Fantasy Country

Chapter 31 Desire

'You're going to die!' Nocino's voice came from Lu Xuedao's chest mobile phone, which was extremely calm.


Lu Xuedao's chest was constantly fluctuating and gasping, but what he breathed was only full of earthy smell and dirty air. At this time, Lu Xuedao's spiritual power in his body was so thin that it was almost unsustainable, and his biological energy was also exhausted, as if he had been hungry for more than ten days.

'Can I summon you again?'

'No, the life field is too weak. Call me now and you will die directly.'

'Then what should I do?'

'Replenish energy,'

'What else can I find here, soil?' Lu Xuedao said in his heart, but Nocino did not answer this question. Lu Xuedao lay in the small soil depression he dug out, and his heart sank more and deeper, and he dared not think about that problem. Food, in fact, there are, really some...

'Nocino, what exactly is erosion?'

'I have said many times that human cognition and consciousness have evolved into independent lives in the online world through the power of creation. And negative desires are also accumulating, forming a demon. In order not to give birth to an overly powerful existence, it needs to be released from time to time...' In Nocino's mind, relevant information automatically emerged.

'Too powerful existence?'

'Well, the normal cognition and consciousness of human beings have bred countless independent network roles, and their power has been dispersed. But negative desires are different. If they are not released regularly, they will form together... become an irresistible existence of human beings... By the way, even the extremely evil life in the network character is set by the cognition of human reason, so it has nothing to do with desire. Nocino explained one more sentence.

'The irresistible existence... I can't understand at all, and what is the creation?' Lu Xuedao only felt that his head was extremely big. What's wrong with the human world?

'I don't know!'

'Don't know?'

'Well, when I come into contact with relevant things, it seems that I will automatically have more relevant information, but I don't know about more things. So, I can only tell you superficial things, about the deeper essence and so on, I don't know. Nocino said frankly.' By the way, if your body does nothing, it can last two to three hours.

Lu Xuedao, who originally wanted to ask, suddenly had no mood after hearing Nochino's last sentence.

'Do I have to do this?' Without answering, Nocino did not answer Lu Xuedao's question. In fact, I'm afraid that Lu Xuedao had already had the answer, otherwise, he would not... Lu Xuedao slowly turned around. Behind the small hole he dug out, there was a woman's body...

'Life... is cruel!'

'Life... is cruel!' Lu Xuedao also repeated, opened his mouth, and his eyes became inexplicably empty. He wants to live, no matter what he does, he also wants to live, and he doesn't want this to be his grave. There was a sound of muscle tearing, and the smell of raw meat and rottenness suddenly filled Lu Xuedao's mouth...


Two days later, on a crooked and dilapidated city street, two spiritual threads suddenly cut from the ground, and then the cut part quickly fell, revealing a big hole. A figure jumped out of the big hole, and the dirty body was almost invisible, accompanied by a strong stench.

"I'll go back first. Take a good rest."

Lu Xuedao nodded, and then Nocino turned into a white virtual electronic light and disappeared in place. Lu Xuedao stood on the broken street and looked up at the sky. It was extremely dark, and a light rain fell from the sky. Lu Xuedao raised his head, and the cold rain water fell on Lu Xuedao's face. The soft touch never made Lu Xuedao feel the beauty of being alive.

Looking at the building that was crooked or fell into more than half of the ground, Lu Xuedao slowly walked out. Is this the city after the earthquake? It's really... miserable. Lu Xuedao could hardly find a place to step on, as if he could collapse at any time.

After walking a distance, Lu Xuedao found some clear water on the edge of a residual pool. Regardless of whether the water in the pool was clean or not, Lu Xuedao immediately cleaned his body randomly. As a result, the pool became turbid and the sewage flowed down from Lu Xuedao, which was even more embarrassing.

Are all the people in the city dead?

After the erosion of the city, there is no one, no sound, extremely quiet and at the same time, it also looks extremely oozing. Suddenly, Lu Xuedao looked into the distance. A moment later, a helicopter came. Lu Xuedao couldn't help staying in place, thinking about whether he should identify himself. Such a big event happened, and my sister should also be in the hands of the country...

While Lu Xuedao was thinking, suddenly there was a sense of danger, and his body instinctively rolled towards a broken wall next to him.

