Fantasy Country

Chapter 156 Secret

Bastard, bastard, bastard...!

Wang Yifo grabbed Victoria, and the pain from his lower body made his face extremely distorted. And Victoria was in his hand, no matter how painful it was, there was no action against it. Just as Victoria accelerated his breathing, Wang Yifo stopped, looked at the black land around him, and gasped fiercely.

After a while, Wang Yifo's legs suddenly softened and knelt directly on the ground. At this time, Wang Yifo remembered that his lower body was not only cut off, but also the fragrance of flowers he had smelled before.

"Help me up!" Wang Yifo said.

Vita didn't pay attention to the scars on her neck by Wang Yifo, and immediately helped Wang Yifo up according to Wang Yifo's order. A big man's weight was all pressed on Victoria's petite body, which made Victoria feel extremely heavy, but Victoria did not resist at all.

Wang Yifo's face is gloomy. He has to be careful like this now, otherwise he will be miserable if he falls into the Blois family. Wang Yifo knows very well that that family and he are completely the same kind of people. Although the family also offered him like a god not long ago and was satisfied with everything, but if it fell into the hands of the other party, his ending would probably be very tragic.

"Do you have a way to get out of here and find a way to avoid the Blois family." Wang Yifo said to Victoria.

"Okay." Victoria nodded.

At this time, Wang Yifo also needed Victoria's wisdom and alertness to avoid the Blois family. When the injury is healed to a certain extent, he can return to the real world. From beginning to end, Wang Yifo did not think of Yang Guo and the little dragon girl. In his consciousness, those two should have died beyond death.


In fact, at this time, Yang Guo and the little dragon girl were in a room receiving treatment from Hua Ying. Previously, it was specially controlled. Both of them were seriously injured on the surface. In fact, they were just traumas. This kind of trauma is the least worth mentioning in the eyes of the Red Devil Museum.

After the spiritual healing, the wounds on the two people completely recovered.

The little dragon girl's expression is still a little dull, as if she has not woken up from the previous changes. Yang Guo was surprised to see that his wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and now there is no trace at all. This magical power is really surprising and desirable.

Although he and Longer are out of slavery now with the help of Hua Ying, the damage they have received can never be extinguished. The most important thing is that even if they are out of slavery now, what will happen in the future? If they meet such people and things again, what should he and Longer do?

"Miss Huaying!" After the injury was cured, Yang asked.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Can you tell me more about what you said before about using the flower of origin to improve the whole plane level?" Yang asked.

Hua Ying was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Yang Guo, "The flower of origin is the most precious thing in this new multi-face universe. If you get it, you can get a strange power, which is also a certificate to the top of the world. As for using the flower of origin to upgrade the level of the whole plane, it is also okay... However, do you think anyone will really give up that opportunity?

"Voucher of the vertex...opportunity?"

"The vertex represents the supreme... of this multi-faceted universe! And the number of flowers of origin is limited. As far as I know, there are only... eleven! Do you think anyone will give up that opportunity to sacrifice themselves for others and complete the whole plane world? Hua Ying looked at Yang Guo with a smile.

"Bearer than you?"

"Haha, it seems that you still don't understand what the so-called supremacy means. Do I need to explain this in detail?"

"No, I understand." Yang Guo shook his head. The so-called supremacy should be interpreted literally, representing the peak of this multiface universe, and there are only... eleven or even fewer people who can stand at this vertex.

"But it only represents a certificate, which does not mean that you have the power to have the flower of the origin. How to get that power also needs to be obtained by yourself. Ah, by the way, we are not talking about this, but whether anyone is willing to give up this opportunity to complete the whole plane world. The flower shadow patted his head and then said.

"Can you tell me more about it?" The little dragon girl who had not said a word suddenly said.

"Yes." Hua Ying nodded indifferently, as if she didn't care about these secret information at all.

"Whether it is network life or various plane worlds, at the beginning of its formation, they have different strengths because of human cognition. Among them, there is an upper limit on the strength of network life, which will be lifted after the multi-face universe is fully formed. Of course, they will not directly increase their strength, and they also need to gradually practice from scratch.

