Fantasy Country

Chapter 50 Star Map

Following the chaotic crowd, Lu Yuwei suddenly thought, is she free?

It seems that freedom is freedom, but... is more dangerous than being placed under house arrest before. Although the scope has been limited before, the country is not bad for her, and there is no danger. Looking at the current situation, it is estimated that it is even very difficult to save her life. In particular, she can't protect herself. Why does she have an extra oil bottle?

"What's your name?"

"My name is Xianxian, Jiang Xianxian." The little girl held a black notebook and cried. Sister, save my father. You can call 110 to call the police uncle.

Uncle policeman...! Lu Yuwei is already relatively precocious, and recently she has been with Lin Bomeng for a period of time, so she knows a lot about the summoning of life and erosion on the Internet. In such a situation, not to mention the police, it is useless for anyone to come. Moreover, the small car was squeezed like that, and Lu Yuwei didn't think that Xianxian's father could survive.

"It's useless!" Lu Yuwei shook her head.

"Woo-woo...!" As soon as Xianxian heard Lu Yuwei say this, she suddenly cried loudly. At this time, all the people were running to the east, crashing cars along the way, crashing people, and countless chaos. Xianxian was almost squeezed to the ground because she stopped to cry. In such a night, in such a chaotic situation, she was probably trampled to death.

Lu Yuwei quickly pulled Xianxian, but the black leather notebook in Xianxian's hand was still thrown out.

"Dad's notes!" Xianxian immediately wanted to pick it up.

"Don't go!" However, Lu Yuwei obviously underestimated Xianxian's stubbornness and directly broke away from her hand and rushed out to the notebook. Sure enough, a panicked man directly hit Xianxian's body and was suddenly tripped by a big horse by the little Xianxian. Xianxian flew out directly and held the black notebook in her arms.

In the night, Lu Yuwei didn't know where so many people came from. As soon as Jiang Xianxian landed, she was trampled on by many people, and several people kicked her and fell to the ground. These people all scolded and got up, and then continued to run east. At this time, Lu Yuwei had a chance to pull Xianxian back.

"Dad's notes are very important." Xianxian had a nosebleed and tears on her face, but she showed a smile that was worse than crying.

"Well, it's very important. Take it. We're going to run with them." Lu Yuwei still can't leave Xianxian here alone. From the panic sound around, Lu Yuwei already knew that another erosion broke out in Chengdu, so these people were fleeing crazily to the east.

"Dad is dead, isn't he?" Xianxian trotted with Lu Yuwei and suddenly asked gently.

"...Yes, it's dead. No one can survive a car accident at that level. At least, ordinary people can't do it." Lu Yuwei explained. During this period following Lin Bomeng, Lu Yuwei really saw how cruel the world has become. This girl named Xianxian doesn't know if she has a mother, but no matter what, she needs to become stronger.

Originally, there was a strong wind, but suddenly, it began to rain heavily again. The real heavy rain, the size of thumb, kept falling, and soon like pouring.

Lu Yuwei took Xianxian and ran less than a few hundred meters. Lu Yuwei was sure that she would continue to run like this, not to mention running for her life. The two probably died directly in the heavy rain. Seeing a residential community in front of him, Lu Yuwei quickly pulled Xianxian in. There were still voices in the community, but most of them had run away. Lu Yuwei took Xianxian to the second floor and found that a door was directly open and a small stool was stuck at the door.

Lu Yuwei took Xianxian and walked directly in and found that everything inside was relatively neat. Obviously, the owner left in a hurry after learning about the outbreak of erosion in Chengdu and did not even close the door.

Before the power was cut off, Lu Yuwei closed the door, then looked around and found two sets of clothes. Come on, you take a shower first. I'll wash my clothes. You wear this first.

"Is this my sister's home?" Xianxian asked.


"Isn't it why we can be so free in other people's homes?"

"It's okay. The master has already run away." Lu Yuwei said and pushed Xianxian into the bathroom. I will wash it by myself."

"When I was five years old, my father let me wash it by myself." Xianxian said proudly.

"Well, you're awesome." Lu Yuwei said and took the clothes they took off to the washing machine. Fortunately, it was fully automatic. After throwing it into the washing machine, Lu Yuwei also returned to the bathroom and took a shower with Xianxian. In the bathroom, Lu Yuwei carefully checked Xianxian's body to see if she had been kicked anywhere just now.

One place, two places... one place... Lu Yuwei found that the bruises on Xianxian's body were beginning to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon, the original damage disappeared.

"Are you a summoner?" Lu Yuwei asked.

