Fantasy Country

Chapter 79 plane strength system

Like Lu Xuedao guessed, Japan is not the first successful country. In fact, Lu Xuedao himself does not know how much time has passed, but in the real world, more than a year has actually passed. For more than a year, there has been no third erosion, and most of those desires have been wiped out under the joint hands of human scientific and technological forces and summoners. It can't be contagious. Even if individuals are stronger than human beings, they are still not opponents of human beings.

Of course, it's just mostly...!

Each country must have retained some kinds of desire in some ways and carried out various experiments. In addition, a small number of desire species seem to have mutated, and some of their reason has recovered, lurking in the human world. Usually, they are no different from ordinary people, but occasionally with impulses, amazing disasters will break out. Moreover, ordinary police will never catch this new type of alien species, and only the summoner can deal with it.

itself has more power than ordinary people, coupled with the needs of society and the country, summoners are rapidly becoming a new special class in society. Moreover, the appearance of the summoner will not depend on your previous identity. Whether you are a high-ranking rich man or not, you are not a suitable person. It's even better to say that even those who are fit, cyber life disdains to choose such those who are fit as their summoners.

In order not to be completely eliminated in the later world, the original power class needs to gain the same power, surpassing the power of ordinary people, while their current rights are still useful...

Maybe there are other reasons. In short, there are countless experiments on the earth now.


In the face of Lu Xuedao's three mice, they can't die anymore, and in the other directions, those people are not easy to live. They are chased by both ends. With the quality of their ordinary people, it is impossible to escape far at all. However, due to Lu Xuedao's accident, the last two people were not killed, but directly turned into virtual electronic data and disappeared in place.

Obviously, the delicious food was about to come to his mouth, but it suddenly disappeared. After the 'virtual' howling angrily, he looked at Lu Xuedao, but he was still smart and didn't come up. The sense of power between the same kind is clearer. Obviously, Lu Xuedao is better than him.

Lu Xuedao stopped at the place where the two disappeared, looked at it silently for a while before leaving.

I'm afraid this group of white mice have been cheated, including Lu Xuedao. Perhaps that watch does have the ability to bring their consciousness back to reality, but it is definitely not controlled by themselves, but in the hands of the group of people in the real world. They couldn't leave before, but the real world wanted to collect more information. When the last two are confirmed to be unable to collect more information, of course, they will pull their consciousness back to the real world.


Lu Xuedao guessed correctly. In a large underground research institute in Kyoto, Japan, a group of researchers in white coats are busy. The picture in a screen is divided into 23 small screens. The lens in the screen is very messy and blurred, but it can be seen that this is the perspective of different people. A middle-aged man looked at the chaotic picture inside calmly.

"Dr. Morita, the picture integration has been completed." A researcher ran over.

"Play it." The middle-aged man nodded after hearing the words.

The picture in the big screen paused for a moment and began to become a picture. Although it is still blurry, you can roughly see all the things. Twenty-three people suddenly gathered from electronic data into real bodies, and in front of everyone was a vast desert, endless.

After the initial conster of surprise, these 23 people began to cheer, which was nothing more than the success of the experiment. After cheering, the group began to count the number of people and found that there were only 23 people, and the other 77 people did not know whether they fell elsewhere or failed the experiment.

While guessing what plane it was, the group also walked forward together, and soon met the three-headed deficiency.

Run away as a prey, the group soon died, and only two people were pulled back to reality. The last paragraph of the picture is Lu Xuedao asking about the three people's history. There was no sound, but everyone could see that the other side was asking the three people what it was. Then when they turned around, they killed all three people in a way they didn't see, and did not devour them like other virtual.

"Have you judged? What kind of plane is this plane?" Dr. Morita asked.

"It has been judged that this plane should be the plane of Death. The plane composition comes from China's long animation BLEACH, and these three monsters are the unique virtuality in it, and this desert should be a virtual circle." A researcher took a report form and answered seriously.

