Fantasy Country

Chapter 138 Death

Like the original trajectory, shining starlight suddenly appeared in the day sky, but unlike the previous trajectory, two constellations appeared in the sky.

Azurus and Aries!

There are only seven stars shining in Aries, but only 13 are left. Lu Xuedao suddenly found the difference between Lu Yuwei and Xianxian. Their bodies were shrouded in a layer of hazy starlight, which seemed to be real. At this time, the star representing the constellation of Hex disappeared in an instant, and the starlight on Lu Yuwei's body became a little dim in an instant.


Lu Xuedao instantly noticed this fact. Because Xianxian suddenly cried before, Lu Xuedao thought that Lu Yuwei was dead, but now he found that Lu Yuwei was not dead, and so was Xianxian. However, not dying does not mean that the two are not in danger. Their strength comes from constellations, which everyone here knows. So I quickly guessed that the stars above represented the remaining time of Lu Yuwei and Xianxian.

Seven, no, only six left, and Xianxian's number of stars only has 12 left.

Looking at the blood flowing from Xianxian's body, Lu Xuedao remembered that when the sacred beetle just gnawed into his lower abdomen, it directly penetrated Xianxian and rushed over. Lu Xuedao can use white bone growth to block the wound, but Xianxian does not have this ability. The wound that is penetrated means... deadly!

Lu Xuedao stumbled over to Lu Yuwei's Xianxian in an instant, and then immediately checked their bodies.

[Spiritual Healing]!

Of course, Lu Xuedao checked his sister Lu Yuwei first, but unfortunately, it was no different from the previous examination and could not be cured. Lu Xuedao gritted his teeth in pain and turned to help Xianxian treat it. Xianxian's injury was the hole penetrated by the Holy Bedbug. This kind of trauma was originally extremely easy for spiritual healing, but on the hole penetrated by the Holy Bug, there was a layer of heavy metal color, and Lu Xuedao's spirit could not even stop blood.

Blood kept flowing out of Lu Xuedao's fingers, and Lu Xuedao looked like crazy.

"Stop the bleeding, stop the bleeding, asshole!" Lu Xuedao muttered. However, the heavy metal color on the edge of the wound prevented the deepening of the spiritual power and stopped the treatment. Since the Scarma is a network life that has reached the upper limit of its strength, of course, the attack will not be treated so easily. What's more, Lu Xuedao's spirit is just learning from Nocino.

"Stop the bleeding... asshole!" Lu Xuedao's eyes kept leaving tears. As a result, he not only couldn't save his sister, but also implict Jiang Xianxian, a little girl.

When rushing from Lu Xuedao to Lu Yuwei and Xianxian, Hou Yi's sun-shooting arrows have been aimed at Lu Xuedao for the third time, but this time, Hou Yi did not shoot, but only aimed at Lu Xuedao. Everyone can see that Lu Xuedao is rescuing Lu Yuwei and Xianxian. For everyone, these two girls are also very important. If Lu Xuedao can really save their lives, they don't want them to die.

But... Looking at Lu Xuedao's appearance, you know that this kind of injury is not so easy to treat!

"As long as any of you can promise to save my sister and Xianxian, then I will take the initiative to go with him and promise to tell me everything I know without any concealment, and let you to dispose!" Lu Xuedao suddenly said loudly. Even if time goes back, Lu Xuedao still chose the latter without any hesitation in the face of the two choices of dying struggle and trying to finally save his sister.

"Are you serious?" Wen Guangwei suddenly asked and appeared behind Hou Yi.

"Do you need me to promise anything?"

Self-waste...hands! Wen Guangwei almost said this sentence according to the plot of the movie, but Wen Guangwei remembered that Lu Xuedao's hands had basically been abolished. The left shoulder was penetrated, and the right arm was directly smashed into fragments by shooting sun arrows. However, the ability of Lu Xuedao's whole body to grow bones can form a new bone arm.

"Who do you think you are? Is there any room for negotiation now?" Jiang Yinzhao grabbed his broken left hand and said ferociously. The left hand was completely abolished, which was completely unacceptable to the arrogant Jiang Yinzhao. If it hadn't been for the confirmation that Lu Xuedao and Lu Yuwei were still valuable, Jiang Yinzhao would have wanted to kill them directly.

At this time, three stars in the sky had faded. Originally, Nocino would have just arrived at this time, but after time back, Nocino was still in the Red Devil Hall. And due to the bet of Hongmo and Fergie, Nocino and Long Meiling will not appear.

Even Nocino is still playing with Nochira in the Red Devil Hall, and he doesn't know that the time flow has changed.

The starlight dimmed again. At this time, the sound of the helicopter came from a distance, and Xie Sutong jumped down from the helicopter. The few remaining summoners and network life were suddenly slightly alert. With their well-informed level, of course, they knew that Xie Sutong and Lu Xuedao were old knowledge, and also knew Xie Sutong's strength... cold angels!

