Fantasy Country

Chapter 77 Death plane

Lu Xuedao suddenly woke up and wanted to open his eyes, but his eyes seemed to be glued by something, and he couldn't open them at all. After a lot of effort, Lu Xuedao tried his best to open his eyes. As a result, the newly condensed eyelids were directly torn and the blood slowly soaked into his eyes. Through the blood, Lu Xuedao saw a faint red color.

Surrounded by deserts, he is at the bottom of a sunken bunker and can't see farther. The sky above his head was gray and shrouded in light red, and Lu Xuedao didn't know whether it was the blood in his eyes or something else. Lu Xuedao looked at it for a while, felt his body again, and finally suddenly laughed.

"Oh, hehehe..." Lu Xuedao can't laugh loudly now, but Lu Xuedao just wants to laugh now, just like a joy for the rest of his life.

It's not dead!

Although Lu Xuedao didn't know where he was, Lu Xuedao could tell that he was not dead. However, even if he was not dead, it didn't seem to be good. Lu Xuedao felt a sharp pain all over his body. Obviously, the thunder and lightning burned almost all the surface of his body. The charred skin and the flesh and blood of the lower layer of sebum are stained together, forming a layer of charred shell, and now Lu Xuedao can feel that his body is slowly healing.

Lu Xuedao tried to move, but he couldn't move, and even his hands and feet could not be clearly sensed.

Sure enough, it's still too bold!

Lu Xuedao lay quietly in the sand pit and silently thought about his experience during this period. Knowing that even the desire species instinctively did not want to approach the center of erosion, he unexpectedly broke in like this. I'm afraid that even if it is not struck by lightning, there are more dangerous things in it. Didn't he just think about how the evolution of the universe can be so simple?

"I'm sorry...sister!" Lu Xuedao closed his eyes.

Lu Xuedao knew that he was too overestimated. He thought that if he knew a little spiritual power, he didn't know the depth of heaven and earth. He thought he was superhuman, but in the face of such a sudden change, he was also just an ant.


Lu Xuedao thought he would die, even if he luckily picked up a life. But to Lu Xuedao's surprise, he didn't know how much his body was electrocuted. Unexpectedly, he was not dead, and there were signs of recovery. However, this is definitely not Lu Xuedao's own recovery ability, because Lu Xuedao can see that a little bit of virtual electronic data condenses on the edge of his wound and then forms a new body.

Network life!

Lu Xuedao only has this idea. In this case, there is undoubtedly only one possibility. Only cyber life can be repaired and formed in this way.

Lu Xuedao speculated that he probably fell into a network plane world, and then was assimilated by the law and became half a network life. Those virtual electronic data are actively 'repairing'... or it is more appropriate to 'form' a new one. Just like the birth of other online life.

However, it is obvious that he is not a complete network life, so this speed is very slow, slower than the real wound healing. However, it was through this slight change in life form that Lu Xuedao did not die, but survived. He survived without eating or drinking, only supported by those virtual electronic data.

The body seems to have been repaired, but his change has not stopped, but is still continuing, which also fully proves Lu Xuedao's conjecture. He is not healing, but reincubating as a new 'network life'. Of course, he is definitely not a pure online life. Only God knows what's going on.

Lu Xuedao doesn't know what he will become, but it doesn't seem to be in line with human aesthetics. His originally broken ribs seemed to be bone hyperplasia during the repair process, which was a little out of control. The white bone shell gradually grew from the waist to the outside, and there seemed to be signs of covering the whole body. Lu Xuedao can't see what he looks like now, but he must be... very ferocious.

When Lu Xuedao was able to move again, the bone shell almost covered the whole body. Except for the left face and left arm, Lu Xuedao's other places are covered with hard white bone shells, with sharp bone spurs at various joints, and a thick and slender bone tail behind him.


"It's getting less and less human." Lu Xuedao sighed helplessly.

Since a few days ago, Lu Xuedao knew what plane he came to, the plane of Death, one of the three major migrant workers' comics. Obviously, the endless desert around him is a virtual circle, and he has also been accepted by this plane world and has become a 'virtual'. Like other virtual data, the real body is gradually formed by virtual electronic data.