"What is the strength of this plane?" Obviously, Dr. Morita has no habit of watching animation.

"According to the current plane, it can reach level A."

"A-level, except for those ancient mythological planes, this level of power is already very strong, worthy of the world conceived by our own people in the Japanese Empire. The last monster... that one is empty, what do you think should be going on? When Dr. Morita heard this, a smile finally appeared on his cold face. When others heard the words, they couldn't help agreeing, saying that they were honored and lucky.

"I'm not sure, maybe Yachukas." Several researchers shook their heads. This kind of problem can't be guessed randomly.

"How are the other two?" After a while, Dr. Morita asked.

"Consciousness has returned to the body, but there are still some sequelae. The mind is not very clear, others..."

"There is no need to say more about the dead. Do you want me to teach you this kind of thing?" Morita interrupted another woman's report with an impatient face.

The woman who reported stood still. After a while, she nodded respectfully. She has just entered this research institute and is not very familiar with the things here. Obviously, in this research institute, human life is just a number. Death is nothing.

"When they are conscious, ask for more detailed information. In addition, the focus of the future will be on the plane of Death, and it is necessary to learn from this plane to the unique power system. After saying that, Morita glanced at the woman and found that the woman was quite beautiful.

"Okay, Doctor!" The woman answered smartly this time.

After leaving, Morita quickly reported the progress of the experiment to the senior management of Japan. When the people above heard that the experiment was successful and that someone had entered the network world, they were very happy. Moreover, this plane world is still a plane world conceived by the Japanese themselves.

"Well, the experiments are all ordinary people. It is very difficult to survive in a new power plane. If any summoner in the country's online summoning life also comes from this plane, I will apply for help so that the experiment can continue smoothly. Morita continued to ask as above.

"We will send someone down. Please wait and continue to improve..."

Morita took the phone and nodded. After a while, he hung up the phone. In fact, he has long known that among the group of summoners in the country, there is online life from the plane of Death, so he made this request. Indeed, if someone responds in a plane, it will obviously be much smoother.

After hanging up the phone, Morita turned on his personal computer and searched BLEACH. Not only animation, but also comics, all the information of the original work was searched. When these things were turned out, Morita made himself a cup of coffee and watched the animation seriously from the beginning while drinking coffee.

Different from the idleness of ordinary people watching animation, Morita takes it very seriously. Morita carefully recorded all the power systems, power settings, and every role in the world, even if it was just a passer-by, and sorted out a special table. At this time, his expression was extremely rigorous, and there was no servile appearance when he called just now.

As the owner of this research institute, Morita understands more clearly than others the power of network life and the power of different plane worlds. Now he has good knowledge, so he has become the owner of a research institute, but he will not be satisfied with this.

Even if there is no online life to find him and become his online summoning life, he will gain more power than ordinary people in his own way.


Lu Xuedao can be sure that the world will never be lonely in the future. It is not difficult to guess that since Japan has sent the consciousness of a group of people into the world, there must be a second and third batch... until their purpose is completed. It is not difficult to guess what the purpose is. It is nothing more than the unique power system of the death plane.

After the scream, the desert of the virtual circle continued to calm down, and the other two parts of the virtual who initially awakened consciousness were also smart and did not come to find Lu Xuedao's trouble.

Lu Xuedao did not leave here. He speculated that there were likely to be new Japanese here. He also wanted to see what the Japanese planned. A country will certainly not act unprepared. Since the purpose of the Japanese is this unique power system, Lu Xuedao doesn't mind learning it. Lu Xuedao is still relatively coveted some things on the plane of Death, which Lu Xuedao will not hide.

No matter when, there is nothing wrong with being powerful.

The scenery of the virtual circle is almost unchanged, and Lu Xuedao does not know how long it has passed. Finally, there is another fluctuation in the space, but not in the place where Lu Xuedao is waiting, but in the back. Lu Xuedao jumped in his heart, quickly got up and ran in that direction.