"What is the summoner?"

"Is it that you have a strange partner that can be summoned by your mobile phone?"

"No, Dad hasn't bought me a mobile phone yet." Xianxian shook her head. When Lu Yuwei saw Xianxian's blank appearance, she knew that Xianxian was not lying, but she was not a summoner, so was Xianxian special?

"Sianxian, have you experienced anything strange?"

"Strange thing, nothing strange." Xianxian thought for a while and shook her head.

However, Lu Yuwei is very concerned that there has been an erosion in Chengdu. Now in this weather, she can't escape, and with the appearance of their small arms and calves, even if the weather is good, it is estimated that they can't run far. Staying here is just a expedient measure. Now the only way to save two people is to become a summoner...

"Singxian, think about it carefully, is there really nothing special?" Lu Yuwei didn't give up.

After thinking for a while, Xian still shook her head, and then suddenly her eyes lit up: "I followed my father to see the stars many times, but today when I followed my father's instructions to look at Aries, the stars fell to me. It's so comfortable."

"The stars fell on your side?"

"Yes, one star after another, but then I was shocked and the stars disappeared." Xianxian said that Lu Yuwei listened, but the more she listened, the more confused Lu Yuwei became.

After helping Xianxian dry her body, Lu Yuwei found a hair dryer in the room and quickly dried the clothes in the washing machine with a hair dryer. Suddenly, Lu Yuwei thought of a question, that is, the black notebook that Xianxian cares about. What is recorded in it?

After quickly drying the clothes and putting them on herself and Xianxian, Lu Yuwei quickly opened the notebook that had been wet for a long time. Because there is black thick skin, even if it is wet, the content inside is still intact, but you need to be careful when reading. Lu Yuwei carefully turned through a few pages, and her head became bigger. Some of the professional terms and symbols on it couldn't even be understood at all.

It can't be this thing!

Lu Yuwei shook her head herself. She couldn't understand what was wrong with such a small child as Xianxian. It seems that we still need to ask Xianxian what's going on.

"Sister, is there anything strange about it?"

"Xianxian, now tell your sister carefully what you thought when you looked at the stars at that time, and did you think about anything?"

"Thinking about something, Dad said that I was an Aries, so he pointed out the direction of Aries for me to see, and then looked at it, and I counted them one by one according to the stars of Aries."

"Composition of stars?"

"Yes, it is the stars that make up Aries. The number of stars in Aries is 66, but there are 28 main stars, that is, 28 stars brighter than 5.5, and the rest are secondary stars." Xianxian is indeed the daughter of an astronomer. When it comes to constellations, it's all right.

"How did you count it?"

"Start with the brightest star and compare it with the body."

"Body control?"

"Well, Dad messed with himself, saying that he recently found that the position of constellations and the acupuncture points of the human body are very similar, but this kind of research certainly cannot be published, otherwise it will be refuted by the group of old guys above. Maybe there are no research funds..." Xianxian said, imitating her father's voice. It seemed that Lu Yuwei would not believe it, so she especially pointed to the position on her body and told Lu Yuwei that each position represented the main star. Of course, what Xianxian said was the star position of Aries.

Stars, acupuncture points...!

Can you gain more power than ordinary people?

Lu Yuwei looked at Xianxian and was a little puzzled, but it was at this time, and it didn't matter to try it. Moreover, even network characters in this world have life, and the earth has inexplicably exploded several times, although we still don't know what the essence of erosion is. So, there is nothing strange about the fact that stars can give people special power. In many novels, there is a saying that they use the power of stars.

However, in this weather, Lu Yuwei took a look at the dark sky outside, and the heavy rain kept falling like a splash. Obviously, it was impossible to watch the stars. Moreover, Lu Yuwei doesn't think she can see any stars with her eyesight.

"Sianxian, do you have a telescope at home?"

"Yes, Dad's custom-made astronomical telescope." Xianxian nodded affirmatively.

"Where is your home?"

"It's on the top floor at the corner not far from the car accident." Xianxian said here, and her expression suddenly darkened again. Lu Yuwei rubbed Xianxian's little head. Is it not far from the car accident? Remember, if Xianxian's way is really effective. No, you can't just look at the stars. You also need to know the comparison chart of acupuncture points and stars.

Lu Yuwei immediately looked at the black leather notebook again, hoping to find something relevant in it. Sure enough, when Lu Yuwei turned over one-third, she finally found several star charts, but most of them were incomplete. There were only eleven complete ones, namely Aries, Aquarius, Andromeda, Water Serpenis, Lyra...