Fantasy Country

Chapter 81 Subordinate

He took such a feminine name in a hurry, and Lu Xuedao himself was speechless. However, Lu Xuedao did not have time to struggle with this issue, because there were more important things to follow. Lan Ran wants to test his strength, and by the way, he wants to have a detailed understanding of the first native big fiction of this plane.

"Urchiola, you can try the strength of our new partner."

Urciola did not answer, but nodded respectfully. Test strength... Lu Xuedao knows why. In addition to learning more about the situation of the original void, I'm afraid Lan Ran also wants to restart his ambition. As the villain boss born from human consciousness and cognition, Lan Ran inherited the ambition in the original work. Perhaps his ambition is not the one in the original work, but isn't such an interesting world more worth looking forward to?

The battle is obviously inevitable, but the extent to which it should be done is a question that Lu Xuedao needs to consider. If it is too weak, it will definitely be useless by Lan Ran, and it will not be good if it is extinguished as cannon fodder.

Just as Lu Xuedao was in his heart, he had followed Urciola to the desert outside the Virtual Night Palace. At this time, Urciola stood quietly in front of Lu Xuedao and did not mean to take action first.

That's it. The way of fighting has been explored during this period, which is obviously more in line with the self-groped of a newborn life. Lu Xuedao thought that a sharp bone knife popped out of the joints of his elbow, and the pale white bone actually had a soft metal halo.

Lu Xuedao paused for a moment and suddenly rushed out towards Urchiola.


The battle lasted for a few minutes and ended. Not surprisingly, Lu Xuedao was defeated, and it was also very miserable. However, it is not that it has no impact on Ulchiola at all. At least, Ulciola has returned to the blade, and Lu Xuedao has left a fatal wound on Ulciola's body. However, this injury obviously has no effect on Ulchiola, because Ulciola has overspeed regeneration.

Lu Xuedao is now lying softly on the ground. The bone shell on his body is more than half broken, revealing the body inside, and he doesn't know where the tail has broken.

Lu Xuedao smiled bitterly in his heart at this time. He still wanted to hide his clumsy and not reveal all his strength. However, when he fought, he found that this was simply a delusion. Urciola perfectly carried out Lan Ran's order to test his strength. Lu Xuedao was really forced to exert all his strength, because... Lu Xuedao felt that if he had any trace of a hand, he would not be seriously injured, but died directly.

However, Lu Xuedao didn't expect that he could fight like this with Urciola and forced him to return for the first time.

The strength of network life now has an upper limit! So, that is to say, his current strength is approaching this upper limit, and even in the face of other network life, there is no room for him to counter it as before. Lu Xuedao thought of it in his heart.

At this time, Lan Ran was extremely happy, and this new virtual strength was not bad. It's just that the skills are a little rough, and I don't know what the core of his strength is. However, in general, as a new subordinate, it is still very valuable.

"Very good strength, follow me in the future." Lan Ran smiled gently and put his soul-killing knife on Lu Xuedao's shoulder. At this time, Lu Xuedao had no ability to move at all and could only let Lan Ran do this, and even if there was, Lu Xuedao did not dare to move casually.

Lu Xuedao felt a force pouring into his body, and his injury suddenly began to recover quickly.

How can blue dye be treated...? Lu Xuedao was puzzled, but soon threw this problem overseas, because at this time, he actually raised his heart with respect and took the initiative to get up, kneel down on one knee, and swear allegiance to Lan Ran.

Lu Xuedao felt extremely natural, but he felt extremely abnormal. How could he...!

The blue-dyed soul-killing knife - mirror flower and water moon can completely hypnotize people!

Looking at the soul-killing knife still on his shoulder, Lu Xuedao sighed helplessly. It was over. He must have been hypnotized. This kind of hypnosis usually shows nothing. Even if you know that you are hypnotized, you can't get rid of it. Only when you are really against Lan Ran will it show it. On the contrary, everything you see, hear and feel at that time may be false.

"This is my soul-killing knife, mirror flower and water moon, hallucination system. It has the ability of complete hypnosis. Don't worry, I didn't use it for you. I just use the soul-killing knife as a medium to heal your wounds." Unexpectedly, Lan Ran said a sentence that made Lu Xuedao extremely stunned.

"Big Xu has no heart, so there is no soul-killing knife, but it has its own core of strength. Speaking of which, where is your virtual hole?" Lan Ran said doubtfully and looked at Lu Xuedao's waist, where there was a hole formed by bones, but it did not look like a hollow hole.

"After you go back, study carefully. If you want to know more information about the world, Lori will tell you. In the end, Lan Ran still regarded the void as a virtual hole of Lu Xuedao without pursuing it too much. At this time, another girl came out from the side and came to several people.

"Loley, take Luno down to rest, and you will tutor him with basic common sense." Lan Ran said to the broken-faced girl.

"Yes, Lord Lan Ran!" This broken-faced girl is obviously one of the countless broken faces of Lan Ran's men in the original work. Of course, this plane was initially formed, and many of the characters in the original work did not want to follow the trajectory of the original work and left the Virtual Night Palace.

