huan xing tu

Chapter 40 Sea of Phoenix Soul

Boom, the unbroken roar followed closely behind him. The two generals ran endlessly, and the three flame giants chased behind them tirelessly.

"It's not a way to go on like this. You have to find a way to get rid of them." Xing Ji thought to himself and glanced at the three flame giants that clung to him tightly like cowhide candy from time to time. Then he turned to the middle-aged man who suddenly appeared and saved his life.

"I don't know if the predecessor is..." Xing Ji asked in a low voice.

The general did not look at the star silence. His eyes always stayed on the long sword in his arms and said coldly, "The general."

Although the voice is small, the two words are like two heavy hammers hitting the heart of Xingshi. Gan Jiang, a famous swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn Period, studied under Ou Yezi. There are countless swords cast in one sound, but the most famous one is the two strange swords he cast together with his wife Mo Xie - Gan Jiang Mo Xie.

Looking at the man beside him carefully, Xingji asked disbelief, "Are you a general?" A disciple of Master Ou Yezi?"

The general did not say anything, but nodded slightly.

Seeing Gan Jiang's affirmative answer, Xing Ji's eyes moved from his face to the cyan sword in his arms. Aware of the star's behavior, Gan Jiang gently stroked Mo Xiejian and said sadly, "Yes, she is my wife Mo Xie."

Xing Ji has heard the story of Mo Xie, but he didn't expect to see the real general Mo Xie today. Unable to suppress the excitement in his heart, he asked with a slight trembling, "Senior general, why did you appear here?"

"Because of you."

The general's answer made Xingji very confused, so he asked puzzledly, "Because of me? What's going on?"

"Don't ask too much, let's get rid of the three flame giants first." The general said impatiently.

Hearing the reminder of the general, Xing Ji suddenly remembered that there were three flame giants chasing closely behind him.

"Senior, what should we do?"

The general suddenly stopped and said, "It seems that we have to go to that place to hide first."

After saying that, he didn't wait for Xing Ji to understand what he was going to say and flew to the depths of the earth's fire vein.

This is also a world of fire, but differently, the flames here are actually blue.

From afar, it looks like a real ocean. The dancing flames are like rolling waves, sounding from the depths of the ocean.

Standing in front of this blue sea of fire, Gan General looked back at the three flame giants who had already stopped. Judging from their actions, it seems that they are very afraid of the blue ocean in front of them.

Looking at the wonder in front of him, Xingji didn't understand why the three flame giants were afraid of these. What makes him understand more is that there seems to be a sea of fire here, but the temperature is not so high.

"Senior, what is this place?" Unable to hold the curiosity in his heart, Xing Ji asked.

This time, the general was surprisingly not rigid, and a sense of nostalgic happiness appeared on his face. He said affectionately, "This is another existence of the earth fire vein, and those faint blue flames are a strange fire. I haven't seen anyone except my wife Mo Xie.

While talking, the dry general carefully pulled out Mo Xie's sword in his arms. The blue light made a buzzing trembling sound towards the sea of blue fire, as if cheering.

"What kind of flame is this?" Xingji continued to ask.

"This is the flame left after the failure of Phoenix Nirvana. When we were in the human world, my wife Mo Xie and I saw it once. We call this strange flame 'Phoenix Soul Yan', and I name this sea of fire 'Phoenix Soul Sea'. This is the second time I've been here.

"Phoenix Soul Yan? Is this different from other flames? Xing asked puzzledly, and he didn't understand the so-called difference between the flames.

"Of course, it is different. Although the temperature of this flame is not high, it can still melt everything. Until now, I don't know what it can't melt, and Fenghun Yan can automatically remove impurities from the casting material. He doesn't need to grasp the heat and temperature of the flame, he just needs to temper it carefully. Unfortunately, once this flame leaves the original place, it will soon go out. Until now, I still don't understand what the reason is.

After listening to the general's explanation, Xingji nodded clearly. Then he looked at the three flame giants behind him in the distance and cursed, "It's really Yumu's brainless. Why don't they leave?"

In Dantian, in the blue clouds, there was a lazy sound of the dragon soul. Then he asked carelessly, "Kid, where are you? Let's go out quickly. The cultivation environment here is indeed very good, but it is really...

