Fantasy Country

Chapter 46 Dark Justice

This area of the city is relatively quiet. Obviously, Xie Sutong has swept around. It is estimated that 80% of her desire to be left alone has been killed by her. Lu Xuedao entered the common perception and asked Nochino to expand the perception field to the maximum. Although it was not as clear as in a small range, Lu Xuedao could sense more sounds and breath.

"Over there!" Lu Xuedao pointed to a direction.

Xie Sutong didn't ask why, just followed Lu Xuedao, and then the two ran in that direction together.


"Bitch, shut up, we all have to die!" Three men covered a girl's mouth and dragged her into the next room. On the ground, a middle-aged man slowly stretched out his right hand towards the girl. However, a man knocked an iron rod hard on the back of the man's head, and suddenly the man fell to the ground and never moved again.

"Dad!" The girl who was taken hostage cried and struggled, but how could she be the opponent of the three big men?

At this time, three other men in ragged clothes suddenly appeared on the street corner, but even if the clothes were ragged, as long as they were normal people, they would find that the smell of these three guys was different from ordinary people. The three men who were about to take the girl into the room suddenly cooled down. They were really afraid of something and really attracted three kinds of desire.

"Let her be the bait!" The boss of the team seemed to be relatively calm. While talking, he tore the girl's clothes fiercely and then pushed the girl out.

Desires are driven by desire, and the three desires of eating, sex and killing occupy the main position. As for which one is more priority, it is uncertain. This boss's method is also smart. The spring light is half hidden, and the girl with pear blossoms and rain has a more pitiful temperament. After the three people pushed the girl over, the desire of the three heads suddenly stopped, and then one of them suddenly threw the girl to the ground.

The more he ran, the clearer his perception became. Lu Xuedao's spiritual steps suddenly accelerated, and then ran up from the wall of a collapsed small building, and then an ejection, rolling in the air towards the opposite side. Xie Sutong saw it in the back, and her eyes lit up. Lu Xuedao's movements were very light, as if they were similar to the light kung fu in Chinese legend. According to Lu Xuedao, this is just a basic spiritual step, and it is also a spiritual step that Lu Xuedao cannot fully play.

After the three men pushed the girl out, they opened their legs and fled back. After seeing the girl, the three-headed desire seeds also seemed to hesitate. They didn't know whether to chase the three men or directly humiliate the girl here. In the end, the desire that had jumped on the girl continued to abuse there, while the other two ended up chasing after her.

The three men ran away along the street, but they didn't expect that a small collapsed building appeared in front of them, just in front of the street.

I'm going to die!

At this time, Lu Xuedao suddenly ejected from the back of the small building, pressed his hands on both ends of the desire seed and fell behind the desire seed. At the same time, the two ends of desire suddenly screamed, one of which had been completely blinded, while the other had retained one eye.

The desire that had not been completely blind suddenly rushed to Lu Xuedao, and the other completely blind one covered his eyes and screamed crazily.

At this time, Xie Sutong had also turned over from the small building and immediately saw the girl who was thrown to the ground and another desire. Her body jumped lightly, and Xie Sutong rushed directly to the desire seed. While still running, a black ring gun appeared in her drooping right hand.

Lu Xuedao avoided the rush of this desire. Fortunately, it seemed that he was suddenly blind, so the direction judgment was not very accurate. Lu Xuedao is calm and ready to look for opportunities when hiding. At this time, the other one rotated in place, and the voice of the desire that kept spinning and screaming suddenly became hoarse, then became more harsh, and finally stopped slowly.

Just as Lu Xuedao was about to blind his other eye, the stopped desire suddenly opened its mouth and roared fiercely at Lu Xuedao.

An invisible sound wave instantly spread around with this desire, and the intact glass in the surrounding room cracked in an instant, and the small things on the ground kept beating. Lu Xuedao felt a buzzing sound in his head in an instant and almost lost consciousness directly. Even so, Lu Xuedao's nose and ears left blood.

'Stone wave attack, evolved, or changed!' After Lu Xuedao suddenly withdrew more than ten meters, Nocino's voice came to his ear. Lu Xuedao found that at the moment of the attack just now, Nocino had entered a state of common perception and saved his life.

'The sound wave is not very strong, but it is also fatal enough for you. The only chance is that this desire may suddenly mutate and evolve, so the control is very weak, and the sound wave spreads quickly. Ten meters away, there is not much destructive power. Nocino explained.

Lu Xuedao looked at the other three people and Xie Sutong, and was indeed not injured, but he was obviously shocked by the sudden treble. On the contrary, the desire that had only one eye before was suddenly attacked by this close sound wave, and its body swayed and looked like it was about to die.

'Stone wave attack is actually a kind of high-frequency air shock, which is very effective for simple physical defense, and that desire is no longer good. If you want to learn in the future, I can teach you. Nocino explained.

