huan xing tu

Chapter 26 Lightning Casting

I don't know when the originally clear sky began to become gloomy. Dark clouds shrouded the top of the square, and faint thunder came from the dark clouds.

It seems that a storm is coming.

It's just strange that the dark clouds in the air are slowly rotating and gradually forming a whirlpool. Below the center of the whirlpool is a casting table. At this moment, the owner of the casting table is he - Lei Jingyuan.

Lei Jingyuan did not care about the dark clouds condensed above his head, but walked regularly around the casting table.

"Is he setting up a formation?" Xing Ji wondered, "Did he use this method to attract thunder? This array is similar to the gathering array. However, it is not the aura gathered, but the thunder and lightning in the sky.

Returning to the casting table, Lei Jingyuan looked up at the dark clouds above his head, with a solemn look on his face. Clenging the casting hammer in his hand, Lei Jingyuan clamped the items he wanted to cast on the casting table. It's a gun!

Fix the long gun, the casting hammer in Lei Jingyuan's hand slowly raised to the top of his head, and his mouth squirmed quickly.

A shocking scene!

From the center of the whirlpool in the dark clouds, a small thunderbolt fell from the sky and went straight to the thunder below. When the thunder and lightning reached above his head, the casting hammer in Lei Jingyuan's hand met him decisively.

The onlookers stared and observed carefully.

The lightning did not fall on Lei Jingyuan's body along the casting hammer, but surrounded the casting hammer in his hand. The electric flower is not a flash, and the sound shines directly into everyone's heart.

"Thunderfall!" Lei Jingyuan shouted loudly and ran towards the long gun on the casting platform with the casting hammer with the power of lightning.

On the high platform, Lei Jingtian's fists were held tightly, and the muscles on his face were shaking slightly. His sharp eyes were like a hungry wolf, staring at his prey.

When everyone's eyes were completely attracted by the thunder and lightning, Xing Ji's eyes carefully stared at the casting hammer in Lei Jingyuan's hand. This casting hammer is generally bronze. The hammer head is also the same as the usual casting hammer, but the hammer handle is a little different. If only from the appearance, this hammer handle is no different from other casting hammers. At most, the material is better. But if you observe it carefully, you will find some differences.

Some messy lines are vaguely depicted on the hammer handle, and the color is almost the same. It is difficult to find it without careful observation.

"There must be articles in these messy lines?" The star murmured.

Carrying thunder and lightning, the casting hammer collided with the long gun. There was no spark splashing out, and the power of thunder and lightning on the casting hammer was transmitted to the long gun, as if it had found a vent.

The casting hammer, which lost the power of thunder and lightning, without hesitation, tapped quickly along the lightning transmitted to the long gun. The crisp sound was connected, and there was no pause for a second in the middle. From the head of the gun to the barrel, there is no omission. When the sound of tapping disappeared, the lightning coiled around the long gun also disappeared. And the long gun faintly exudes some light purple.

At the end of all this, Lei Jingyuan breathed violently, and there was also a firm look in his eyes. And Lei Jingtian, who was sitting on the high platform, also breathed a sigh of relief. After taking the handkerchief handed over by Lei Leiqian, Lei Jing carefully wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Son, the night was silent," Lei Qian asked in a low voice.

Lei Jingtian's eyes shifted from Lei Jingyuan to Xingshi. I saw the star silence shining motionless in front of the casting table. His eyes looked straight at the flame under the small tripod.

"Lei Qian, have you noticed that the flame under the small tripod seems to be a little strange?"

Lei Qian looked at the flame. Tao: "Son, it seems that the little tripod is melting. The bottom has begun to drip**.

"That's right, the purple flame can actually melt the furnace tripod. It seems that the flame is indeed strange. Lei Qian, I have changed my mind now. Whether Ye Tianji can help us get the order to gather immortals, I will take him back.

"Son,," Lei Qian asked puzzledly.

"Ha ha, I'm very interested in his fire control technology."


Looking at the thunder and lightning like a wild dragon and listening to the sound of crossing the air, there is a creepy feeling in everyone's hearts. And the thunder and lightning's expression became more and more solemn, even with a slight fear. Guide the thunder and lightning and enter it into the long gun. The pounding sound of the casting hammer is getting faster and faster, and Lei Jingyuan's breathing is getting heavier and heavier.

"It seems that Lei Jingyuan is almost to the limit!" Xing Ji sighed. However, what Xingji is concerned about now is not thunderstorming. It's a small black tripod on the flame. The ticking sound from the flames became more and more dense, and even the top of the small tripod began to slowly melt. The ice heart crystals inside the small tripod will almost melt away.

"It seems that my worries are superfluous, although Xiaoding can't stand the burning of the flames. But the ice heart crystal inside has a very low temperature, which makes it impossible for the flame to burn through the small tripod at all. Since you don't have to worry about these, I should do something else.

The god of wind soul wood was frozen into the shape of an unopened sword by the ice power. Looking at it, Xingji smiled with satisfaction. The appearance is determined, but its weight, but I don't think it will be difficult. After all, the weight should be similar to that of a wooden casting hammer. However, is there still a layer of extra wind and soul wood outside? What should I do to remove it?

Boom! A violent thunder sounded through the sky. The dark clouds of thunder and lightning seem to be unable to withstand the thunder, and there is a trend of cracking. The face of Lei Jingyuan, who looked up at the top of his head, suddenly became extremely pale, and the casting hammer in his hand also trembled slightly.

However, he had no way out, because the huge thunder had fallen from the sky and roared to the thunder.

On the high platform, Lei Tian stood up nervously and stared at the thunder and lightning that was falling. At the same time, other people on the high platform also stood up one after another, and their eyes were all focused on the thunder and lightning that no one was sure enough to control.

The staff on the square withdrew the crowd of onlookers. Try to avoid unnecessary casualties. And the guards of the Divine Soldier Villa are also ready for protection.

The thunder and lightning was about to fall, and the thunder and lightning stood far beyond his imagination and control. He stood still and waited for the thunder and lightning to kill!

"Amazing! Get out of the way!!" On the high platform. Thunder shouted hoarsely.

Lei Jingyuan suddenly woke up from the shock, threw the casting hammer in his hand into the air and left the place quickly.

hong!! As soon as the casting hammer came into contact with lightning, it was smashed! But this does not seem to reduce the anger of thunder and lightning. The furious thunder and lightning, divided into several channels, rushed to other casters who were casting.