Fantasy Country

Chapter 84 Care

Yomi Rialgo: "Death" ranks NO.10 in the virtual circle ten blades. Although the usual state is the weakest of the ten blades, when the power is completely liberated, it will become NO.0, which is the only ten blades that can change the number. The soul knife is an angry beast, and anger is the source of his power.


After Lu Xuedao was punched to the ground, he suffered a little injury, but in the same way, this injury is nothing to Lu Xuedao now. Lu Xuedao stood up, stepped out, and slowly walked back to the sky step by step. Now Lu Xuedao's heart is very calm, no excitement or anger, but calm.

Yami did not think that such a simple thing could kill Lu Xuedao. Judging from the short engagement just now, Lu Xuedao's strength is slightly weaker than him, but it is definitely not much weak.

You know, some time ago, when Urciola tested Lu Xuedao, although he almost killed Lu Xuedao, he was also forced to die and left a fatal injury. After systematic learning during this period, Lu Xuedao's combat skills have also become more proficient.

Although his heart was extremely calm, Lu Xuedao opened his mouth and showed a smile and a crazy smile. At the same time, thirty-six spiritual silk appeared on the surface of Lu Xuedao's body, swimming slowly like tentacles.

Although Lu Xuedao didn't say anything, he knew from Lu Xuedao's attitude that Lu Xuedao would be serious in the next battle.

Although the spiritual silk around Lu Xuedao is small, it still can't hide its teeth. Is this the bottom card of this big virtual? Is it actually a silk thread?

Indeed, no one would have thought that Lu Xuedao's weapon would be silk thread. According to Lu Xuedao's current appearance, the killer weapon should be a bone weapon. However, who knows that Lu Xuedao chose the spiritual silk as the first spiritual skill from the beginning.

Spiritual steps!

There have been some differences between the spiritual steps of Lu Xuedao and the spiritual steps of Nocino, integrating some advantages. Of course, it is only the most preliminary integration. After all, Lu Xuedao is not a demon and cannot be perfectly integrated in such a short time.

When Yami saw Lu Xuedao rushing over, he immediately showed a sarcastic smile, and then raised his right hand. But the next moment, the toothy smile froze on his face, and thirty-six spiritual threads did not know when they had wrapped around his body and restrained his actions.

[Spirit · Cutting]!

While Lu Xuedao hooked the spiritual silk, the bone knife in his hand had cut down to the toothy neck at the moment when the toothy action was bound.

When bound by the small silk thread, the tooth density began to struggle fiercely. For the tooth density, it is not a problem to break the silk. But the sharpness of the small silk is comparable to a knife. Just like ordinary people, if **'s body is wrapped with a few fishing lines, it is not difficult to break it with human power, but if it does so, it will definitely leave a deep wound on the body.

The teeth are dense with steel skin, and the body is extremely strong, but Lu Xuedao's spiritual silk is also not ordinary silk.

With a crack, the tooth densely pulled out its soul-killing knife and blocked Lu Xuedao's bone knife, but at the same time, the tooth dense body instantly splashed with countless blood.

At this time, Lu Xuedao smiled coldly, his body turned crazily, and countless bone spurs and bone knives in the joints everywhere kept attacking the teeth. At the same time, countless spiritual silks have always been wrapped around the teeth, and there is no need for Lu Xuedao to take the initiative to control the cutting. Whenever the teeth move, these tough silks will tighten, and then when the teeth break, they will also cut into the body of the teeth.

The battle took less than dozens of seconds, and the dense wounds on his teeth covered his whole body, like a bloody man. Although these wounds are not deep and just cut the epidermis, the tooth density looks extremely miserable.

[Return Blade • Indignation Beast]!

In less than a few seconds, the tooth density could not stand it anymore. He directly returned to the blade and liberated his soul-killing knife. Lu Xuedao's spiritual silk wrapped around the surface of the toothy body was all broken in an instant, and the toothy body also changed into a huge multi-legged monster.

When Lu Xuedao returned to the blade, he not only did not retreat, but directly grabbed his left hand with his right hand, and a sharp arm bone was directly pulled by Lu Xuedao. With Lu Xuedao's strength, the arm bone was directly pulled out, and the length was definitely not the length of Lu Xuedao's arm.

[Bone Gun]!

Lu Xuedao's face was extremely cold, and even at this time, Lu Xuedao's heart did not fluctuate at all, as if there were no waves like a calm lake. Just as Lu Xuedao was about to project the bone gun, a figure suddenly appeared in their battlefield.