For example, in Chinese legend, Sanqing, Buddha... Sun Monkey, Zhu Bajie and so on, their current strength is exactly the same, which is the upper limit.

Although Sanqing and Buddha are completely above Sun Monkey and Zhu Bajie in the original work, what will happen in the future depends entirely on their own efforts. For example, I knew that the monkey had got a source and had walked in front of many people. However, no matter how they practice, they will not exceed the upper limit of their own plane world, unless... they have Yuanhua or the original flower.

Of course, like that kind of mythical plane, even if it can't break through the upper limit of the power of the plane world, it is very powerful, and it can almost sweep many plane worlds. However, like your plane world, the ancient martial arts plane world... This upper limit is very low, and you will be limited by this upper limit in the future... Even if you reach the peak, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of many plane worlds.

"So what do we need to do?" Yang Guo's eyes are very bitter.

"Yuanhua can only be used for individuals to improve strength and break the upper limit. In addition to individuals, the flower of origin can also be used for the whole plane world. For the whole plane world, it may never reach the peak, but the development potential of its plane world is infinite and can reach those top planes. Hua Ying said.

"Then I've decided!" Yang Guo suddenly said solemnly after listening to Hua Ying.

"What to decide."

"Get the origin, and then use it for the plane world where Longer and I are located to raise the upper limit of the whole plane world." Yang Guo said and looked at the little dragon girl. This time, the little dragon girl smiled for the first time and snuggled in Yang Guo's arms, with incomparable happiness and relief.


"Let this pain not be repeated, not only ourselves, but also the whole plane world."

"Oh~~, you must know that if the flower of the origin appears in the world, then the competition caused is not a small fight. Do you think it is possible for your strength to get the origin? Even if you have that determination, can you... afford to sacrifice? Although Hua Ying appreciated Yang Guo's determination, she still reminded him.

"No matter what you pay, you can bear it."

Hua Ying looked at Yang Guo and smiled faintly. Everyone has determination, but sometimes it is not enough to have determination, otherwise there will not be so many irreparable things in the world. Moreover, in the end, if you really get the glory of the origin and sacrifice so much, are you really willing to sacrifice for the whole plane world?

Of course, Yang Guo knew that Huaying didn't believe his words. Anyway, he said this in front of a strong man like Huaying as if it were a child's shouting. However, Yang Guo would not refute, but just clenched the little dragon girl's left hand.

"Although I don't think you will succeed, I still appreciate it. Well, I'll help you recover your left hand."

"What?" Yang Guo was shocked in place.

"Recover your left hand, what, do you want to be a one-armed man all the time?"

"Is it really okay?" The little dragon girl was more excited than Yang Guo and immediately reacted.

"It's not a big deal, of course, just for me." Hua Ying said.

Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nv suddenly realized that the injury of broken arms is completely incurable on their own planes, but in many plane worlds today, the regeneration of amputated limbs is not very difficult. Thinking of this, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu strengthened their determination to obtain the brilliance of the origin and upgrade the whole plane level.


Recovering his left arm, Yang Guo was a little unaccustomed to it for a while. He tried to practice martial arts in the yard of Huaying, while the little dragon girl looked at it gently. Huaying bit the snack beside him and looked at the pair of people. The more he looked at the two, the more Huaying felt that he should kill Wang Yifo directly.

"The left arm has also recovered. It's time for you to leave."

"Thank you, Miss Huaying, I don't know how to return to the original plane world." Yang Guo brought the little dragon girl to thank her seriously, although she has thanked her many times.

"Well... Although it can take you back to your plane world, you can't leave now. You'd better go to the real world. The real world is also very lively now, and it will never be boring. Hua Ying said with a mysterious smile on her face.


"Can you go there without a summoner?"

"It's no longer needed. The earth's force field has changed, but many network life has not been discovered yet."

Soon, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu knew what the so-called bustle was going on. Now the whole earth is undergoing terrible natural disasters. As soon as the two came out of the plane of GOSICK, they encountered an earthquake, and the whole ground kept cracking, swallowing up the surrounding buildings and human beings.

Fortunately, the two were still somewhat strong, and the earthquake was not very strong, so the two escaped, but even so, the two were shocked.