Fantasy Country

Chapter 44 Peer

Watching Xie Sutong slowly disappear into the city, the helicopter above did not chase him.

However, Lu Xuedao looked at the direction of Xie Sutong's disappearance and quietly chased him from the broken street. Lu Xuedao doesn't know what other people are like, but he has found that the spiritual power he has learned is a very fast ability to practice. Now he has been able to skillfully use spiritual power to support basic movements. Several spiritual steps jumped over several obstacles, and Lu Xuedao quickly caught up with him.


After entering a quiet street, Xie Sutong wanted to cancel Xila's call, but at this time, Xila told her that a person followed, and Xie Sutong immediately quietly hid.

When Lu Xuedao came here, a figure suddenly appeared above the oblique, and then a dark long gun stabbed him fiercely. Unprepared, Lu Xuedao's body was twisted, but even so, there was a thorny tearing sound from Lu Xuedao's clothes, and then the two suddenly stopped in the same position of attacking.

"It's me!" Lu Xuedao quickly opened his mouth.

"Well, it's you!" The indifference and murderous intention in Xie Sutong's eyes slowly disappeared, but the long gun still pointed to Lu Xuedao's waist, and a trace of blood on the tip of the gun slowly penetrated out.

Lu Xuedao smiled bitterly, and the spiritual silk wrapped around Xie Sutong's neck on his left hand disappeared first. Sure enough, after Lu Xuedao stopped, Xie Sutong took the long gun back. Sure enough, people who can hunt and survive alone in this environment, even those who have known before will be very alert.

"You are very good!" At this time, Xila behind Xie Sutong suddenly said something.


"I said you are very good. You can avoid it under Xie Sutong's sudden assassination and fight back at the same time. You are very good." Xila explained again.

"I will surpass him." Xie Sutong suddenly said something.

"Can he trust it?" Xila suddenly asked.

When Xie Sutong heard the words, she immediately looked at Lu Xuedao seriously for dozens of seconds, which made Lu Xuedao feel full of mind. It should be possible!"

What does it mean that it should be okay? Lu Xuedao listened to the conversation between the two and suddenly felt a lot of pressure. Is it so serious? It seems that Xie Sutong has also undergone great changes during this period. After getting Xie Sutong's answer, Xila nodded and then turned into black virtual electronic data and disappeared in the air. When Xila disappeared, the black gun in Xie Sutong's right hand also disappeared.

"Long time no see!" After Xila disappeared, Lu Xuedao officially said hello.

"Hmm!" Xie Sutong nodded.

Lu Xuedao always feels that Xie Sutong is much colder than before. After the two greeted each other, Xie Sutong walked towards a ten-story building. Along the way, Lu Xuedao followed Xie Sutong to deliberately avoid a lot of things like traps or alarms before coming to the seventh floor. Before a door, Xie Sutong took out the key and opened the door, and then walked in.

"Do you live here?"

"Well, desire can feel the human breath, but even if I climb up from below, I will know that I can be ready, and other human beings are the same." Xie Sutong nodded.

"Are you the only one in the building?"

"No, there used to be some other people hiding here, but now they are dead." Xie Sutong said calmly, as if she didn't care about life and death at all. Suddenly, Lu Xuedao felt that... Xie Sutong was colder than himself. Well, Xie Sutong used to be similar to him at school. Is it getting worse now?

"The people on the helicopter just now made a little noise and were shocked. As a result, they found you, so come and have a look." Lu Xuedao explained.

"Oh~!" Xie Sutong helped Lu Xuedao pour a glass of water before sitting quietly opposite.

Lu Xuedao suddenly found that he didn't seem to be able to find anything to say. Originally, the two did not like to get along with others, but now Xie Sutong seems to have become worse. And now there is no lively atmosphere among the two, and it is even more... cold.

"Congratulations on becoming a summoner."

"Well, I killed my father with my own hands while becoming a summoner!"

Lu Xuedao just put down the clear water on his lips and almost didn't swing out. He really didn't deliberately step on landmines, but why did he ask such a ** question? Putting down the water cup, Lu Xuedao looked seriously at Xie Sutong opposite. In this environment, the appearance and so on obviously can't be taken care of. Although it looks a little dirty and messy, Xie Sutong's whole body shows a sense of indifference and sharpness.

"If you don't mind, can you talk about our respective experiences after we separated?"

Xie Sutong closed her eyes, and then looked at Lu Xuedao and nodded.