Lan Ran appeared in the air and quietly pressed his right hand: "Stop, teeth, do you want to use the power you have accumulated here?"

When the teeth over there heard the words, they immediately stayed in place. Even if they were no longer Lan Ran's subordinates, the awe of Lan Ran bred from the original work was not ridiculous. And although Lan Ran's words were only half said, the tooth secret also knew that the accumulated power should not be used here. The third erosion has appeared, and the tooth density still wants to grab Yuanhua and make up for its shortcomings. For example, his strength needs to be accumulated for a long time before it can be released once. He wants to overcome this and turn that power into a normal force, so that his strength really does not have to be afraid of anyone.

And Lu Xuedao here also grabbed the bone gun and stopped in place without continuing to attack.

"That's it!" Lan Ran didn't say much. After nodding to Lu Xuedao, he left here. It seems that although the other ten blades are no longer subordinates of Lan Ran, the deep-rooted influence given to them by human beings in the real world is still not so easy to eliminate.

"Come with me!"

And Lu Xuedao immediately followed Lan Ran back and ignored the dense teeth there. Obviously, Lu Xuedao's current strength has really been recognized by Lan Ran, and he is a relatively effective subordinate. In fact, Lu Xuedao may have been recognized for a long time, but this battle with teeth has deepened the attention of Lan Ran.

"Your strength has grown unexpectedly, but don't be complacent. Whether it is death or broken face, the main power is still on its own soul-killing knife. Without using the soul-killing knife, your strength is already good, but if you really use the soul-killing knife, you are not strong enough now. Lan Ran said to Lu Xuedao.

Lu Xuedao knelt down respectfully and didn't say anything.

"Go down, prepare well, and then go to the eroded real world together. Be sure to get Yuanhua." Lan Ran said.

Lu Xuedao nodded and turned around and left slowly. Whether it is superficial respect or respectfulness influenced by the mirror, Lu Xuedao feels that it is not uncomfortable to at least work under Lan Ran. Because no matter what his nature is, at least when he is not an enemy, his personality is still gentle enough. Lu Xuedao also saw that Lan Ran had no trust in his subordinates, but another strange relationship.


After Lu Xuedao was taken away by Lan Ran, the tooth density also changed back to its original shape, and He Aoji was also taken away. Looking at the appearance of the tooth dense, it does not look like healing wounds. Fortunately, there are also several ordinary broken faces under the teeth, and there are also some healing wounds.

After healing, He Aoji returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, He Aoji rubbed his sore body and fell weakly on **. The power of learning in the network plane can bring back to reality. Similarly, if you are injured in the network plane, your body in the real world will also be hurt. Of course, the most serious thing is to die on the Internet, and then the real world will die directly.

Looking at the date on the mobile phone, He Aoji reluctantly got up. He specially ordered a knife in the weapons store, just like the knife in the plane of Death, and today is the delivery date.

After the erosion began, the real world has undergone great changes. First of all, various controlled weapons began to relax and guns began to become popular. Similarly, cold weapons have also been welcomed by many people. Modern technology is certainly no worse than ancient technology, but cold weapons were not used in the past, so they were eliminated. Nowadays, cold weapons made by modern technology are also very popular.

He Aoji customized a soul-killing knife in a well-known weapon store in the city. Even if it can't be liberated, it is still a very good weapon outside. This was customized by He Aoji after spending almost all his savings. He doesn't want to miss the time.

"Ha!" He Aoji was still sighing when he went out.


After Lu Xuedao left, he continued to return to the top of the Virtual Night Palace and meditated, preparing to feel his soul-killing knife again. Lan Ran's words are right. Although his strength is not bad now when he is not suitable for the soul-killing knife, as Lan Ran said, since his current essence is 'virtual', his strength still depends on the soul-killing knife.

However, it is a pity that Lu Xuedao can't feel anything this time, and this opportunity to feel the soul-killing knife is also very rare.

The previous feeling seemed to be that I wanted to gain strength, not only pure power, but also the power to protect my relatives and friends. Lu Xuedao sat on the top of the virtual night palace for several days. Until Lori came to teach him, he did not feel the sound of the soul-killing knife again.

"No way!" Lu Xuedao said to himself gently and stood up.

It seems that the awakening of the soul-killing knife not only requires opportunities, but also desires for the sake of desire. Although he still wants to gain strength, he still can't get sense with the soul-killing knife.