Fantasy Country

Chapter 122 Grow, split teeth!

Clius suddenly waved the broken city hammer to meet him, but at that moment, the cracked teeth suddenly became shorter and then popped up again. As if blocking a phantom, the broken city hammer didn't touch anything, and at this time, Lu Xuedao's body rotated slightly again, driving the soul-killing knife to cut fiercely from Cleos' body.

The body of the Titan proto is extremely powerful, which is simply comparable to steel. Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife is not very deep, but Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife... itself does not rely on chopping to be the main damage.

With a sneer, the more than ten-meter-long wound cut by Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife suddenly changed. Countless sharp bone spurs burst from the wound to the surroundings in an instant.

In an instant, there was a harsh scream, and the harsh sound suddenly shook the surrounding space. Within a few hundred meters, it was constantly shaking, and the glass of those houses kept cracking. At this time, the soul-killing knife in Lu Xuedao's hand suddenly shortened, then aimed at the front and popped up again in an instant.

The suddenly grown soul-killing knife penetrated directly through Cleos' mouth and then penetrated through the back of his head.

With a bang, blood mixed with brain sprayed directly from the back of Cleos's head and splashed far behind. Even so, Cleos did not die. The broken city hammer fell fiercely towards Lu Xuedao, as if the whole sky had been driven, and countless lightnings swarmed towards Lu Xuedao.

Grow, cracked teeth!

Clius's head suddenly turned into a horrible stinging ball, and at the same time, Lu Xuedao was also drowned by the fatal blow of Cleos. The explosion caused by the huge thunder and lightning immediately affected all the surroundings. Jiang Yinzhao, the original opponent of Cleos, looked at the battlefield below with some surprise.

Who is this guy who suddenly appeared? And that attack method is really sinister, and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

The bones of his head turned into bone spurs, which stirred up Cleos' head. With a bang, Cleos's body fell down heavily. At this time, a tall man who was entangling with Jiang Yinzhao suddenly looked at the fallen Cleos in consters. Obviously, this is the summoner of Cleos. At the moment when the other party was distracted, Jiang Yinzhao suddenly patted the man's chest with dragon claws heavily.

The rhythm of the battle changed instantly, and the others around him were slightly stunned. However, Jiang Yinzhao commanded Taral to catch Lu Yuwei and take him away.

Up to now, everyone knows that if it is delayed, they don't have to fight. Lu Yuwei and Jiang Xianxian are probably dead directly.

However, at this time, a soul-killing knife appeared again from the bursting smoke and directly penetrated Teral's chest and abdomen.

Jiang Yinzhao just wanted to say that this attack would have no effect on the ghost dragon Terral. As a result, Terrell made a harsh scream and then suddenly fell to the ground. How can this be? Pure physical attacks will not be effective. Jiang Yinzhao thought so, and a network life information suddenly flashed in his mind.

The soul-killing knife of Ichimaru Silver, the captain of the first three teams in the plane of Death... magic gun!

Although all the characters in Death, whether broken or Death, are entities in animation, in fact, the two camps are spiritual bodies. Then, it is not surprising that this soul-killing knife can hurt the soul. Fortunately, Teral is a spiritual body and has no bones or anything. Otherwise, this attack will be enough to kill Teral.

Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife is indeed not the ability to fight against the sky, but it is also very difficult to deal with when fighting.

At this time, everyone's eyes followed the elongated soul-killing knife and looked into the broken smoke and dust, only to find that a white bone ball appeared in the middle, which was covered with countless cracks. The bone ball gradually cracked, and Lu Xuedao slowly stood up from the inside. His charred face was like a rupture, constantly peeling off the broken bones. After this layer of bones, it is the real body of Lu Xuedao.

The bones on the surface are broken, and it is obvious that the dying blow of Cleos does not have no effect on Lu Xuedao. However, the bone fragmentation outside Lu Xuedao is gradually stopping, and a new steel skin is being reshaped. It looks as if Lu Xuedao's broken face is gradually changing back to its original state, which is extremely oozing.

At this time, Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife was gradually taken back and became only 80 centimeters long.

However, no one dares to despise Lu Xuedao's short soul-killing knife. You will know how troublesome it is to deal with this kind of soul-killing knife that suddenly changes the distance. And judging from the battle just now, after being cut, it is not just as simple as the wound on the surface. It's horrible to think about it.

But who is this guy?

Lu Xuedao ignored the green dragon Tailar who fell to the ground and slowly walked in the direction of Lu Yuwei. Although Lu Xuedao's upper body was all ** and there were burn marks hit by lightning, no one to stop Lu Xuedao for a while. Another reason is that no one thinks that Lu Xuedao can take the two girls away from here.

However, there are still some people who are not used to Lu Xuedao. When the beetle passed by Lu Xuedao, it suddenly came out of the name of the lower ground and rushed directly from behind to Lu Xuedao's heart. However, several spiritual silks instantly appeared from the back of Lu Xuedao and suddenly entangled the palm-sized beetle, and then Lu Xuedao suddenly turned around and fell directly on the body of the beetle.

