Fantasy Country

Chapter 161 The Struggle of Mortal

Lu Xuedao left the Linjiang Hotel and continued to move towards South Korea.

In addition to Lu Xuedao's ability to use flying as an ordinary means of transportation, Xie Sutong will only fly with the help of Xila's power when fighting. Crane Niang can also fly in her own fork bat, but in this kind of ghost weather, she may fall off if she is not careful. Xianxian, on the other hand, can't fly at all, and even the star power of Aries is just a half-hearted master.

So, after leaving the Linjiang Hotel, Lu Xuedao and several people are going to find a small car. It's impossible not to find a separate car. Now the traffic can basically be said to be paralyzed. In the past two days, the network has been full of news of natural disasters everywhere. Although natural disasters everywhere seem to be gradually calming down, they are still in a state of turmoil.

There are hundreds of passenger planes crashing due to the sudden high airflow. Under such circumstances, all passenger planes are suspended, and no one dares to take risks at this time. Several trains have also turned over, because it is more convenient for the train to stop, but the railway seems to have been interrupted a lot. Only cars, although many roads have been damaged due to various circumstances, they have great flexibility.

When he left, the lobby manager did not retain it, as if he knew that retaining was useless. When he learned that Lu Xuedao needed a car, he gave his Audi to Lu Xuedao and several people.

"I know that it is very easy to find a car with your ability, but instead of taking time to look for it, it's better to use my car directly, so as not to spend time." The lobby manager said when Lu Xuedao and several others were about to leave.

Lu Xuedao immediately looked at the lobby manager when he heard the words. He looked ordinary, but it made people feel inexplicably friendly and there was no pressure at all. This can be regarded as a trait. No wonder you can be the manager of the lobby.

"I have no purpose, I just want to make friends with you two. I always feel uneasy about the current world. I don't know what the earth will look like in the future, but if possible in the future, I hope that the two of them can give some help to me and my family. The lobby manager smiled bitterly and then explained.

"Your name?" Lu Xuedao asked.

"Li Jinghao, this is my wife Liang Lichun and my son Li Yiyang." After hearing Lu Xuedao's inquiry, the lobby manager immediately introduced himself and pulled a well-dressed woman next to him.

Lu Xuedao looked at a slightly. A very ordinary woman was good-looking. When she saw Lu Xuedao looking over, she smiled shyly. The five-year-old boy huddled behind his mother and quietly looked at Lu Xuedao.

"Hmm!" Lu Xuedao nodded and then took the car key in Li Jinghao's hand.


"He waited there on purpose. He even brought his wife and son here. If it's a coincidence, it's absolutely impossible." An Audi, several people just sat in. After sitting in the back seat with Xianxian, He Niang said something.

"Do you hate him?" Lu Xuedao sat in the cab and asked.

"It's not annoying, I just feel like I've been calculated." The crane woman curled her lips.

"What do you think of Xianxian?" Lu Xuedao asked Xianxian. Although Xianxian is still very young, Lu Xuedao also asked in order not to make Xianxian feel neglected. And now, after all, unlike the previous peaceful society, Xianxian can't grow up in the greenhouse like an ordinary little girl, so even if Xian is only nine years old, she must learn to think.

Xianxian originally sat quietly in the back seat. After hearing Lu Xuedao ask this, she was stunned for a moment and then began to think about it carefully. However, obviously, with the experience of a little girl, she couldn't think of many key things at all. After a while, Xianxian raised her head: "It should be like what Sister He Niang said. It seems that he was waiting there on purpose."

Xie Sutong was just listening, but she also turned her head at this time.

"You only saw the surface. Admittedly, Li Jinghao did deliberately wait there with his family. However, if it's really calculated, why do you think Lu Xuedao accepted the car he sent? Xie Sutong's tone was very calm, inducing He Niang and Xianxian to keep thinking.

"Isn't it a calculation?"

Yes! But their behavior does not pose any threat to us. It's just a mortal struggle. He Niang, you must know that the number of summoners is only a few. Except for these summoners, most of them are ordinary human beings. For these ordinary human beings, it is very fragile, and any crisis may take their lives. Moreover, he did not ask for more for good or evil, just to let Lu Xuedao give some help to him and his family as much as he could. Xie Sutong explained slowly.

"Do you understand?" Xie Sutong looked at He Niang.