There are only two stars left in the constellation, and only four stars left in Aries. Obviously, whether it is Lu Yuwei or Jiang Xianxian, there is not much life left. Everyone knows that it's a pity that the two of them died like this, but no one is sure to save them. In fact, among all the online lives present, I'm afraid that only Lu Xuedao's spiritual healing is a special treatment, and others will not treat it at all.

Lu Xuedao tried his best to use Linghe, and did not worry about his injury becoming more and more serious, but the initial Linghe could not cure the injury of the two people at all, let alone save their lives.

Although Xianxian originally had more stars, it disappeared faster than Lu Yuwei. As a result, the stars of the two were all dim at the same time and then disappeared.

Xie Sutong slowly walked behind Lu Xuedao and saw Lu Xuedao press his hands on Lu Yuwei and Xianxian's hands, with a faint white light in Lu Xuedao's hands. Xie Sutong knew that this was Lingyu, a spiritual healing learned from the little goblin Nocino. But now, this spirit has no effect at all. Lu Yuwei and Xianxian have completely lost their breath of life. They have... died!

At this time, other summoners and outsiders were also surprised that the woman in a black skirt, black stockings and a scarf actually came to Lu Xuedao's side, as if she was not afraid of being attacked at all. cruel!

Lu Xuedao stayed where he was, and the bright red blood of his hands kept reflecting into his eyes, and his body began to tremble. Everyone can see that because of the death of Lu Yuwei and Xianxian, Lu Xuedao's heart was greatly shocked. In addition, he was also seriously injured. Lu Xuedao is about to collapse now.


Suddenly, Xie Sutong slapped Lu Xuedao in the face, and the people around him who watched the battle through the video were suddenly shocked. From the battle just now, they already knew how fierce this broken face was. They didn't expect that the woman would dare to slap him in the face.

"Do you also want to die here?"

Lu Xuedao looked up and saw Xie Sutong's elegant and indifferent face. Lu Xuedao stood up slowly, and his right hand formed by bones grabbed his half-handled soul-killing knife. The surrounding summoners and the online summoning life instantly condensed their eyes. It seemed that the battle was not over. They did not expect that Xie Sutong would be Lu Xuedao's ally. On the information, Xie Sutong and Lu Xuedao did have some friendship, but they did not expect that Xie Sutong would help Lu Xuedao without hesitation at this time.


Both Hongmo and Fergie judged that if Nocino and Long Meiling did not appear, Lu Xuedao was very likely to die in this battle!

Although Lu Xuedao is not dead yet, the impact has appeared.

Lu Yuwei and Xianxian have really died. Unless time goes back again, this result can no longer be changed. And Hongmo and Fergie both know that there will be no such good thing. Time back is not a file, and it will not appear again and again.

Both Hongmo and Fergie sat in the room and watched the scene quietly.

Hongmo and Fergie's bet is whether Lu Xuedao will die in this battle. Although Lu Xuedao is not dead yet, it is obvious that he has favored Fergie. However, Fergie was not proud of this. Neither of them are ordinary people, and their mentality is very calm. Before the final result, their mentality will not change at all.

"Someone went out of the Red Devils Hall." Fergie said.

"Well, the condition of our bet is that the Red Devil Hall will not intervene during the battle, but after the battle, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Lu Xuedao still has something to do with the Red Devil Hall, even if they die in the battle... The Red Devil Hall can't really make them completely fall. Red ink did not shy away from it.

"And... Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife that belongs to death has not yet appeared, and it's too early to say."

"When Remilia forced me out before, I saw Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife that belonged to death?" Fergie asked doubtfully.

"What do you think?" Red ink is OK.

In fact, Hongmo does not know what Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife will be. The soul-killing knife comes from the realization of his own soul and represents everyone's deepest desire. Before the formation of the soul-killing knife, different experiences and mentality... will make the shape and ability of the soul-killing knife constantly change. Only at the moment of formation will it be finalized. So... If Lu Xuedao really awakens the soul-killing knife of death now, what ability will it be?


"Xie Sutong, are you going to rebel against the country?" Jiang Yinzhao questioned.

"You have gone too far! In order to learn the secret of the star map from the two little girls, the two girls were forced to this extent. It can be said that they were completely killed in your interests. Xie Sutong said calmly and pointed the ring in her hand at Lu Yuwei and Xianxian's body. The bodies of the two disappeared in place. This is the space ring that Xila found from the Western gods and demon plane.

After Xie Sutong put away the bodies of the two, a cross ring gun condensed in his right hand, and the scarf suddenly floated back, and the red petals kept flying.

At this time, Lu Xuedao also stood up and clenched his half of the soul-killing knife in his hand!

Xie Sutong and Lu Xuedao both know that the people opposite will not let Lu Xuedao leave like this. It's too dangerous! If Lu Xuedao leaves like this, it is obvious that Lu Xuedao will come to revenge. No one can imagine what it will be like when facing Lu Xuedao alone. Therefore, the best way is to kill Lu Xuedao directly here, although... Now Lu Xuedao has Xie Sutong as a helper.