After a few cracks, the smoke of bullets rose from the place where Lu Xuedao had just stood.

Damn...what's going on?

Lu Xuedao thought to himself, but instinctively ran at high speed, twisted his body, ran irregularly, and rushed into a building that collapsed on the ground. Behind Lu Xuedao, the bullet hit the wall and splashed some pieces of cement and bricks. Lu Xuedao lay behind the wall and carefully looked at the helicopter above his head. He didn't know what had happened.

Suddenly, Lu Xuedao's eyes condensed, and then he was stunned and jumped out of here without any hesitation.

With a roar, the place where Lu Xuedao hid just now became a pile of ruins under the bombardment of a rocket. Lu Xuedao was set off by the amazing waves behind him, and at this time, the helicopter in the sky began to straf Lu Xuedao again with machine guns.

In an instant, Lu Xuedao seemed to fall into extreme tranquility and seemed to be able to see the track of countless bullets flying in. Lu Xuedao's body rotated slightly... At the same time, Lu Xuedao's fingertips also condensed several spiritual threads and swept directly on the front few bullets. The high-speed bullet attacked on the spirit silk, and the soft and powerless spirit silk instantly drove the bullet to rotate at high speed, deviating from the original trajectory.

With two poofs, two blood flowers appeared on Lu Xuedao's body.

After landing, Lu Xuedao did not hesitate. His spiritual steps started again in an instant and suddenly rushed into the collapsed complex street and disappeared in place.

"Well, I didn't kill it. I guess the quality of this desire is almost LV2?" On the helicopter, a man dressed as a special forces soldier said.

"Do you want to call someone from the special office?"

"Forget it, Xiaoqi and I have been injured. There is no need to call that group of people."

"That's right, it was just a group of ordinary people not long ago, but because good luck got the favor of some online life, damn it..." The special forces known as Xiaoqi obviously complained about the current situation.

"Stop it, Xiaoqi, let's go down." The leading man said, sorted out his things, then threw a sliding rope from the helicopter and slid down directly. Xiaoqi didn't continue to say anything. He gave a thumbs up to the driver and then followed the captain in front of him. When he was more than ten meters above the ground, the two directly loosened the rope, rolled and unloaded the ground, and then landed safely on the ground.

At this time, Lu Xuedao was parking in a broken wall corner, inhaling cold air and looking at his right shoulder and chest. Blood kept flowing out of the bullet hole. Lu Xuedao stretched out his left hand, and a spiritual silk slowly condensed, and then curled and pierced the bullet hole. Gritting his teeth, Lu Xuedao resisted the pain of his body and suddenly dragged out. With a jingle, a metal bullet fell to the ground.

" hiss...!" Lu Xuedao immediately clenched his fist and trembled all over.

What's going on? Why was he suddenly attacked? Just as Lu Xuedao wanted to concoct and take out the bullets in Lesson 2, he suddenly heard a noise and quickly left here. After a while, the two special forces found here following the blood stains. The first one looked at the bloody bullet on the ground and frowned.


"Be careful, this desire is very strong." The captain whispered and made a tactical gesture.

Desire - human beings are called by human beings who are eroded by desire and above reason. Although desire is above reason, there is no difference between others, such as wisdom, which is still human wisdom, and because of the possession of demons, these desires have become extremely powerful... Still has the original wisdom, but is dominated by desire, and also has a desire that far exceeds the strength of ordinary people!

Although it is not as contagious as the zombies in the movie, the panic and chaos caused by these intelligent desires are not small at all. Even China, a country that pays attention to the so-called human feelings, has also issued a killing order, and it is... I would rather kill wrong than let it go. At most, it's just a modification on the number of the last report.

Lu Xuedao does not know what has changed in the outside world, but obviously, he has now become the target of these special forces. Since he survived to eat people underground, Lu Xuedao's mentality has changed dramatically... cruel!

Like the food chain in the biological world, it is powerful to kill the weak... Human beings are not more noble than animals.

Two special forces armed with teeth slowly followed the traces left by Lu Xuedao. Lu Xuedao crouched on his body, suppressing his breath, and his eyes were indifferent and ruthless. I don't know the reason, but it's enough to know that the other party really wants to kill himself.

Slowly, Lu Xuedao tightened his body!