Fantasy Country

Chapter 140 Reversing the Realm of Life and Death

Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong both want to end the battle quickly, but even if they are united, Yihui can't solve it in a short time. The saint of this goddess seems to have lost her mind, but it is even more difficult to deal with. Before the battle was over, Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong were alert and instantly dodged aside, and a long arrow flew through the middle of the battlefield.

Another long arrow!

Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong looked alertly in the direction of the long arrow flying, and suddenly found seven more powerful breaths. The two looked at each other. Do they really want to be left here? Why are there so many enemies? The long arrow just now has shown the attitude of the visitor.

As if coming from the darkness, soon, the new seven network summoning life and their respective summoners appeared in front of them.

Seven network life are all snakes.

1 Medusa: The snake-haired banshee in Greek mythology, her hair is full of twisted poisonous snakes, and her eyes can emit petrified light.

2 Hydra: It is also a monster in Greek mythology, representing ferocity.

3 Snake: a kind of ancient Chinese mythical beast with wings. It is said to be a half-dragon, which can swim in clouds and fog.

4 Snake: It is also one of the mythical beasts in ancient China. It has a human face and wings. It walks like a snake and attracts water.

50,000 snakes: the top ninja beast in the anime Naruto, with purple stripes, huge size, extremely fast speed and strong attack power.

6 Vaski: The owner of the Viper Temple in World of Warcraft is a snake, but rather than Naga. Anyway, it is a human snake tail with a bow and arrow in his hand. Obviously, the previous long arrow was shot by Vaski.

7 Bone Snake BOSS: Although a boss in Fairy Sword V is pushed down in the game, in the real world, dark red bone spurs ~ inserted into the sky, looking extremely ferocious.

Next to these seven snake network lives, there are seven young people standing, one or two cynical, looking very confident. Judging from the dress of these seven people, seven online lives are all snakes, which obviously belong to a team, but no one can imagine who has such a great ability to bring these people together.

Any summoner is very precious, and in this team, everyone's online summoning life is a snake network life, which is obviously a special team. From this team, you can see the strong strength of the leader behind it.


"Oh, the battle is not over yet. It's up to us, and Yihui will take it back to recover." The young man standing next to Medusa blew a bubble with the gum in his mouth.

Yihui over there is obviously not his network summoning life, but after hearing the young man's words, it gradually turned into virtual electronic data and disappeared in place. This scene made Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong more vigilant. Yihui was actually with this team.

"BOSS asked us to take you back!" The young man said.


"Sorry, I can't tell you that you just need to be captured." The young man said arrogantly. When his words fell, Medusa next to him suddenly emitted two rays of light from her eyes and came to Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong almost instantly.

Fortunately, when these people appeared, Lu Xuedao and Xie Sutong were already on alert, and the legendary Medusa's ability to petrochemical people also made people extremely vigilant. The two immediately dodged to the side. After bouncing away for a distance, the two stopped again, with an extremely solemn expression. Too fast, Medusa's eyes attacked so fast that she almost wiped the edges of the two people.

"Look, as I said, they definitely don't know the current affairs. Let's do it and do it directly." The teenager standing next to the ten thousand snakes said slightly crazily. And the snake next to him suddenly twisted its body, and the huge purple striped body looked extremely horrible.

"Really, don't kill Lu Xuedao. It doesn't matter." The leading young man immediately said and blew another bubble.

As soon as the words fell, all seven summoners opened their eyes, or their left eyes, or their right eyes, and a law engraving appeared. This engraving suddenly sparkled, and seven network life suddenly jumped out and attacked Lu Xuedao, Xie Sutong and Xila. If it is a miscellaneous fish, it may not matter, but these seven network lives are all powerful characters with famous surnames. Whether it is quantity or strength, they have an absolute advantage.

Vasqi and the snake instantly pounced on Lu Xuedao, while the bone snake and Hydra pounced on Xie Sutong. The salamander and the snake instantly blocked Xila, and the last Medusa stayed in place. However, although Medusa stays in place, it is the most dangerous and can make people look petrified, which is simply more difficult to prevent than Hou Yi's sun arrows.

He Niang, who came with Xie Sutong, hid behind a stone and her body trembled slightly. Why are there so many powerful characters that her elf is not qualified to go up and sell cute. However, although He Niang was afraid, she still poked out her little head from time to time and observed the battlefield.

Fighting alone, perhaps neither Xie Sutong nor Lu Xuedao are afraid, but in the face of multiple online lives, they suddenly feel unsupported. Xie Sutong's secret attack needs to be with Xila, but now the two are forced to open up, and Xie Sutong can't exert much strength.

The first person to feel unsupported was Lu Xuedao. After all, he had fought for a long time and was seriously injured, so he was soon sprayed with a huge poisonous fog by ten thousand snakes. The purple fog enveloped Lu Xuedao in an instant. Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife cut through the body of ten thousand snakes, but only brought down a layer of snakes. At this time, Vasqi had once again locked Lu Xuedao with bows and arrows.

