Fantasy Country

Chapter 159 Summary of Strength

When Xie Sutong and others heard the words, their expression was also slightly gloomy.

Lu Xuedao took a deep breath and put aside his sadness. Lu Yuwei's matter is a huge regret in Lu Xuedao's heart, but people always have to look forward. Because of this pain, he can move further.

"In addition to the two soul-killing knives, I also have several basic spiritual skills, 1 movement mode - spiritual steps. 2 Close combat mode - Lingsi. 3 Long-range attack - spirit bomb. 4 Healing method - spiritual healing. My fighting style of split bone teeth, thirty-six white bone chains, and white bone bullets are derived from spiritual silk and spiritual bullets. However, in addition to these, my ability is very weak, which can be said to be miserable. He Niang was still surprised by the power of Lu Xuedao, and Lu Xuedao said.

"It's terrible. Brother Lu Xuedao, you are too modest." He Niang said doubtfully.

"No, I'm serious. I once had an online life, Nocino. Several of my spiritual skills were learned from Nochino. In fact, what Nocino brought out at the beginning was not only these spiritual skills, but ten series, not ten spiritual skills, but ten departments, covering different aspects, and among the ten departments, there are many different spiritual skills. Lu Xuedao shook his head, said very seriously, and then began to list them one by one.

Ten series of spiritual skills 1 close combat, 2 long-range attack, 3 defense methods, 4 treatment methods, 5 movement methods, 6 flight methods, 7 perception methods, 8 hidden methods, 9 bondage methods, 10 sealing methods. Do you believe that these things cover almost all aspects of the battle, just the records in the primary chapter. After Lu Xuedao finished speaking, He Niang and Xianxian were completely stunned.

"What did you learn, Brother Lu Xuedao?"

"At that time, because I first came into contact with these things, Nochino was afraid that I would be greedy and couldn't chew well, so I didn't learn all of them. I only learned three, the first, the spiritual skill of close combat - spiritual silk. Although it is a close spiritual skill, it has a certain long-range attack ability, which was chosen by Nocino for me. Lu Xuedao said, outlined a spiritual silk with his right hand, rolled up a vase on the cabinet next to him, and then exerted a slight force. With a soft sound, the cranes and others suddenly found that the white porcelain vase was directly cut in half, and the incision was extremely flat.

"Amazing!" He Niang and Xianxian suddenly opened their eyes wide.

"Second, the spiritual steps in the mobile mode are not only fast, but also can run in the air." Lu Xuedao did not stop and continued to explain. At the same time, Lu Xuedao stood up, gently pulsed, pulled away a shadow, appeared everywhere in the room, and then returned to his original position.

"The third, the spiritual healing in the treatment method is very effective for external injuries." This time, Lu Xuedao stretched out his right hand, and a circle of soft white light appeared in his hand.

"Fourth, I didn't learn the spirit bullet in the long-range attack, but later because of some battles, Nocino felt that my ability was too thin, so he let me learn one more spirit bullet." An oval light bullet appeared at Lu Xuedao's fingertips, and there seemed to be no movement, but if you listen carefully, you can find a violent tremor from the surrounding air.

"I have only learned four kinds of spiritual skills of ten different series, and these four can't represent a series at all, just a kind of spiritual skill in the series."

"In addition to these four spiritual skills, I also have some ability to break the face - virtual flash: it can only be said to be a preliminary mastery, too scattered, the power is not concentrated, and it is basically useless to deal with the master; ring: the pace of the broken face, I have made a preliminary combination with the spiritual step, the speed is okay, but it is only okay; steel skin: Some hard skin unique to broken faces, my skin is a layer of fine bones, so it is very hard. Originally, among the ten different spiritual skills, there was a defense method, and Nocino would know a matrix calculus, but unfortunately I didn't learn it myself. Lu Xuedao smiled slightly.

"It's awesome. Well, Brother Lu Xuedao, you are really insatiable." Crane Niang turned her eyes. Lu Xuedao can do so much, but she said that she was miserable in other aspects. How could others bear it?

"No, he is very lacking!" Xila suddenly opened her mouth.

Lu Xuedao looked up and looked at Xila seriously. Sure enough, the killing angel, one of the fallen angels, even if it is online life, those memories are only given by this real name and have a huge background. He Niang only saw the gorgeousness of Lu Xuedao's various abilities, but Xila saw what Lu Xuedao lacked at a glance.

"Well, if it was a few days ago, maybe I was still complacent, but after the battle with that demon the day before yesterday, I knew that I was very lacking." Lu Xuedao nodded.

"Do you know what you lack?"

"My main ability now is on two soul-killing knives, but frankly, I haven't learned knife skills at all, I'm just instinctively waving. This has greatly limited my ability and can't give full play to the real combat effectiveness of my two soul knives. Secondly, what I know is not bad, but they are the most basic things. It may be unfavorable to deal with weak enemies, but it is useless to deal with real masters. In addition, my * comes from the law of assimilation in the world of death plane, and then directly use the collapse jade to break face, but this power is so sudden that I can't master it well at all..." Lu Xuedao said, looking at his hands, as if he could see his shortcomings.

