Fantasy Country

Chapter 166 Evil Wisdom

"This is...his choice...ah ha ha ha ha!" The real king covered his eyes with Buddha and laughed wildly. And beside Wang Yifo stood the real Victoria and another handsome Chinese man.

Li Lanfeng: Human beings born in the memory of red ink belong to the early characters of the earth and have the ability to control the five senses!

There are many people in the memory of Hongmo, but except for the own people of the Red Devil Museum, Hongmo is not particularly strengthened, just instinctive memory. And these characters are not in Fantasyland, but in another plane world derived together with Fergie - Little Patomi Star Domain. As a result, Li Lanfeng was caught by Wang Yifo and enslaved as a puppet.

"What do you think?" Wang Yifo asked Victoria next to him.

"Very rational!" Victoria's face was expressionless.

"He doesn't care about your safety at all."

"He has an unfate tooth that can be resurrected."

"His rebellious teeth have a huge defect, and his own sister has not been resurrected, otherwise why do you think he hesitated in the first? And even with this worry, he did not hesitate to choose to kill me, and in the same way, it means your death. Do you still think... is suitable for his partner? Wang Yifo didn't know why, but many times he let go of Victoria's slavery and restored Victoria's freedom to a certain extent.

Maybe, Wang Yifo just wants a suitable speaker, not the existence of being enslaved by him, who can really communicate with him... even if it's all rebuttal.

"It's suitable!" Victoria nodded.

"When his partner only needs to do his own things well, at least he doesn't have to worry about making stupid decisions because of the kindness and reluctance in his heart, which will bring the whole team to a disadvantage." Victoria said very seriously.

"Hmm!" Wang Yifo snorted coldly, and this debate with Victoria ended with his defeat.

At this time, Li Lanfeng, standing next to him, suddenly frowned slightly, and then his body shook... Five Visions, disillusioned. Although Li Lanfeng exists in Hongmo's memory, frankly, Hongmo and Li Lanfeng still have some festivals, so Li Lanfeng's power has great drawbacks and does not last long.

When Wang Yifo saw Li Lanfeng's body shaking, he couldn't help scolding himself. Obviously, he was such a useful character, but he preferred to be like a sick man. However, if this is not the case, he will not be able to catch Li Lanfeng, and he is not even sure who will deal with it. After all, the five-knowledge control is a very powerful and dangerous ability.


Lu Xuedao over there just rushed out of the hall with Victoria in his arms and suddenly felt that the world in front of him seemed to be broken. After being surprised, Lu Xuedao found that the surrounding environment had not changed, but the Victoria in his arms was missing, and those originally dead online lives were still standing still.


Even if he had never seen it before, after seeing such a scene, Lu Xuedao suddenly realized that he and others had just won something.

Lu Xuedao slowly turned around with an extremely solemn look. Xie Sutong and others were also very surprised, and then looked at the center of the hall with Lu Xuedao again.


"Do you still need to use the power of Lu Xuedao?" Victoria asked.

"How can it be possible for me to experience a scene in the five visions? I won't be so stupid. With his strength, I have to use that life-threatening tooth. At that time, I don't know whether he used it to save me or kill me. Wang Yifo shook his head. He was not a fool. It was because of this kind of scruples that he asked Li Lanfeng to experiment with Lu Xuedao's attitude with five illusions.

"So you?"

"There are many doctors, and he is not indispensable. In fact, I always felt that I had any connection with him, but now I can't feel it. Well, I'm used to erasing danger in the bud. Whether I'm narrow-minded or lack of temperament, I don't want to give the enemy a chance to grow up. So...!" Wang Yifo waved his right hand gently.


Vedoliga suddenly saw seven cyber life bounce away and prepared to attack. At this time, Wang Yifo also began to retreat backwards. Victoria hesitated for a moment and followed Wang Yifo to leave. If you don't follow, you can at least ensure free thinking now, otherwise you will simply be enslaved.

"Where are you going?"

"To go to other plane worlds, Lu Xuedao's power can't be used. I still need to heal, so I need a good doctor." Wang Yifo said.

What Victoria is worried about is not Wang Yifo, but how he intends to deal with things here. Even if Victoria had long known that Wang Yifo planned to completely kill Lu Xuedao, she still wanted to know what he would do. Lu Xuedao's combat effectiveness is not low, and he also has anti-life teeth. If he fills the pit with network life, I'm afraid that even Wang Yifo can't afford to lose it.

"How are you going to kill him?"

"Let a few cyber lifes contain him first. In 30 minutes, a nuclear bomb will be dropped here." Wang Yifo seemed to have guessed Victoria's worries and said with a gloomy smile. Your plane world was still before World War II. Do you know what a nuclear bomb is?

