huan xing tu

Chapter 61 Dead Sea Strange Movement

On the vast sea, there is no wave or a wisp of vitality. The dark sea water exudes a strong smell of death.

The sea boat left in the weak water is like an island waiting for death. The ship was also dead and silent without any sound.

On the sinking deck, the white ice feather looked solemnly at the endless darkness and frowned. The disciples of the Ice Moon Mountain who followed behind her were all waiting for her decision.

Chen Yu appeared and everything fell. Hasn't she heard this sentence? However, she didn't expect that just today she would encounter this sea of death that devoured all life.

"Uncle Bingyu, what should we do?" Bingyun slowly walked out of the crowd, came to Bingyu's side, and asked tremblingly.

Bingyu did not answer, not that she was unwilling to answer Bingyun's question, but because she didn't know how to answer.

On the straight mast, the white sail, which was originally like a full moon, is also hanging listlessly at this moment. At the top of the mast, Bing Yi looked into the distance and looked at her decadent face began to change.

"Uncle Bingyu, Uncle Bingyu, look, look, there seems to be someone there!"

Hearing Bingyi's shout, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted. Dozens of streamers flew from the west of the sea of sunken feathers and then stopped on the edge. After all, once you enter the sky above the sea of Shenyu, you will be pulled into the sea by a strong suction, and then disappear into the darkness.

"It's a person from the Thunder Mountain!" Looking into the distance, Bingyu muttered, "Why did they come here?"

However, before her questions were answered, Bingyi began to shout again: "Uncle Bingyu, look, there are also people there."

Just north of the sunken sea, that is, in the direction of the bow of this sea ship, dozens of figures also appeared in an instant.

"It's Bingjue and Bingqing. The master must have sent them to rescue them. It's just that this sea of sinking feathers,,, alas!" With that, Bingyu sighed deeply. Even if you want to rescue, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do.

"Sister Bingyu, in charge of the sect, we are here to rescue you. How are all the disciples?" The sound of ice echoed on the dead sea.

"Bing Juebing's two senior sisters, I and the disciples are fine. However, Chen Yuhai,,, Bingyu didn't finish her words. She believed that the two senior sisters could understand what she meant.

"Don't worry, there will be a way to teach!" Bingqing shouted.

While several sisters were talking, there were more than a dozen streams of people from different directions. And their direction is all the sea of sunken feathers where the ice feathers are located.

The dark weak water is like a demon that ruthlessly devours life, looking at the starboard of a ship that is about to cross the sea boat.

"Sister Bingyun, what should we do? Will we die here?" A pale sister asked in a low voice. And the other sisters' eyes were all fixed on her.

At this moment, Bingyun realized the feelings of Uncle Bingyu and why she didn't answer her own questions. At a very difficult time, there was a slight fluctuation in the sea of dead sea of sunken feathers.

"What is that?" Bingyi, standing on the mast, was the first to discover this vision. With her exclamation, everyone's attention was attracted there. Not only the people on the sea boat, but also the people outside the edge of the sea are staring closely.

"Sister, why are the people in Luolei Mountain coming here?" Bing asked puzzledly. Indeed, they came here to save people, but what did they come here for?

Bingjue sneered and said, "I think they want to come here to see if there are any treasures, right?" It's not just the Ice Moon Mountain, but everyone else seems to have come.

Yes, there are countless figures around the edge of the sea of sinking feathers. Luolei Mountain, Tiandao Sect, Donghai Dragon Palace, and Demon Realm, as the forces of several peaks on the ancient continent, have all arrived here. This has to make people speculate that there must be some unspeakable secrets in this sea of sunken feathers, which may be treasures.

Of course, Bing Jue's words are not all right. Some monks did come here to see this extremely rare sea of sinking feathers, while the East China Sea Dragon Palace came here to rescue their three princesses.

"Sister, what should we do? Seeing that the sea of sinking feathers is about to swallow up the sea boat. Bing said anxiously.

And the ice is not in a hurry, but there is no way for life to pass over the sea of sinking feathers. Just now, a monk took a small step forward curiously, had no reaction at all, and fell into the sea and disappeared.

In the sea of Shenyu, which was shrouded in silence, there was a gradual and strong fluctuation.

"Young master, look, there seems to be something there!"

Lei Potian looked at it and said with a smile, "It seems that my father guessed correctly. There must be some treasures in this sea of sinking feathers. Now it seems that the treasure is about to be born.

As soon as Lei Potian's words were finished, everyone's faces were filled with uncontrollable excitement. Chen Yuhai is already extraordinary, so the treasures born from here must not be extraordinary.

"Brother, why didn't I see the third sister? Isn't the third sister on this sea boat? Ao Zhan said worriedly.

Standing in front of Ao Zhan was an extraordinary man with a somewhat similar appearance to him, but a few more calm. He is the eldest son of Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, fearless.

"There will be no mistake! From the sea ship's departure from the port, the sea shark followed. Until the sunken sea appeared and the sea shark died. The third sister has never left this ship. However, I'm also strange. Why didn't I find the trace of Sanmei?"

"Brother, why are you here?" Following the people who came out of the Divine Soldier Villa, the iron and wood Taoist also came here.

Behind him is a group of monks wearing long swords and Taoist uniforms. At the front is the iron sword Taoist, the brother of the iron wood Taoist.

"I came here by the order of my master." The iron swordsman said, and then said, "The master said that there will be strange movements in Chen Yuhai. Let's take a look. Look, everyone else is here. Brother, this time, we must be careful."

The iron wood Taoist nodded slightly.

Dressed in black, murderous. The people on this side come from the demon realm. Standing at the front is King Tengjiao, the domain owner of the demon realm.

"Domain owner, it seems that the good show is about to begin." The guardian eagle of the demon realm rises the way.

A cold light flashed in Teng Jiaowang's sharp eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose gently. He smiled and said, "Ea Ying Yang's protection, you and I will go to have a look later, and ask the disciples to be careful. Especially Luo Lei Mountain and those stinky Taoists."

"I'm going to order you to go down!"

On the calm sea, a wave slowly drilled out from the depths of the seabed. As the position continues to rise, the fluctuation fluctuates more and larger.

Under this fluctuation, it is like a huge fish. The long ripples spread rapidly. The direction of diffusion is the sea ship that stagnates in the sea of sunken feathers.

"Uncle Bingyu, it seems to be coming here." Bingyi shouted loudly.

Everyone stopped talking, their breathing became low and rapid, and every look stared at this huge fluctuation.

There was a loud noise, like a long sword coming out of the water. At this moment, the originally motionless sea boat was violently hit out by a white beam of light drilled from the sea of sunken feathers. Bingyi, standing at the top of the mast, was thrown high.

A huge beam of light drilled out of the sea and slowly turned from the original slope to an upright position. Standing in the dark weak water, it is unusually eye-catching.

With a buzzing sound, a dull sound came from the bottom of the sea of sinking feathers. After the sound, the huge white beam of light stood still.


The sea boat was coincidentally pushed to the direction of the ice moon mountain by the pillar of light, but Bingyi was falling on the sunken sea.

The white figure is holding wildly in the air, but even if it is struggling, it is always useless.

"Hmm?" Bingyi's figure disappeared and disappeared at the top of the beam of light. Seeing this scene, Lei Potian's eyebrows frowned tightly.

"No, this beam of light is strange!" This idea appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

"Ah?! Where is this?"

When the beam of light stood upright, the two stars in the mysterious channel also reached a mysterious world along the channel.

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