"You know it very well."

"Overall, the time to get this power is too short, so the foundation is insufficient and there is not enough accumulation." Lu Xuedao finally concluded.

"Do you know the real strength of Xie Sutong?" Xila asked.

"I don't know." Lu Xuedao shook his head. Although he has become a partner, there is a huge gap in the middle. Lu Xuedao does not know much about Xie Sutong's experience during this period. Fortunately, both of them are the kind of people who will not doubt as long as they trust. Otherwise, Lu Xuedao wants to become a teammate with Xie Sutong. I don't think it will be so simple.

"Xie Sutong's current strength is less than one-tenth of your strength." Xila said.

"Impossible!" Before Lu Xuedao refuted, the crane girl over there shouted. He Niang has been following Xila for a long time. She really can't believe that the powerful Xie Sutong was so weak by Xila.

"It's true." Xie Sutong nodded and directly shocked He Niang to stay where she was.

"Since the emergence of network life, it has not been more than two years. Even if there is life field assimilation, you can learn the same power as your own network life. How much do you think you can learn? I'm not arrogant. I'm smart. Among everyone, I guess I'm the best, but compared with Lu Xuedao, my strength is still far worse. Xie Sutong spoke.

Lu Xuedao has said all his abilities, and now it's her turn.

"My strength mainly comes from the sacred spirit of learning!" Xie Sutong stretched out his right hand, and a cross ring gun was now in his hand.

"It's not that I flatly underestimate myself. My current strength is still far from that of Lu Xuedao, because it has only been two years since I learned the Holy Dharma. In fact, the strength I usually exert is not my own strength, but Xila's.

"Energy resonance • amplitude! In fact, it is a kind of divine descent, which allows me to use her power with Cyra to reach the level of Cyra in a short time. But to be honest, I can't control this power. Most of the time, it's just that Xila is leading me to fight. In addition to energy simulation, the sacred magic gas is also relatively comprehensive. The most important thing is... the ability to attract flowing water. Xie Sutong's long gun was slightly raised, and the water in the teacup suddenly flowed towards the sky.

"Why have I never seen Sister Xie Sutong use this ability?" He Niang said in surprise.

Xie Sutong looked at He Niang gently and showed a smile. My ability is still very weak, but it is fundamental. Of course, it will not be revealed before, and I must keep it secret in the future.

Although He Niang and Xianxian didn't know why they kept it secret, they still nodded.

"In my legendary mythical era, I represented the extinction of the world and once created a flood that flooded the whole world." Xila added.

When Lu Xuedao heard the words, their hearts suddenly became awe-ins. According to the legend of the mythical era, it is obvious that Xila's strength has been greatly suppressed, and it is still far from the strength of the mythical era. I'm afraid that Cyra's character has also been suppressed. You know, Cyra's title is a killing angel... But so far, the personality shown by Cyra has not made anyone feel this.

"That's my strength. At present, I am mainly good at close combat supported by the Holy Dharma." Xie Sutong finally concluded. It seems relatively simple, but it also shows that Xie Sutong's ability is relatively comprehensive and there is no obvious deviation. After all, she grew up under the guidance of Cyra.

"Oh, is it my turn?" He Niang didn't realize it until she saw several people looking at her.

"My ability is very weak. My online summoning life is not one, but six. It is an elf in the world of pet elf, which just meets the rules of that world. I can only bring six elves at most." He Niang said and released her elf. Fortunately, Lu Xuedao's suite was very spacious.

1 Minas.

2 forked bat.

3 Shanedo.

4 Flame Chicken.

5 Snow Demon Girl

6 Electric shock Warcraft.

"My elves are quite strong, and I am also assimilated through the life field to learn from them. I know a little bit about everything, but everything is so weak that it can't be used to fight at all. He Niang stretched out her hands. In He Niang's hand, there was flames in one hand and running water in the other hand, and then it turned into thunder and lightning while freezing into frost.

Obviously, this is the ability of He Niang to assimilate the life field. However, it is too weak. The flame is only the size of Douding, and there is only a trace of thunder and lightning, and the running water is not enough to wash hands...

"I know their ability, and there is no restraint, but I don't know if it's because there are too many, so each of them is very weak." Crane said helplessly.

"Shanai~!" Shanaiduo next to him shouted, and Lu Xuedao didn't understand, but He Niang seemed to understand.

"Sanaido, you said again...uh." He Niang immediately fought with Shani Duo.

"Actually, when they appeared for the first time, they told me that I could choose to assimilate the life field of all the elves or only choose one. If I only choose one, it would be much faster, but at that time I was a little greedy... Ah ha ha ha" Crane Niang smiled awkwardly.