'Will you?' After Lu Xuedao asked, he felt that he had really asked a stupid question. According to the detailed analysis of the spiritual art, it may really include most of the attack methods, but I don't know where it is behind.

'Do you need my help?'

'No, I'll do it myself!' Lu Xuedao shook his head. If he asked Nocino to help, whether it was common perception or something else, he would definitely kill this desire directly, but it would have no meaning. Seeing this desire shaking his head and walking towards Xie Sutong, Lu Xuedao immediately lost a stone and led the guy over.

Fortunately, this desire species has been blind before, so it is obviously unable to catch up with Lu Xuedao. This desire constantly emits sound waves and spreads around itself. Within ten meters around him, it is like a map cannon, and everything is constantly breaking. Even ten meters away, it is extremely harsh and uncomfortable, but it is not fatal.

Nocino did not say anything, just silently watching Lu Xuedao's behavior. If you drag it to this end of desire and can't roar out, it will be completely meaningless.

Lu Xuedao kept throwing stones, attracting this desire to follow himself, and then suddenly used spiritual steps on a building and ran up the wall.

Even if this desire emits sound waves, it is impossible to roar without gaps. Every time it roars for two or three seconds, there will be a moment of pause to recover. Nocino has basically guessed Lu Xuedao's behavior. At the moment when the desire and sound waves stopped, Lu Xuedao suddenly borrowed power on the wall, and then fell quickly on his head and feet with the help of gravity.

Just as this desire opened its mouth and was about to make a sound wave again, Lu Xuedao's figure fell from the sky quickly, his hands closed, and the two spiritual threads were entangled together in an instant, and then strangled the guy's neck. With a sneer, the voice of this desire just roared out of the mouth broke in an instant, and then choked in his mouth. And this guy's head suddenly flew up and fell to the ground.

Lu Xuedao stood up, his left hand was pulled beside him, and his shoulder blades had been ruptured and fractured.

Just now, Lu Xuedao put his hands together the two strands of spiritual silk together. With the impact of falling at high speed, he had enough strength to cut off this desire head. With the help of gravity, Lu Xuedao's hands were controlling the spiritual silk, so he finally landed on the ground with his left shoulder.

'I always feel that you seem to be prone to self-harm!' Nocino spoke slowly.

'No, I just think it's worth paying some price to kill the opponent, and if you drag it off, the battle is likely to go in an unknown direction.' Lu Xuedao's right hand has been pressed on his left shoulder, first closing the misplaced shoulder blades before starting to use Linghe.

'(*^__^*)Hee...!' Nocino smiled softly, but Lu Xuedao didn't hear what it meant.

' After that, learn one more spiritual bullet, sniper calculus, do not need to be commonly used, as long as it can be used at critical times. If you fight like this, if you make a mistake, you will lose your own life. Adventure is a good quality when necessary, but just to accumulate combat experience, it will happen sooner or later. Nocino said.

'Hmm!' Lu Xuedao is very calm. Is it a sniper-type spiritual bullet? Even the simplest spiritual bullets, there are many kinds of fast-launched bullets, single-fire snipers, and tracking...

When Lu Xuedao came over, Xie Sutong had also killed the desire, but the girl who was pressed under her had lost her life. Even if she saw a similar scene many times, Xie Sutong was slightly sad. After helping the girl close her eyes, they looked at the other three men and the man who fell to the ground.

"Thank you for saving us. I'm the director of this district commercial bureau. You are the summoners. It's really awesome..." When the two looked over, the man led by the other three immediately complimented and looked at Xie Sutong with a slight evil look.

With a bang, Xie Sutong's long gun directly touched the guy's throat. The guy suddenly stiffened in place, "What is this?"

"How did that girl get caught by that desire?"

"It's just that she runs slowly."

"Yes, it's just that she runs slowly." The other two also kept echoing. Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong looked at several people with indifferent faces.

"Why do I think it's your plot, such as ** or something, and then the desire to appear, and you just use this girl as bait." Lu Xuedao said slowly.

"Are you kidding? We didn't do this. You can't slander people, and what evidence do you have..." The leading man retorted angrily, as if this is the so-called... official prestige?

"No evidence required!"


"I said I don't need evidence. I think it's okay. This is not an outside society. I won't give you so many opportunities to defend, and I don't need you to investigate and show the so-called truth. It's enough for me to say 'kill the three of them' when the girl was dying just now. Xie Sutong said indifferently.

"You can't do this. Is there any law in your eyes..." The so-called director immediately scolded. As a result, Xie Sutong's body moved slightly, and the long gun passed through the air with a curve. The three people immediately covered their throats and fell to the ground. When they were dying, the three were still pointing to Xie Sutong and couldn't believe that the girl really dared to do so.

Lu Xuedao quietly watched this scene and felt extremely calm. This is the truth under the chaotic order. There is no need for those tedious investigations, just... they are sure that it is enough.