With a soft jingle, the powerful impact directly flew out the beetle, but Lu Xuedao narrowed his eyes slightly. The hard shell, and the soul-killing knife could not cut off the golden shell.

After a sneak attack, the beetle suddenly fell to the ground and didn't know which gap it had climbed into. By the way, the Internet summons life here, and there are more than just two things that are tricky. I want to take Lu Yuwei away later, but it will never be so easy.

There was a sneak attack by the Holy Bug, and others were suddenly a little wary of Lu Xuedao. The inexplicable silk thread, this guy who didn't know whether it was broken face or death, was not easy to deal with.


Lu Xuedao came to Lu Yuwei and Jiang Xianxian. Xianxian immediately looked up at Lu Xuedao fiercely, and then protected Lu Yuwei behind her.

"You are Xian Xian, right? Yu Wei, thank you for your care. I'm her brother." Lu Xuedao said.

Not only Xianxian was stunned, but the others around him were also stunned. Lu Yuwei has a brother? It seems that there is an older brother, but isn't Lu Yuwei's brother dead? How could he appear here in such a posture? Moreover, the soul-killing knife in Lu Xuedao's hand is not so powerful as the general broken face or death.

"Brother...Brother?" Xianxian said hesitantly.

"Well, you can also call me brother in the future." Xianxian still doesn't believe that Lu Xuedao is Lu Yuwei's brother, but for some reason, her body does not continue to stop. Lu Xuedao squatted down and looked at Lu Yuwei's dizzy face, and a huge anger rose in his heart.

Lu Xuedao put his right hand on Lu Yuwei's body and felt Lu Yuwei's heartbeat. If Lu Xuedao hadn't felt abnormally now, I'm afraid Lu Xuedao would not have felt Lu Yuwei's heartbeat.

[Spiritual Healing]!

The soft white light appeared in Lu Xuedao's hand. Everyone could see that Lu Xuedao was helping Lu Yuwei treat it. At this time, even people with other thoughts can't help but move. It's okay for someone to treat Lu Yuwei. Otherwise, if Lu Yuwei dies without waiting for the result of the battle here, it will be completely meaningless. Although Xianxian can also be a star, everyone thinks that Lu Yuwei knows more than Xianxian.

Stimulated by spiritual power, Lu Yuwei opened her eyes slightly, but Lu Xuedao's heart sank even more.

The spirit has the effect of delaying Lu Yuwei's injury, but it can't cure Lu Yuwei's current injury at all. Lu Yuwei's injuries are completely repeated battles, and the heavy injuries constantly accumulate on her body. After not dying for so long, it is purely another soft force that maintains her vitality.

Lu Yuwei opened her confused eyes, and a familiar and strange face appeared in front of her. For several years, Lu Yuwei thought that this face had completely disappeared in the world.

"Brother...?" Lu Yuwei said doubtfully.

"Yes, I'm Lu Xuedao." Lu Xuedao motioned Lu Yuwei not to speak. Now Lu Yuwei is simply a waste of her life to say one more word.

"Brother, I didn't expect to see you in the end. Do you still hate me? At the beginning, I didn't understand you and thought you killed your parents..." Lu Yuwei said word by word, and blood slowly flowed out of her mouth.

"I don't hate it. In fact, I've been paying attention to your news to see if your life at your uncle is good. Look, isn't there a boy named Wen Muping in your class, that is, the one who used to live in a community with us? I have been asking him to follow your news and tell me at any time..." Lu Xuedao said as he spoke, but tears couldn't help flowing out.

Who said that Lu Xuedao's feelings are indifferent is just because there is no emotional fluctuation.

"You are still a dead girl..." Lu Yuwei said, and she suddenly smiled and then closed her eyes.

"sister, sister!" Lu Xuedao called Lu Yuwei and carefully felt Lu Yuwei's physical condition. Fortunately, she was not dead, but fainted again. However, such an injury can be completely goodbye to the world if it is delayed for a while.

Lu Xuedao closed his eyes and then handed over Lu Yuwei to Xianxian.

"Continue to take care of my sister for a while, and I'll take you out." Lu Xuedao said to Xianxian. Xianxian foolishly took over Lu Yuwei and was still looking at Lu Xuedao curiously. Although Lu Yuwei occasionally says a little news about her family, there is little information about Lu Xuedao.

Lu Xuedao: The online summoning of life is a mysterious goblin, which is said to be closely related to the changing truth of the world. When Ya'an first eroded, the little goblin turned into a huge skeleton and then collapsed after the erosion disappeared. After that, you were rescued by Xie Sutong, and then parted ways on the road. The last time you appeared was Chengdu in the invasion and erosion. Finally, you disappeared and appeared again. You already have the power of the plane of Death. A man said something coldly.

Compared with Lu Yuwei, the value of Lu Xuedao is no worse than Lu Yuwei!

Lu Xuedao ignored what the man said and grabbed his hand on the soul-killing knife. Everyone on the opposite immediately raised all their attention, for fear that Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife would suddenly become longer.

"Grow, split teeth!"