Fantasy Country

Chapter 60 Situation

Is a new universe forming?

After listening to Lu Xuedao's words, Xie Sutong was stunned. Like Lu Xuedao, Xie Sutong subconsciously shook her head, which was impossible! Why is it impossible? Xie Sutong can't even say it herself. She always feels that the vast universe can't just be such an ordinary beginning.

Isn't the new universe such an ordinary beginning?


"Sister, this is my home, but the key is with Dad." When Xianxian said this, tears flowed down again. Her father, who has crashed into a pile of car accidents below, probably can't even find the almost complete body.

"Hmm!" Lu Yuwei smashed the door fiercely with a hammer, smashed the door lock a few times, and then pushed the door open and walked in. Before coming here, Lu Yuwei guessed that it was impossible to enter the room so simply. Although many people fled in a panic, many people finally locked the door. In these people's hearts, they probably thought that they could come back in the future.

Although Xianxian is small, her mental quality is relatively good. After returning to her familiar home, she immediately took Lu Yuwei to her father's room where she usually observes stars.

After Lu Yuwei entered this room, she found that the ceiling above her head was actually transparent curved glass. After the heavy rain stopped, the transparent glass fully reflected the night sky. It seems that Xianxian's father is not an ordinary person, and he can actually transform the roof room like this. Thinking about it, ordinary people can't study these star charts.

"Sister, what should we do?"

"You come first, as you did before, to attract the power of the stars." Lu Yuwei said to Xianxian.


When Xianxian came to the front of the astronomical telescope and quietly looked at the canopy, Lu Yuwei was also quietly looking at the canopy and paying attention to Xianxian's changes at any time. However, after a few minutes, Xianxian looked back at Lu Yuwei. Needless to say, there must be no reaction.

"Try again!" Lu Yuwei said.

As a result, I tried for another half an hour, but nothing had changed. Lu Yuwei also didn't know whether it was a coincidence or coincidence that Xianxian said that she had attracted the power of the stars, and whether it had anything to do with the star chart.

However, no matter how you guess, practice is still the most important. There has been a huge erosion in Chengdu, and they can't run out with their small bodies. After knowing the network life, Lu Yuwei thought of many ways to have her own network summoning life. However, even Lin Bomeng can't explain how to have his own online summoning life. The most reliable way is to let the network life find it by himself, but this is also the most unreliable way. never know if you have the opportunity to wait for online life.

First picture: the star number map of Aries!

Lu Yuwei took another look at this star map, then silently compared her body along the star number, and then looked at the starry sky through the astronomical telescope.

Ten minutes later, Lu Yuwei confirmed that there was no feeling.

The second picture: the star number of Aquarius!

Lu Yuwei tried in the order of gold, silver and bronze. Anyway, in Lu Yuwei's cognition, gold is more powerful than silver. In that Saint, the Golden Saint has an insurmountable gap with other silver and bronze Saints. Unfortunately, Aquarius still has no reaction.

There are ten other golden constellations. If possible, Lu Yuwei certainly wants to try the other ten constellations, but unfortunately, among the twelve golden constellations, there are only star maps of Aries and Aquarius.

Slightly disappointed, Lu Yuwei looked at the star map of the silver constellation. There are five star maps of the silver constellation, namely Lyra, Pscorpio, Cygarius, Triangulue and Raven. Lu Yuwei planned to try one by one, but after searching in the sky for a long time, Lu Yuwei found that she could not find several constellations.

Before that, Lu Yuwei's understanding of constellations was just boring things such as personality, fortune and love represented by constellations. These are also the most common knowledge about constellations on the Internet. Now Lu Yuwei suddenly asked her to find the constellation in the sky. Facing the vast starry sky, she could not tell which stars represented which constellation.

"Sianxian, do you know where the Lyra is?"

"Well, I know." Xianxian nodded, then came to the front of the telescope, turned around, and then pointed to a square, saying which stars constituted the so-called Lyra. Lu Yuwei couldn't help sighing that she was indeed the daughter of an astronomer. If she really did it herself, she must be blind. However, Lu Yuwei did not know that Xianxian only knew a few constellations, and it happened that these constellations were the most observed by her father.


When trying the third silver constellation, the Virgo, Lu Yuwei suddenly felt a soft and sharp force emerging in her body. A slight wind rolled up from Lu Yuwei's side, and Lu Yuwei's clothes were immediately cut directly and fell to the ground. Lu Yuwei quickly stabilized her mind, and then quietly sensed it on the acupuncture points on her body along the stars. Every time she sensed a star, Lu Yuwei could find that a force came from the starry sky above, and then something seemed to be loose in her body.

