asked us to help you familiarize yourself with how to use this power and combat." Bai stood up and said to Lu Xuedao.

"Well, that's it." Since Nocino has explained the background, there is no need to hide it.

Internet life has its own personality and consciousness, which has been completely independent since it was born. In fact, compared with human beings, these network life are more curious about the meaning of their own emergence, so they are extremely curious about the exploration of the network world, no matter which network life it is.

"Well, try it first, the nature of spiritual power." White nodded. Zaibuzhan on one side is also very curious. Although they have long known the existence of other planes in the network world, this is also the first time they have seen other forces. This is also the reason why they so happily promised to help Lu Xuedao familiarize themselves with the battle.


The nature of spiritual power is very similar to that of Chakra, but the compatibility is stronger. If the two come into contact with each other, Chakra will be directly melted into the spiritual power. In addition, spiritual power has no attributes and cannot simulate real substances like Chakra, such as water, soil, rocks, etc. But the spiritual silk simulated purely with spiritual power is dozens of times stronger than the chakra silk thread.

Nocino made a demonstration with the same level of spiritual power as Lu Xuedao. Such a small spiritual silk directly cut a stone more than ten meters in diameter in half, and the incision was extremely smooth. And Lu Xuedao... can't even condense the spiritual silk. He is purely a beginner among beginners.

However, after seeing Nocino's demonstration, Lu Xuedao also became eager and looked forward to the power of Lingsi.