"Lu Xuedao!" Xie Sutong shouted, and at the same time, the cross ring gun in his hand flew out. Because of this moment's distraction, Medusa, who was looking for opportunities nearby, suddenly emitted two rays from her eyes. Xie Sutong couldn't avoid it. Suddenly, she kept petrifying from her waist, and her body suddenly suffocated.

Reminded by Xie Sutong, Lu Xuedao suddenly rose up, struggling to avoid, and the soul-killing knife in his hand struggled. Vaski's long arrow instantly reached Lu Xuedao's chest. Although it was not as good as Hou Yi's sun arrow, Vasqi's shooting was equally powerful. Lu Xuedao stuck the long arrow with a soul-killing knife and was suddenly brought upside down by a huge impact. The snake on the other side suddenly hit it down fiercely with its tail.

With a loud noise, the whole ground trembled, and Lu Xuedao was immediately smashed to the ground.

Lu Xuedao felt that the bones of his whole body were almost broken. His body swirled, and all the scenes in his eyes seemed to be in a trance. At this time, Lu Xuedao heard He Niang's cry in his ear.

"Sister Xie Sutong... Danger!"

Before Lu Xuedao could react to what had happened, countless blood spilled in the air and splashed into Lu Xuedao's eyes. Lu Xuedao only saw He Niang and Xie Sutong fly out, and the sharp bone tail of the bone snake was slowly recovering. In front of him, He Niang and Xie Sutong were penetrated by a huge hole, and half of Xie Sutong's body began to be constantly petrified.

Lu Xuedao's eyes suddenly became dazzling... red!

Xie Sutong fell to the ground, but she had not completely died. Instead, she looked at Lu Xue with a wry smile and said, "Hold... I'm sorry, it seems that our... journey has come to this...!" Before she finished speaking, Xie Sutong closed her eyes. The whole body gradually turned into a gray stone.

There is a trace of madness in Xila's eyes, which are entangled by snakes and snakes. If you can exert your mythical strength... Bastard! The cross-ring long gun fiercely pulled over the snake, and with a harsh scream, the snake was almost cut into two pieces. Although Xila looked extremely fierce, she could not violate the law of online life, lost the support of Xie Sutong's life field, and disappeared in place with deep unwillingness in her eyes.

At this time, the snake bit Lu Xuedao's body, and the purple toxin instantly soaked into Lu Xuedao's body. Lu Xuedao suddenly felt that his whole body was paralyzed.

At this time, the seven summoners slowly came here, and one of them came to the front of Xie Sutong with a pity on his face. Oh, it's a pity that such a beautiful woman died like this, but the most indispensable thing in the world is a beautiful woman. Yo, this ring is a space ring and a treasure. I can see it clearly.

The man took off the space ring in Xie Sutong's hand and didn't know how to open it directly. He immediately checked the space ring and threw away two bodies... Lu Yuwei and Jiang Xianxian.


Lu Xuedao looked at the pale faces of Lu Yuwei and Xianxian who fell to the ground, and then at Xie Sutong and He Niang on the ground. There was no breath, as if all the signs of life had stopped. An indescribable sadness, the ultimate self-reproach and sadness permeated Lu Xuedao's heart. Several summoners next to him were still saying something, but Lu Xuedao didn't hear a word, and his mind was getting more and more painful and trance.


Lu Xuedao looked at the dark sky, moaned meaninglessly, and his empty eyes couldn't even shed tears. The ultimate self-reproach and pain constantly gnaw the heart of Lu Xuedao. Lu Yuwei, Xianxian, Xie Sutong, He Niang... One by one, the figures kept flashing through Lu Xuedao's mind, and finally turned into the last pale face.

The bright red ** gradually filled Lu Xuedao's eyes, and then slowly slipped down.

At this time, Lu Xuedao's heart seemed to be constantly falling from the empty air to the darkest abyss. With a bang, Lu Xuedao seemed to fall into a quiet lake. After a long time, he floated back to the lake like a dead body. A black and white teenager stepped on the lake and came to Lu Xuedao's body and looked at Lu Xuedao like a dead body.

'My name is - Anti-Fate Teeth!'

This belongs to Lu Xuedao... the voice of the heart, the deepest desire!

"Reversing the realm of life and death - anti-life teeth!" Lu Xuedao's right hand trembled and raised, as if it had been grabbed from the void. A black and white soul-killing knife appeared in Lu Xuedao's hand and slipped from Lu Xuedao's hand and directly inserted into the ground. For a moment, it seemed that a boundary appeared in place, covering everyone in.


Lu Xuedao's hoarse voice said a word. Several summoners who were originally wondering were instantly stiff in place, and the seven network summoning life were extremely alert, instantly popping up the range of Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife. Several summoners struggled to grab their throats, and their eyes protruded, as if they were suffering incomparable pain. Soon, these online life and summoners gradually lost their breath of life and fell to the ground.

At this time, including Lu Xuedao, Xie Sutong, He Niang and Xianxian on the ground seemed to be shrouded in something, and the wounds continued to heal. And soon, these wounds healed, and the pale faces of several people gradually appeared blood, and finally slowly opened their eyes.


No matter who, all the people who saw this scene were stunned and unbelievable.

Reverse the realm of life and death - anti-life teeth!