Xianxian has long been reminded by Lu Yuwei. If anything happens to Lu Yuwei, don't panic and just look at it quietly.

The number of stars in Grus is 44. After Lu Yuwei simulated the constellations in the body one by one according to the number of stars, a small constellation projection appeared around her body in an instant. Lu Yuwei was in this constellation, slowly suspended in the air, and her body involuntarily posed as a crane.

The faint starlight in the sky slowly became solid, and finally fell on Lu Yuwei's body as if it were pouring down on the house where Lu Yuwei was.

A soft beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters penetrated the sky and pierced the endless sky. Those around who fled for their lives from Chengdu and ran here suddenly found this amazing scene. This beam of light is not dazzling, but soft. In the dark night sky, it attracts everyone's attention like a lighthouse. Even people who are busy running for their lives can't help looking in this direction.

The existence of summoners is no longer a secret, and even everyone knows that the world is undergoing great changes. Does this beam of light mean that there is a powerful summoner, and this beam of light... is the power of cyber life?

After being slightly stunned, some bold people nearby, or people who felt that the future was dark, began to run in this direction with that faint hope.

Lu Yuwei quietly indulged in the power of the starry sky and felt the mysterious and vast power. Suddenly, there was a slight click, the door was gently pushed open, and a tall man quietly came in. As an ordinary person, he is in supreme awe of the mysterious summoner. When he came to the room, the man was stunned at the door and looked at the ** girl floating in the air and bathed in starlight.

Lu Yuwei slowly opened her eyes, and the constellation projection around her trembled, but because she had been prepared for a long time, she did not disperse like Xianxian.

"Excuse me, are you the Summoner?" The tall man asked carefully. He has regarded Xianxian as a summoner and Lu Yuwei as a cyber life.

Xianxian looked at the tall man and carefully hid behind Lu Yuwei.

When the tall man saw that no one replied, he couldn't help rubbing his hands and was a little overwhelmed. At this time, a few footsteps came from outside the door, and two men and one woman rushed in, and then suddenly crowded at the door. Everyone looked at Lu Yuwei floating in the air and dared not surpass it at all. Internet life is extremely awesome for them.

Lu Yuwei looked at these people quietly and suddenly said, "Get out!"

The green female voice did not seem to have much pressure, but Lu Yuwei's slender right leg gently scratched, and countless stars suddenly turned into a curved moon and flew out of Lu Yuwei's toes. With a soft sound, the crescent moon suddenly flew between several people, and the whole building was cut in half, and the person standing in the middle fell to the ground with all kinds of blood and internal organs.

To be honest, Lu Yuwei just subconsciously felt that she could attack. She didn't expect that she would become like this and suddenly kill a person. Lu Yuwei's mood suddenly fluctuated violently, and the constellation projection disappeared in an instant, and then fell from the air. Lu Yuwei, standing on the carpet, said another word - "Get out!"

No one dared to stay this time, and they all rushed out like crazy.

Lu Yuwei looked at the blood and internal organs on the ground and the corpse that had become two halves. Suddenly, she felt a sense of nausea in her heart, and then suddenly covered her mouth and endured the feeling of vomiting in her heart.

"Go!" Lu Yuwei grabbed Xianxian, who was already stupid, and ran directly to the edge of the window. Lu Yuwei knows that they can't have too much contact with these ordinary people. If they know that Xianxian is not a summoner and she is not an online life, these people will definitely be curious. And the result of curiosity is a glimpse of this mysterious and powerful power.

Lu Yuwei is not a saint and will not tell others the star chart so kindly. The short experience of being taken away by the country made Lu Yuwei more aware of the importance of having power.

Lu Yuwei jumped gently, and the power of the wind behind her slowly formed a pair of transparent wings, like a real crane, and then she floated in the air unsteadily. Although she was not very proficient, it was enough. Lu Yuwei pulled Xianxian and jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.


Zhao Zhenxi suddenly opened the iron door with his body and fell on the ground unprepared before getting up.

After coming outside, there was no one. Zhao Zhenxi didn't know what had happened, but this was her only chance. If you can't escape, it's better to die than to stay in this hell on earth. Everything you have experienced in a short time have completely broken Zhao Zhenxi's pure girl's heart.

After coming outside the villa, Zhao Zhenxi's dead eyes were reflected in a doomsday tragedy.

After being slightly stunned, Zhao Zhenxi suddenly laughed nervously, and finally burst into tears. At this time, even Zhao Zhenxi couldn't tell whether she was still laughing or crying.