Fantasy Country

Chapter 34 Observe secretly

To be honest, Lu Xuedao has long thought that Wang Xingyu should have died. The location of the university is basically at the center of erosion, desire shock, earthquake... and other undecided things, but this guy is not dead? Is it a guy with a different person with the same name?

"Department of Animal Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University?"

" you know me?"

"No, I've just heard of it. It's really rare. Isn't that the center of erosion? You actually survived." Lu Xuedao said curiously.

"I was not at school at that time." Wang Xingyu gave a simple explanation and then looked at the four girls opposite. Lu Xuedao also looked over. So it was. I guess he came out with a few girls, but seeing that the people opposite him were not cold or hot, he estimated that his girlfriend had no chance. Most of them were un lovesickness and so on, and he hadn't caught up with him.

Originally, Lu Xuedao planned to leave, but after knowing that this guy was Wang Xingyu, it was not easy to leave. At least this guy is one of the white and suitable people, and he still asks him to help observe the other party's mentality. I was worried about how to get close to this guy, but now it's a ready-made reason.

At this time, the guy over there seemed to have settled down several girls. Several girls who were originally frightened by the bow birds actually laughed out, and the appearance of the gaffe just now seemed to be an illusion. Lu Xuedao has to say that this is a kind of talent, a kind of talent for picking up girls. If you cooperate with the grace of life-saving and the ability to be different, it can almost be said that several girls will be defeated.

Lu Xuedao stretched out his hand to pull Wang Xingyu, and then the two walked towards the five people over there.

"Oh, you're here, where's that friend?" The man asked.

"Zhang Peng is... dead!" Wang Xingyu said with some pain when he heard the words.

"Really, I'm really sorry. I came a little late. I didn't know what happened here until I heard your help." The man's voice became slightly low and seemed to be a little sad, and then explained that he simply cleared up the fact that he had failed to save several people in time. Moreover, when this guy spoke, he took a faint look at Lu Xuedao. Just now, Lu Xuedao had been watching by the roadside.

Lu Xuedao glanced at this guy and almost wanted to laugh in his heart. This shows hostility, because he is special or defend his possession of several girls? Damn... I don't want to play with this kind of guy! Lu Xuedao's face did not change, let alone explained. Even if several girls and Wang Xingyu looked at themselves with a little reproach and questioning.

"You...!" One of the girls wanted to say something, but Lu Xuedao just looked up at her. The girl suddenly withdrew behind the man like a quail.

"Well, come on, I believe this friend didn't mean it. Speaking of which, I am Shen Yilin, the summoner. My network summoning life is the most powerful subordinate of the sand crocodile in the Pirate king, Mr.1, the ability to cut the fruit. As soon as the man saw that his goal had been achieved, he was not too forced and said enthusiastically.

"Lu Xuedao!"

Lu Xuedao didn't pay attention to the right hand that this guy stretched out to shake hands and said lazily. This appearance suddenly aroused the dissatisfaction of several girls next to them. Both sides were lifesmen, but in contrast, which one was better is self-evident. Moreover, Shen Yilin is still a legendary summoner, and the summoning creatures are also so powerful.

Several girls introduced themselves. Sure enough, there was really a school beauty in it, that is the most beautiful girl named Cheng Xi. Ruan Qingqing is a relatively petite and beautiful girl, and the other two are Wen Haijing and Cai Wenwen. Lu Xuedao took a look at Wang Xingyu. From the nervousness just now, he could see that Wang Xingyu liked Ruan Qingqing. He didn't expect that he was not the most beautiful one.


Several people temporarily united and began to discuss how to deal with the current situation. With a summoner, it seems that his strength is still very strong, and although Lu Xuedao looks tired and lazy, he does not seem to be an ordinary person, so all people's confidence has greatly increased. After all, the current situation is just chaos, not the scene of zombies rampant in the movie. A certain strength is enough to protect yourself.

"Do you know what happened?" In a room, several people sat together, and Wang Xingyu asked first.

"I don't know much about the specific situation. It seems that something has happened in the city over there. The people who survived there have become beast-like things, burning, killing, looting, raping~** doing evil... There is no scruples about anything. Moreover, the physical quality of these people has changed a lot, which is much stronger than ordinary people.

"Is it a zombie?" Immediately, a girl asked nervously.

"No!" Shen Yilin shook his head. This situation is not contagious, but because there are too many such people, a series of bad events have caused violent riots, and many normal people can't help but become excited and do something they usually want to do but dare not do, such as those guys.