"Struggle...!" He Niang gently repeated a word said by Xie Sutong, as if she was carefully chewing the meaning and looking for the meaning. Thinking of the bodies salvaged from the flood that she had seen around in the past two days, Crane Lady suddenly understood something. The lives of ordinary people are unimaginably fragile. Under such circumstances, it is not unacceptable to please them for a possible chance of survival.

"I see." He Niang answered gently and shrank in her seat. Xianxian was stunned for a while and sat down quietly, and then found that He Niang grabbed her little hand. The warmth of the two little girls' palms continued to blend, which made both of them feel extremely at ease.


Lu Xuedao drove out, the road was still wet, and the water in some places reached a depth of more than one meter. There are not many vehicles on the highway, and the sparse crowds on the roadside are also worried. The changes on the earth have frightened all ordinary people.

If there is only one place like this, then no one will think there is anything wrong. After all, natural disasters occur almost every year in some places such as earthquakes and floods. But this change is global, and anyone who knows this will probably feel uneasy.

The car run over the stagnant water and suddenly emitted a soft light, and a Chanel appeared in the back seat of the car.

"What's the matter, He Niang?"

"Shanaidot said she wanted to come out and have a look. Anyway, she doesn't need to consume my life field." He Niang replied.

"Oh." Xie Sutong nodded.

"Shanai~!" Shaniduo and Xie Sutong have been familiar with each other for a long time. On the contrary, Xianxian is not used to this strange-changed elder sister. However, Shanedo was very gentle and soon had a good relationship with Xianxian, which made Xianxian fall in love with this gentle Shanedo sister.

Lu Xuedao saw Shanedo from the rearview mirror and couldn't help thinking of Victoria. If the current world can really make online life appear directly, then Victoria can also appear. Victoria is also a member of the team, and she doesn't know what's going on now. If she appears in the real world, she doesn't know how to get in touch.

It hasn't been long since we separated, and the world has undergone such a huge change. Lu Xuedao always feels that the world has changed so fast that it is overwhelming.

Suddenly, Lu Xuedao braked the car, because Lu Xuedao saw a surprising scene on the roadside. A big man in ancient armor, swallows and tiger whiskers, and leopard heads. This big man is holding a snake spear in his hand, and there is a fat and strong horse under him... Isn't this guy Zhang Fei?

Lu Xuedao still remembers the last time they met Zhang Fei in the erosion center. Several of them were stopped by Sun Wukong with a monkey-haired split. Later, Lu Xuedao unexpectedly killed the monkey-haired split, and he didn't know what happened to Zhang Fei.

This guy is not dead!

Lu Xuedao was slightly surprised, and then it was clear that Sun Wukong was not the kind of character who killed indiscriminately after all. Maybe he will do it because of robbing Yuanhua, but there has always been room, not to mention an ordinary person like Zhang Fei, who must have let him go in the end.

However, I didn't expect that this guy would appear here again and bring his own war horse. Looking at the fat and strong appearance of the war horse, it is not comparable to these modern horses.

Zhang Fei's dress is obviously very eye-catching. His tough figure and temperament are reminding people around him that this guy is not an ordinary person. Internet life, ancient warriors! There is a trace of envy in the eyes of the people around. Although the ancient war will be very backward in the current online network life strength ranking, it also makes these people who don't even have online life feel envious.

These people all think that Zhang Fei is someone's online life, which is just summoned now, so although they are envious, they don't have many other ideas.

"That general?" Lu Xuedao stopped the car, and Xie Sutong also saw Zhang Fei riding on a big horse by the roadside.

"Zhang Fei, the last time I met him in the erosion center, that guy is the guy who dares to rush to the monkey hair split of Sun monkey." Lu Xuedao explained with a smile. Zhang Fei's recklessness does not need to be explained. It is estimated that this time it is also for this reason that he has become the first batch of online lives to directly enter the real world.

"Zhang Fei?" He Niang and Xianxian suddenly lay on the edge of the window and looked at the rough guy.

"I heard that there are many good wines in the real world, but where can I buy them?" Zhang Fei rode on a big horse and kept muttering. Lu Xuedao's five senses were relatively sensitive, so they heard Zhang Fei's words. Did this guy come to the real world just for good wine?

It is also possible that the ancient brewing technology is indeed underdeveloped. In all kinds of ancient time-travel novels, brewing and papermaking is a great magic weapon.