Fantasy Country

Chapter 109 Back to Reality

A new plane world has been formed, and the farthest place is like Nocino's original hut, with countless virtual electronic data. If you want to enter the vast electronic universe from this plane world, you must go to the edge of the plane world. The small plane world is fine, and it will soon reach the edge, but the gradually perfect plane world like Death is very huge. If you want to go to the edge of the world, it will be extremely troublesome.

It seems that this has been known for a long time when the world was formed. In the plane world, there are also channels that can directly lead to electronic space.


Although it is a very vulgar name, no matter which network life it is, no one will have a second thought at this time. A pillar with a diameter of nearly one kilometer and unknown light is inserted straight into the sky and can't see the top at all.

This is the second way to leave the plane world through the sky pillar.

Lu Xuedao doesn't know whether there is a heavenly pillar in the corpse soul world and the real world of this plane, but the virtual circle has a heavenly pillar. As for the third way to leave this plane, it is to find your summoner and summon yourself by the summoner, so that you can disappear directly in place and appear in the real world. But even so, the first time you go out, you need to go through the first and second ways.

Lu Xuedao is now going to return to the real world through the pillar of the virtual circle. The pillar of the virtual circle is not far from the virtual night palace. If the plane is formed by human cognition and settings, the virtual night palace is equivalent to the center of the virtual circle, and it is reasonable for the heavenly pillar to exist in this place.

After Lu Xuedao came to the desert outside, he saw Rubby with that... that something, looking for something.

As a result, Lu Xuedao didn't even remember this guy's name. At this time, there was no one else around this guy named Hong Yue. Only his network summons Life Luby, a broken face, and other people who followed him from the real world to this plane are no longer here.

Lu Xuedao doesn't know how these people negotiated with Lan Ran, but since these people can appear in the Virtual Night Palace, they must have obtained Lan Ran's consent. Although the ten blades of the virtual night palace have long collapsed, but Lan Ran still occupies a relatively heavy weight. Without Lan Ran's consent, I don't think these people will come here.

Obviously, Lan Ran was also interested in this group of ordinary people who entered the virtual circle through experiments, so she kept them. This group of people from Chinese officials must be the same as that group of Japanese, all for the power system of this plane to see if they can learn it directly in this way. Of course, Lan Ran must also be testing something, so it's just a need for each other for the time being.

Lu Xuedao is not interested in these two people. The key is that they are right in front of him to Tianzhu. There was no reason to dodge, and Lu Xuedao flew towards the two people in the same direction.

Luby was at least NO.6 in the original work, so he felt the breath of Lu Xuedao from afar. A strange broken face flew from a distance. It seemed that the direction was exactly in this direction. Unconsciously, Lu Bi clenched his soul-killing knife.

Lu Xuedao ignored Lu Bi and this Hong Yue and flew directly from the two, not stopping at all.

"Who is this?" After signing the summoning contract with Lu Bi, Hong Yue made a lot of efforts to understand the news of this plane, but he didn't remember that any broken face looked like Lu Xuedao. Moreover, if it hadn't been for the five-cm long bone pendant and dress of Lu Xuedao's left ear, it would not have been possible to see that Lu Xuedao was broken.

"Runo, the Yachukas just now." Rubby said.

"Which one?"

"It's not the bone guy just now." Ruby squeezed her lips and said worriedly.

After the birth of the ten blades and other broken faces through human cognition and settings, they were suppressed by the upper limit of the strength of all network life. Lan Ran did not have overwhelming strength, so all parts of the ten blades collapsed and dominated by themselves. Everyone is working hard and constantly increasing their strength. Unexpectedly, Lan Ran walked ahead again, which could actually break the face of the great void. With the collapse of jade, Lan Ran will soon regain a large number of subordinates and consolidate his power.

"Are you really sure to subdue Nilu?" Rubby asked.

"Hmm." Hong Yue nodded. In fact, subduing Nilu was just a ambition of Hong Yue, but at this time, Hong Yue also saw that Lu Bi's attitude was a little subtle, so he nodded without hesitation.

"Then I will help you find Nilu quickly." Rubby said.