"As long as it's not a zombie, I don't want to be that kind of guy." Cheng Xi shrank her body.

"What's going on around now? Since it's not contagious, how does the country deal with it?" Wang Xingyu asked again.

"I'm not optimistic. There are too many such people. I heard that in order to prevent this group of people from bringing chaos and panic to other cities, the country has been under martial law in several surrounding cities. In addition, among those people who don't know the truth, panic is constantly spreading, and many people have a sense of despair, and they have become a little desperate and crazy, which is almost the same as that group of people. Shen Yilin said.

"Actually, we just need to get out of these isolated cities and go outside. This is not a zombie virus, it's just that the country quarantines to prevent the spread of panic. Shen Yilin's rational analysis. In this way, several other people, including Wang Xingyu, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The end of the world is just a novel. No one really wants to meet it.

"Brother Lu, do you know anything?" After saying that, Shen Yilin asked again.

Lu Xuedao sat in the corner with his eyes half narrowed. Since he fell to the ground, he had not had a good rest. After hearing Shen Yilin's inquiry, Lu Xuedao slowly opened his eyes. Looking at a few people, Lu Xuedao yawned: "The situation is the same as what you analyzed. I only add a few things."

Shen Yilin asked Lu Xuedao, which was just superficial courtesy. He didn't expect that Lu Xuedao really knew anything else.

"Over there!" Lu Xuedao pointed to the direction of the city where the erosion broke out.

"That was erosion. All kinds of desires accumulated by human beings on the earth suddenly broke out and eroded the city, so violent earthquakes and other natural disasters broke out. Of course, the most serious thing is the erosion of human beings, which turns them into beasts of desire above reason - the species of desire. By the way, although they are lust species, their original wisdom has not disappeared, so they really think they have to pay for being stupid like beasts.

"Explosion of desire, erosion... Brother Lu, do you know more?"

"Human normal cognition and consciousness have evolved into something like cyber life, and they also have the power in human settings. And all kinds of negative desires are also accumulating, forming a creature like desire demon, which also has far more strength than ordinary people. However, because it is pure desire, the desire demon does not have complete wisdom, and will only instinctively erode human beings and exist dependent on human beings. Human beings who are attached to are above consciousness and become desires. And because of the attachment of the demon, they have the strength of the demon, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Lu Xuedao said that he did not hide it.

"Internet life, desire demon, brother Lu, do you know more?" Shen Yilin found that Lu Xuedao seemed to be more familiar with the changes in the world than expected.

"Do you think I know everything, but because I happened to be in the center of erosion and met a few people, I only know a little more than you." Lu Xuedao can't say anything.

"Well, thank you very much." Shen Yilin's courtesy thanks did not continue to ask. Perhaps, he will definitely think that Lu Xuedao knows more about the essence, but so what? If Lu Xuedao doesn't say anything, he can't tear his face and force him.

Next, several people eagerly asked for some news about online life. Shen Yilin also patiently explained to several girls for fear that they would have something they didn't understand. Wang Xingyu is also listening, but his attention is more focused on Ruan Qingqing. But unfortunately, just like the description in the novel, several girls are eager to paste it upside down. In particular, I heard that this situation is only limited to this small area, and Shen Yilin is still a rich man.

Among the four girls, only Cai Wenwen is relatively calm and has not become such a nymphomaniac.

Lu Xuedao felt that he seemed to have returned to the situation in the class, observing the reality of a group of people like a bystander. Really...hahahahaha! Lu Xuedao finally found no suitable words to describe the current situation. He always felt that human beings were indeed very realistic creatures.

So, what will you do?

Lu Xuedao pays attention to Wang Xingyu, who is the target of Lu Xuedao's observation. One of the white suitable people luckily picked up a small life, did not lose his heart and become violent in a chaotic environment, and did not fall in love with the most beautiful school beauty simply out of desire. As for liking Ruan Qingqing, Lu Xuedao doesn't think anything, but seems normal. However, it seems that except Cai Wenwen, the other three are eager to become Shen Yilin's woman now.

Wang Xingyu, what will you... do?

Wang Xingyu has also found that his favorite girl seems to like this Shen Yilin. However, Wang Xingyu doesn't know what to do, power... He doesn't have it, and the other party is the summoner and has the online summoning life Mr.1. He can't compare with his family and financial resources. The other party is a rich man, and the world order outside has not collapsed. As long as he goes out, the other party is still an enviable rich second generation...

What should he do?