When Lu Xuedao was taken away by Lori, he was still thinking about why Lan Ran would tell him the message of the soul-killing knife. After a while, Lu Xuedao thought that this plane is no longer a separate plane, but has a close relationship with the real world. If you want, it is easy to learn a lot of information about this plane from the real world.

Lan Ran is a very arrogant person. He must disdain to lie when he knows that he can't hide it. On the other hand, the purpose of Lan Ran is probably not this newly formed plane this time, but the real world... or the whole changing world.

When Lu Xuedao was thinking in a mess, he had been taken down by Lori and lived in a room to recuperate.


When Lu Xuedao was recovering from his injury, Lori explained to Lu Xuedao the composition of this plane and its relationship with the real world. Although Lu Xuedao knew these things more clearly, he did not show them at all, but listened to them very seriously as if he knew them for the first time. Of course, Lu Xuedao is more concerned about the exclusive combat skills of this plane explained by Lori and him, especially the information about the core of strength.

Daxu has no heart, so there is no way to show their own soul-killing knife. Their soul-killing knife is actually sealed by the core of their own power. When the big virtual soul-killing knife returns to the blade, it will liberate its own strength and reach the strongest time.

However, when Lu Xuedao studied, he found that he had not lost his heart like other big virtual. The hollow in his waist was not a virtual hole, that is to say, he still had the opportunity to awaken his soul-killing knife. And he is now a virtual head, which also means that he can still find a core of power...

Although it was just a guess, Lu Xuedao was also very shocked.

From time to time, Lori also showed slight jealousy of Lu Xuedao, as if she was dissatisfied with Lu Xuedao's attention to Lan Ran.

Lu Xuedao has no intention of flattering him. That's not what he is good at. Learning the power system of the world is the most concerned issue of Lu Xuedao now. Although this Luo Li is more jealous of Lu Xuedao, since she chose to stay in the Virtual Night Palace, she will not disobey Lan Ran's orders.

Occasionally, Lori will suddenly disappear while taking care of Lu Xuedao. After asking, Lu Xuedao knew that Lori had her own summoner in the real world and suddenly disappeared, which was summoned to help solve some problems. Of course, the emergence of cyber life is nothing more than fighting and requires strong force.

According to Lori's complaint, she seemed to be very dissatisfied with her current summoner, but she had to maintain this relationship due to Lan Ran's order. Because Lan Ran needs to know real-world news from the outside world, and with Lan Ran's personality, he obviously looks down on the summoner. Lori's summoner seems to be a real heir to the Ginovis family in the United States, and he can get more information.

When Lori talks about this summoner, she always looks contemptuous and seems to be very disgusted with his personal style. At this time, Lori also began to teach Lu Xuedao how to perceive his own suitability and how to establish a summoning technique with human beings... In short, Lu Xuedao has completely become a subordinate of Lan Ran.

Lu Xuedao also learns these things very seriously. Of course, the focus is always on the power system. Because Lu Xuedao himself doubted that he could really make a summoning technique with human beings? However, this is always related to whether Lu Xuedao can enter the real world, so Lu Xuedao still learns very seriously.

When learning these, Lu Xuedao couldn't help but think of his online summoning of life, Nocino. After such a long time, Nocino did not appear again, and I don't know whether it was the reason why he fell into the network plane or why Nochino had... fallen. Whenever he thinks of this, Lu Xuedao will habitually touch the earrings in his left ear.

"I have also learned the virtual flash, and finally it is the core of your own power. I can't teach you this. If you can perceive your own core of power, you can sense it. If you can't, you can't." When Lori saw Lu Xuedao launch a flash, she immediately said with a little jealousy.

Lu Xuedao has been learning from Lori during this period. I don't know if it is because both forces are called spiritual power. Lu Xuedao and Nochino's spiritual power is too universal. With this spiritual power, the unique spiritual power of the plane of Death can be simulated. Combined with Lu Xuedao's current virtual physique, he can really learn these combat skills. Only the soul knife and the core of power, I don't know if it is possible to have both, but Lu Xuedao can't feel anything.

"You can practice by yourself in the future. I think Lord Lanlan will give you an order soon." Lori is jealous. This Luno's talent is amazing. Should it be said that it is the first original Daxu of this plane? Obviously, Lu Xuedao will be reused under Lan Ran's hands in the future.

"Hmm!" Lu Xuedao responded faintly without a word of thanks. In fact, for the first time, Lu Xuedao wanted to thank politely, but Lu Xuedao found that Lori didn't care about this at all. She believed in the law of the jungle and respected the strong.

What else Lori wanted to say, but it turned out to be electronic data and disappeared. This situation has been seen many times, and Lori has been summoned again. No wonder Lori is angry every time. This call is completely mandatory. Occasionly, when something is interrupted, everyone will be angry.


Looking at the place where Lori disappeared, Lu Xuedao thought of Nocino again. Nocino...did you really fall?