In fact, Nelly Ellu du Odeshuvank did not appear in the Virtual Night Palace, and the other ten blades had long guessed that Nilu was not born a mature body through human cognition, but the appearance of the child. Some curious ten blades have also gone to look for Nilu, but even if they go to the Big Void Forest in their memory, they have nothing to gain. What confidence does Rubby have to find Nilu?


Lu Xuedao was not interested in what this guy who didn't even remember his name wanted to do, but flew directly in the direction of Tianzhu. Soon, Lu Xuedao came to Tianzhu.

A white and transparent beam of light towering into the sky, unable to see the top of the head.

Lu Xuedao also came here during this period in the virtual circle, and even flew to the top on a whim. However, as if the space is infinite, Lu Xuedao has been flying for more than three days and has not seen where the peak is. Even, Lu Xuedao felt that although he was flying upwards, it was likely that he had not moved at all. Lu Xuedao did not know exactly what was going on, but felt that it was related to space.

Lu Xuedao directly entered the pillar this time, and then as if his whole body had been twisted. After coming back to his senses again, he has reached the vast electronic space, an electronic space closely related to the earth.

Lu Xuedao had an idea that his body was directly distorted and appeared in China as if there was no gap, and then his body began to rapidly change from countless virtual electronic data to a solid body.

If network life wants to appear in the real world, it needs media. Although Lu Xuedao can directly exist in the real world, the place where it appears is also a place to connect with the network. After Lu Xuedao opened his eyes, he found that this was a dilapidated Internet cafe. I don't know how to connect with online life in the real world, but one thing is more certain that there is nothing wrong with surfing the Internet, so the Internet cafe is full at this time.

The teenager who was playing a new Call of Life game was stupid in his position, because Lu Xuedao appeared on his computer table.

Lu Xuedao stood on the computer table and his body was completely solid. After opening his eyes, he found that a group of men and women around him looked at him with excitement and excitement.

"Well, are you a cyber life? Are you here to choose a summoner?" Refan ying, the teenager who was playing the game suddenly said excitedly.

However, Lu Xuedao glanced at the guy and said nothing. He flew out of the window next to him and quickly disappeared in the distance. After Lu Xuedao left, a group of talents in the Internet cafe boiled up. For ordinary people, although they knew the existence of network life, it was not so easy to meet. They did not expect to see network life in the Internet cafe.

However, who is the summoner here?

A group of people surrounded the teenager and thought he was the summoner. However, soon, this group of people determined that no one was the summoner, and that network life appeared alone... All kinds of excitement and speculation kept appearing, becoming more and more outrageous. Of course, more people are wondering if they can contact a network to summon life and become a summoner. This dilapidated little Internet cafe suddenly became extremely lively.

After Lu Xuedao left the Internet cafe, he intended to find a place to change his clothes immediately, but soon Lu Xuedao found that it seemed unnecessary.

It's really unnecessary. After two years, human society has undergone great changes. Although it is not much, there are also many special lone people walking on the streets. If it had been before, Lu Xuedao would have thought that he had entered the street of COSPLAY. But now, this situation is really not very strange in the human world.

Even most people carry knives. Lu Xuedao can see at a glance that although these knives may not be high-quality, they are definitely real guys.

Is society no longer calm to this extent?

After deliberately restraining his breath, Lu Xuedao walked on the street. Although some people looked at Lu Xuedao, he did not seem to be too eye-catching. However, Lu Xuedao decided to change his clothes early, because he is still different from others. As long as you look at it for a while, you can find that Lu Xuedao's temperament is very different from those who deliberately dress alone.

However, if you want to change your clothes, you need money. Lu Xuedao doesn't know how his home is in Chengdu... There is probably nothing left.

Walking through the street step by step, Lu Xuedao thought about how to get money. To be honest, Lu Xuedao knows that the so-called law is just a weapon used by the power class to restrain ordinary people, but Lu Xuedao has not yet reached the point of completely ignoring the law and acting recklessly. Or, this is not a law, but a kind of self-restraint in Lu Xuedao's heart.

What's the constraint? Go to hell!

At the end, Lu Xuedao said a self-deprecating sentence in his heart, ready to 'rob the rich to help the poor'. With Lu Xuedao's current strength, it is really not difficult to get some money from rich people, and losing a little money is nothing for those rich families.