Fantasy Country

Chapter 173 Nochila

Along the way, Nocino was still in a bad mood, but he was no longer crying. Nokia told her that if she dared to cry again, she would not take her to find Lu Xuedao's soul knife.

In fact, even if Nocino is a little stupid, he will not be so childish, but after losing his original memory, now Nocino is completely a new life. In such a short time, there are very few accumulated personality memories, and it is a little stupid, so it's like this.

"Where is Lu Xuedao's soul-killing knife?" Nocino asked.

"It was taken away by China's state forces. I don't know where it was sent." Nochira only knew the news, but she couldn't explain exactly what was going on. After all, she is born from the memory of red ink, but she is not red ink and can't understand everything in the world.

"Then how do we find it?"

"If you don't know, just ask, really, such a simple question." Nochila didn't find it difficult.

Nochira doesn't have the hobby of looking for people everywhere, and she is not very clear about the real world branch. The best way now is to let Chinese officials come to us by themselves. Therefore, Nochira looked at the stormy weather and stretched out her right hand to the sky.

[Super mental state]!

The atmospheric flow of several kilometers is all imprinted in Nochira's heart, which is extremely clear. Originally, Nokia's ability is to master the atmosphere, and after entering the super-spiritual state, she can grasp every minute of the flow of the airflow. After precise calculation and deduction, Nochira finally began to launch his ability.

[Atmospheric mastery]!

The storm gradually began to calm down from the center, and at the same time began to produce an upward airflow, gradually blowing away the dark clouds in the sky, and the long-lost sunlight fell on the city through the clouds.

And this windy and sunny range is still spreading around with Nochira as the center.

"Nochila, you are so awesome." Nocino's eyes widened in shock. Although she has long known that everyone in the Red Devil Hall is very powerful, she only learns boxing from Long Meiling in the Red Devil Hall. It's really rare to see them do it. As for Miss Remy, with a faint pressure, Nocino lost her memory, as if she was born afraid, and did not dare to approach her easily.

"It's not difficult. I just calculated the air flow in the whole range and then calculated it clearly. The power I used is not very large. Except for the source of the initial promotion, there is only a small amount of power to calm the sudden situation. This change is completely the result of automatic evolution. In fact, the most important thing is the complex calculus. Nochila's eyes are transparent, and her tone is calm and unwaved.

Just like what she said, such a change is not the result of forced control. Nochira doesn't have that kind of strength yet. This is the result of careful calculation and natural evolution of airflow. That kind of accurate calculation is the most important thing.

After more than ten minutes, this range is still expanding to the outside, and at this time, the changes here have attracted a lot of people. Those online lives that enter the real world soon find that this is not a natural climate, but the result of human interference. After discovering this, these network life was suddenly surprised. This power seems to be no longer what current network life can do.

Unless you got Yuanhua's network life in the first few times...!

As soon as the small hand closed, there was a slight crackling sound in the air. Nochila controlled the atmosphere in the range for the last time, and the wind and sunny range continued to spread around. Of course, this situation will not last long. Without Nochila's control, the weather in this area will soon become what it used to be. How long it takes depends on the impact of the surrounding climate and environment.

At this time, there were many people around, looking at Nochira and Nocino with a surprised look.

They originally thought how powerful they were, but they didn't expect that they were two goblins less than 20 centimeters tall. No, no, although they are petite, there is no doubt that the two goblins are powerful, especially the one in white.

"Who is the official Chinese?" Nochira asked.

The sound is not loud, but it clearly enters everyone's ears, as if it were directly in their ears. This is really easy for Nochira. Atmospheric control, the transmission of sound is the vibration transmission of air, and even Nochira can directly control the atmospheric vibration to transmit sound without opening his mouth.

The people around suddenly fell into silence. It seems that there are no Chinese officials.


"I, I'm the assistant to the district governor of this district." A young man shouted on the ground while waving his hands. He is not like Nochira. Any sentence is like a regional notice, which can be heard everywhere. If he doesn't shout much, his voice can't spread far.