"My brother's online summoning life is the fourth of the nine fallen angels, the angel of desire - Sasum. And my summoning life is the third one, killing Tencel - Xila!" Xie Sutong calmly talked about her experience after seeing Zhao Zhenxi being captured, and finally used the mobile phone left by her brother to finally connect with the Internet summoning life. Even when it came to killing her father with her own hands, Xie Sutong looked very calm.

"Aren't you surprised? I killed my father, even if he became a desire.

"What's surprising? I don't think it's a big deal. In fact, I've done something more unethical." Lu Xuedao smiled bitterly and looked up at the outside. Then Lu Xuedao began to slowly talk about what happened after he was chased away alone.

When he heard that Lu Xuedao was eating human corpses in order to survive and survive, Xie Sutong's body tightened in an instant, and her eyes looked at Lu Xuedao like a knife.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. It's very stressful!"

"Excuse me." Xie Sutong apologized insincerely.

Next, Lu Xuedao talked about some of his later experiences, and then the two were silent again. Why is this atmosphere so cold... Lu Xuedao felt that it might not be a good idea to come to Xie Sutong. The two suddenly looked up, looked at each other, and then staggered each other. It seems that the atmosphere is not so bad? Both of them have told each other something that is not good to talk to outsiders, but now they feel a little even.

Xie Sutong killed his father with his own hands, and Lu Xuedao ate human corpses in order to survive.

"Why did you stay here? You can leave directly with the people of the country just now." Lu Xuedao asked.

"What about you?"

"Actual combat is the best way to improve combat experience. I don't want to be those who can only sit on helicopters and drive the network to summon life." Lu Xuedao said.

"I just want to kill these kinds of desires." Xie Sutong's purpose is simpler than Lu Xuedao.

Lu Xuedao's heart is awe-inspiring, killing angels - Xila! To be honest, when he heard that Xie Sutong had bravely carried the erosion of desire, Lu Xuedao was very surprised and had a deep admiration. However, it is obvious that the erosion of desire does not have no impact on Xie Sutong. If she lives in a peaceful society for a period of time, Xie Sutong will return to normal. However, the key point is that at that time, she assimilated the life field with the killing angel.

was originally eroded and hooked by desire. When he assimilated the life field, Xie Sutong's mind instantly became almost the same as the killing angel Xila. In particular, the desire to kill.

It can be said that this is a good thing... or a bad thing!

The good thing is that Xie Sutong has completely become one of the most suitable people for Cyrah. The disadvantage is that Xie Sutong's original heart does not exist at all and can't go back.

Of course, these are all told by Nocino to Lu Xuedao, and he can't analyze it so deeply.

"Whether we want to be together or not, although the purpose is different, we are all looking for the desire, and there is more than one more person. Online summoning life cannot appear infinitely. When it can't be summoned, it is also very dangerous. I don't think your injury has completely healed. Lu Xuedao proposed.

"Good!" Xie Sutong nodded.

"If you don't mind, I can treat the injury for you. As long as it's a trauma, I'm more confident."

As soon as Lu Xuedao finished speaking, Xie Sutong immediately turned around and took off his clothes. Lu Xuedao himself was stunned and trusted him so much? The clothes fell off, revealing Xie Sutong's soft back, but there was a wound about 20 centimeters long on her white back. The wound is already healing, but the movement just now has obviously torn again and is slowly oozing blood outside.

"Nocino, will it leave scars if you use Lingyu direct treatment?" Lu Xuedao said directly and asked.

'Your words will.' It means that if she comes, she won't.

"Wait a minute, although I can treat this kind of injury, it will leave scars. Let Nocino come." Lu Xuedao said and activated the summoning technique, and a petite figure appeared in place.

Xie Sutong suddenly turned around and looked at Nocino curiously. The last time she saw Nocino, Nocino was still a cute goblin. She didn't expect that after meeting her again, she had become so useful.

As Xie Sutong inadvertently turned around, Lu Xuedao immediately saw the little pigeon on Xie Sutong's chest. Lu Xuedao was suddenly stunned. He really didn't do anything. This was completely turned around by Xie Sutong himself. As if sensing Lu Xuedao's eyes, Xie Sutong lowered her head to Lu Xuedao's eyes.

With a bang, the scattered black breath suddenly converged in Xie Sutong's hand, and gradually appeared like a long gun.

Lu Xuedao was not a fool. He immediately raised his hands and quickly turned around and ran out awkwardly.