Before he finished speaking, the dragon soul suddenly became mute. He stared at the sea of phoenix soul in front of him and said with a shocked expression, "It's actually a sea of fire turned into by phoenix blood! Sun, you! Why did it appear here?"

The dragon soul was shocked, and the star silence heard his words was equally shocked.

"Senior, what did you say? Is this sea of phoenix soul melted by the blood of phoenixes?

The dragon soul put away its surprise and said, "Yes, this blue flame is indeed melted by the blood of the phoenix. I just don't understand why it appeared here?

Even the dragon soul can't figure out the problem, let alone the star silence. Then he turned his eyes to this beautiful blue sea of fire, the sea of phoenix soul.

After a long time, the silent general suddenly said, "It seems that these three flame giants are against us. However, we don't have time to stay in a stalemate like them. We have to find a way to go out.

"Just kill it directly. Sun, it's so troublesome." In Dantian, the dragon soul said unhungryly.

And Xingji glanced at his mouth and said, "Senior, what you said is easy, but how did you kill it?"

"Well, when I didn't say anything, you are the sun! I went back to rest and told me when I went out!"

For the dragon soul, the star silence is completely speechless.

Gan Jiang stroked Mo Xiejian in his arms and stared at the sea of phoenix souls in front of him, with a happy smile on the corners of his mouth. Xingji guessed that he must have thought of the good things in the past.

"Kid, what do you want my master to cast?" The general suddenly asked.


The same as when Ou Yezi heard these two words, the general was also shocked. Then he trembled and said, "Can you show me?"

Xingji didn't think about it, so he took out the blue black ice. The two blues complement each other and are particularly beautiful.

Carefully looking at the blue Xuanbing, the originally blurred eyes of the dry general became extremely clear and divine at this moment.

After a long time, the general asked hesitantly, "I don't know if you will let me cast it for you?"

buzz! Xingji couldn't believe it and stayed where it was. After a while, he was surprised and said, "Yes, yes, of course."

After getting Xing Si's answer, Gan's expression instantly became extremely solemn, and his eyes firmly stared at Xuan Bing in his hand, as if he were thinking about something.

After thinking, Gan General's face was filled with excitement, solemn, joy and expectation with a variety of complex expressions. Then he said to Xing Ji, "If my master does it, then you can definitely cast a treasure, or even a fairy weapon. If I do it, I'm afraid I won't be at that high level. Don't worry, even if you don't agree, I will let my master cast it for you when I go out.

It was not as the general thought. Xingji did not hesitate at all and said firmly, "Everything is decided by the predecessors."

A dark casting table is firmly located in front of the sea of phoenix souls, like a hill.

A layer of Yuanli film is tightly wrapped around the surface of the casting table to prevent it from melting by flames.

On the shore of the sea of phoenix soul, Xingji carefully looked at the generals suspended on the sea. In that section, the blue black ice rotated rapidly. A dark casting hammer has long been tightly grasped in the hands of the general. The cyan Mo Xiejian, like his wife, floated motionlessly beside him.

At this moment, Xingji saw that it was not a sword, but a person, a beautiful young woman, looking at her husband with a smile on her face full of happiness.

With the first sonorous hammering sound, the subsequent knocking sound is like dripping raindrops. With the dark casting hammer, the star silence has not seen his trace for a long time. Reflected in the star's eyes, it was black, and the shadow of the casting hammer was completely connected.

There is no firelight dancing and no sparks splashing. There is only the sound of ping-pong, the fixed picture.

The sky above the Divine Soldier Villa is still filled with a strong smell of sulfur. Everyone's eyes were on the ruins, where the old figure of Ou Yezi had been standing there and waiting.

Wow! The originally clear sky suddenly appeared a dark cloud. The rolling dark clouds tightly covered the place that had just undergone a tragic change.

Purple thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds, as if waiting for something.

Seeing that strange scene, Ou Yezi's mind suddenly flashed a scene many years ago. At that time, it was the final of the casting conference. The person who caused this spectacle has a strange name: Xing Zun.

Brothers, come on! Give me some strength!

Shennan's boy has been following our buttocks. We have to find a way to get rid of him and get rid of him fiercely. What should we do if the front blocks us? One word: explosion!

Brothers, awesome! Break out your enthusiasm.

What kind of surprise will Gan give everyone? Keep an eye on it!

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Also, let's name the soldier who is about to be born with pig's feet!! 1