Nochila suddenly disappeared and flashed in the air and came to the young man.

Assistant to the District Chief!

Nochila looked at another car next to him. A big-bellied guy shrank his head, quietly looked outside in fear, and cursed in a low voice in his mouth.

"Bastards, don't look at who they are. Can we provoke them? This kind of person can only let the summoner come forward." The guy sitting in the car cursed in a low voice and quietly looked outside. Although it is quiet, what's the difference between this behavior and transparency in Nokia's eyes? If there is no mistake in guessing, this guy is obviously the so-called district chief.


Nochila knocked directly on the car door, scaring the guy to death.

"Notify the highest level you can inform him and tell him that the little goblins of the Red Devil Hall Nochira and Nochino are looking for China. Where is this place? Let someone pick us up. Remember, it doesn't matter if you are the highest level, even the chairman or something. I don't want to waste time with the soldiers. Nochila said.

Nochira is just a goblin, and some people seem to be harmless, so the district chief was calm after being stunned. However, Nochira's statement still scares this guy a little. He looks like a goblin, but his tone is too big, and it doesn't matter to the chairman or something... He doesn't want to waste time with the soldier. Is he a soldier?

"I don't want to say more." Nochira looked at this guy stupidly and couldn't help but like it.

Can you bear this responsibility?

The district chief thought for a while and thought of Nochira's terrible strength, so he still dialed the phone. No matter what the little goblin said about the power of the Red Devil Hall, with this strength alone, it deserves to be valued. After the district mayor called the mayor, there was silence here.

The surrounding network life is a little curious, but it is not close. Before long, someone arrived here, not the mayor, but received instructions from the mayor to deliberately pick up Nochila and Nochino.


"We are here to recycle Lu Xuedao's relics, two soul-killing knives. I know you can't make the decision. Take us to the people who can make the decision." Nochira said directly and immediately made the people who came to pick up the two dumbfounded. However, these people were still very capable and didn't take long to react immediately.

"by the way, this assistant to the district mayor is more responsible and responsible than the district chief." Before Nochila left, she said to the guy who seemed to be of high status. Hearing Nochila's words, the man immediately looked at the district chief and the assistant standing aside and nodded gently.

Hearing Nochira's words, the district chief's face suddenly turned pale, but the district chief assistant became ecstatic in his eyes.


"Nocino, do you know why I said that?" Nochila asked when a group of people were taken away. At this time, the people who came to pick up the two were extremely curious, so after hearing Nochira speak without scruples, they immediately prick up their ears.

"Eh, don't you want to say it?"

"First of all, as a subordinate, the assistant to the district chief must do something in line with the status of a subordinate. Unless there is an absolute mistake, it should not go against the will of the upper class. Taking the initiative to greet us, obviously, there are some fluke in that person's heart. No matter how to get along with online life, it is a capital for him. If you look carefully at his eyes, you can tell this.

"Eh?" Nocino obviously didn't understand.

"Simply put, it is utilitarian. However, although it is utilitarian, it is not a mistake, and it is not a bad thing to find an opportunity to climb up. But the premise is... to accurately grasp your own position. If you do something you shouldn't do in order to climb up, you will lose yourself.

"I don't know what will happen to him in the future. Anyway, this time it's his fault, so he helped us a small favor, so I will also return the favor and respond to his expectations." Nochira explained seriously without any avoidance. The summoner and several other people around are really ashamed to hear it. What should I say about this?

In a word, it is too far from their preconceived idea, 'little goblin is simple and naive'.

"In addition, I deliberately analyzed all this with you, in addition to teaching you something, just to remind... them!" Nochila looked at the summoner.

In the last sentence, Nochila's voice had a huge echo in the air, which immediately shocked everyone's mood.

"Although I'm not afraid of any traps, I hate trouble, so let you recognize this early so that you don't have to do those sneaky little actions."

Nochila's voice fell, and several people had different thoughts. Some people think that this goblin is very interesting and imposing; some people think that this goblin is simply a big deal and sees people too dark; but there are also people who stiffen unnaturally before returning to nature.