Void: The unique creatures in Death are actually evil spirits that have lost their minds, but as their strength increases, they will gradually restore their minds and return to human appearance.

Lu Xuedao walks slowly in the desert and occasionally sees the new virtuality, but unlike the real virtuality in Death, these virtualities are still like low-intelligence monsters in computer games. They have no self-consciousness at all and can only make some simple repetitive actions.

However, Lu Xuedao can still occasionally see some high-intelligence virtuality. Lu Xuedao doesn't know whether these guys are the characters that appeared in the original work or were really conceived from scratch. Lu Xuedao himself prefers the latter. These guys are not a specific role, but a real... life bred by this plane.

There are many online characters, but in fact, no matter what the works are, there are only a few famous and surnamed characters. Of course, a world cannot be composed only of these characters. More, of course, there are countless grassroots miscellaneous soldiers and ordinary people. Lu Xuedao found that when the network plane gradually formed, these grassroots soldiers and ordinary people were also formed. At the beginning, these characters were really like the repeated refreshed monsters in online games, and they had no sense.

However, as time goes on, these guys also begin to have their own consciousness. The consciousness from scratch, unlike other roles, comes from human cognition and settings, but completely their own consciousness.

Although Lu Xuedao has not found a few of this kind of guy, Lu Xuedao knows that if the world continues to change like this, one day these virtual planes will become a real world, a world as vivid as the earth, and these 'NPCs' will also become the indigenous people of these plane worlds.

However, what will happen to the world? Lu Xuedao doesn't want to pay attention to it for the time being. Now Lu Xuedao is thinking about how to get out.

Obviously, he was hit by lightning, and then... crossed!

Well, in this case, isn't it just time travel? However, of course, unlike the kind of time travel in the novel, this plane is not a separate world, and it has a great connection with the real world. Moreover, the world has not been completely formed and is not perfect. In the end, he has no golden fingers. Even if he knows the plot in Death, he can't use these things to pretend to be prophetic, let alone push down the beauty of the world.

The main characters in Death should have appeared. Perhaps, one of them should be asked how they went to the real world to find the right person. Reasonable, Death and Xu both know the process of their appearance and should not be hostile, but no one can say for sure. I'm a virtual now. If I meet Death, I don't think I will reason with myself... So, I can't find Death.' Lu Xuedao thought slowly in his heart.

You can't go to death, so on the side of the virtual circle... Lu Xuedao still remembers a Lan Ran, ten blades, and several other original captains, and the others don't remember. However, these guys don't have a good relationship. Lu Xuedao doesn't plan to meet these people. Once they meet, in his current status, he is likely to become a pawn in other people's hands.

Of course, there are still good people in the ten blades, such as the Nelly Elle Du... What is it? Lu Xuedao can't remember Nilu's full name, but he still remembers that she is a green-haired beauty with big breasts, who has had such and such a kind of ties with the protagonist, um... one of the quasi-harem.

However, this kind of role can't be found if you want to find it. Lu Xuedao doesn't think he can meet Nilu in two steps and then succeed in abducting.

One more thing... Lu Xuedao looked at his bony shell and narrowed his eyes. The world of death is still a world of high force value. There are many combat skills in it, such as ghosts, instant steps and so on... Forget these. Lu Xuedao believes that the ten spiritual skills in Nocino's stupid "Spiritual Analysis" should be better. However, can he learn the unique soul-killing knife, the solution and the return blade?

If it had been in the past, Lu Xuedao would certainly not have thought so, because his online summoning life is Nocino, and his life field is assimilated with Nochino. But now, he has become a big vanity. He should... be able to learn, right?


Lu Xuedao sighed, and it was still that matter. He did not dare to casually contact the characters on this plane. The network plane world is different from that in fan fiction. These characters have long known human settings for them and the world through relevant channels. If someone thinks that they can rely on those things to fool, step on this and that in this world, soak up this beautiful woman and that beauty... he will definitely die miserably!

Xie Sutong's younger brother is like this. Lu Xuedao doesn't want to be the next such a second.

Lu Xuedao saw a big void spinning within a radius of more than 100 meters, or 'NPC', and suddenly raised an idea.