How can you not know!

Vedoliga certainly knows about this kind of large-scale lethal weapon in modern society, and nuclear weapons are prohibited by the human convention. How can Wang Yifo have this right... No, it is not surprising that Wang uses Buddha's ability to enslave others. It is not surprising to enslave people with such authority.

"Do you want to destroy the earth?"

"No... I don't need me to destroy the earth, and it will collapse. This is the inevitable process of the two people to create a new universe." Wang Yifu shook his head.

Victoria uses the spring of wisdom to wash memories and also knows the changing trajectory of the world. This is the two powerful forces of Red Ink and Fergie to create a new multi-faceted universe. However, I haven't heard that the collapse of the earth is a necessary process, asshole... I'm sure I didn't tell them about it.

The fountain of wisdom in Victoria's body surged up, and her thoughts rotated rapidly.

Judging from the contact with the Red Devil Hall in that memory, the Red Devil Hall is actually a good person... Although it is not a bad person. Since it is the power of the red ink that caused such a change on the earth, the red ink will definitely leave a way for human beings to live. So, this way to live is... the newly formed plane world.

1 The human network mutated - 2 The formation of a new plane world - 3 The birth of network life - 4 The collapse of the earth. Everything undoubtedly indicates that going to other plane worlds is the only chance for human beings to live.

The significance of the formation of a new plane world can be said to be a place for human beings to migrate, so what is the meaning of the birth of cyber life?

According to Victoria's understanding, human beings in the real world have no way to go to other plane worlds, and now there seems to be no plane channels on the earth. So, the significance of the emergence of these powerful network life... does it require them to jointly open access to other plane worlds?

Vita himself is very smart, and now the spring of wisdom is surging, and he quickly sorted out all the information and thought about the reason for the matter.

Now the earth's environment is extremely harsh, which is obviously a sign of the collapse of the earth. Although we don't know how long it will take for the earth to really collapse, it is now that countless human beings have died. And now, people who know that it takes a lot... and even all network life to unite to open the matter to other planes... Wang Yifo.

However, Wang Yifo is obviously not interested in telling others.

And others, do you know?

I certainly don't know, maybe I will know later, but in the process of this exploration, how many people will die in complete despair?

This must be told to human beings and online life on earth now!

Vitaka followed Wang Yifo to the back of the villa, and there was already a sound of fighting in front of him. Victoria was very anxious, but there was no solution. It is not only worried about Lu Xuedao's safety, but also about the crisis of human beings on earth.


Several people knew that Lu Xuedao must have been under the illusion just now, and this illusion made several people completely imperceptible, which was very horrible.

Lu Xuedao immediately thought of a guy... Lan Ran!

In Lu Xuedao's memory, it seems that only Lanran's mirror flower and water moon have such a demonic ability. However, thinking about it, it can't be Lan Ran. Lu Xuedao knows that he has seen the origin of Lan Ran's soul-killing knife, but Xie Sutong and others can't have seen it. Xie Sutong and the others fell into a fantasy together. Obviously, it can't be Lan Ran.

Just as Lu Xuedao and several people were on alert again, the seven network life around the hall made a fighting gesture against several people from afar. However, he only made a fighting posture, but did not attack immediately, and the situation was deadlocked for a while.

"Lu Xuedao, hurry up and chase Wang Yifu!" Xie Sutong suddenly said anxiously.

"Hmm?" Lu Xuedao was slightly puzzled and immediately rushed to the guy in front of him.

Lu Xuedao knew for a long time that Xie Sutong was very smart. In high school, she was jealous of the girls in the whole school because she was too excellent. And this time, Xie Sutong must have thought of something when she was so anxious.

Xie Sutong did think of something... Although the previous experience was an illusion, nothing will be unfounded. Even an illusion must have a purpose. In the illusion, Wang Yifo once clearly said that he needed the power of Lu Xuedao, and the appearance that he had been sitting in a wheelchair, it was not difficult to guess what power he needed from Lu Xuedao - the power of life!

And letting Lu Xuedao use his anti-life teeth is simply handing over his life to Lu Xuedao's hand, so he will consider Lu Xuedao's attitude.

Unfortunately, Lu Xuedao's attitude is to choose to kill him directly and then resurrect Victoria.

With this attitude, Wang Yifo will certainly not rest assured to hand over his life to Lu Xuedao. And look at the seven cyber life surrounding them but not attacking... It seems that they all have broken the way back. And the real Wang Yifo must be retreating after the failure of the negotiation.

This is what Xie Sutong thought of. Although there is no fountain of wisdom, Xie Sutong also showed evil wisdom.