huan xing tu

Chapter 90 Tengjiao King

"Hmm?" Under the gaze of everyone, the figure of the eagle elder entered the interior of the thunder and lightning ball.

"He is not afraid of thunder and lightning?" Lei Potian's eyes stared at Elder Eagle without blinking, and his expression was dull. He was very confused as to why the eagle that penetrated into Qingluan's body was not fatally injured.

The two arms seem to have really become two sharp knives at this moment. Inside the thunder and lightning balls, electric snakes were constantly cut off. Although the lightning ball is constantly absorbing the surrounding thunder elements, the speed of the eagle elder is much faster than its absorption.

The broken electric snake reintoes into a free thunder element and wanders inside the ball.

"Explosion!" Looking at the decreasing electric snake, he shouted vigorously.

"Boom!" The ball suddenly burst, and a wail came from the center of the explosion. It was the miserable sound of the Eagle Elder.

A figure suddenly appeared on the edge of the explosion. There was white smoke in the curled hair above his head, his face was dark, and pieces of broken clothes floated gently in the wind.

He coughed violently, and the white teeth appeared on Elder Eagle's dark face. Haha, is this your last strongest move? It seems that I'm right. The thunder sword is not as good as Er!"

There was a thick breath in his nostrils, and his anger burned red with his white and cold face.

Ah! A roar went straight into the sky. Following the roar, the fierce figure also rose rapidly. As he rose, all people felt that the elements of heaven and earth began to become extremely chaotic. The surrounding air, even frozen, no longer flows.

A powerful force is forming above the clouds.

"This is," the elder eagle looked at the fierceness of the clouds, and an ominous foreboding in his heart. Just as the heart began to accelerate, everything began.

"Thunder and Fury!" The fierce shouts shook to the depths of everyone's soul. Faster than this loud shout is a lavender thunderbolt.

It pours down like a torrent, exuding the momentum of destroying everything and running for the eagle elders.

"Thunder and anger? The sixth type of the thunder sword!!" Looking at the fierce anger and feeling the heart-prightening momentum, Elder Eagle's heart was cold.

Although the thunderstorm did not kill himself. But it also caused some damage, especially the power consumed during the explosion. Feeling the huge energy hidden in the thunder and anger, Elder Eagle now really wants to slap himself twice in the face. It is this mouth that has caused the scourge that is not sure to resist now.

"Fight!" As soon as he gritted his teeth, the elder eagle stimulated all the remaining power in his body and prepared for the worst in his heart.

Two pale cyan wing light and shadow appeared behind the eagle elder. With his trembling body, the two wings began to dance slowly, as if they were to spread their wings and fly high.

Wings of the Wind! It's the wings of the wind!" The people below began to whisper.

"Is this what people often say about the unique "Wings of the Wind" of the demon family?" Xing Ji muttered, and his eyes burst into a strong light. I don't know if this eagle elder can escape!"

At the moment when the purple torrent of thunder and lightning covered the body of the eagle elder, the two wings suddenly swayed, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of the torrent.

"Transportation?" Xingji was surprised and said, "I didn't expect the Wings of the Wind to have such a special effect. It seems that Elder Eagle can at least save his life. Er! This,,, "

In the star's frightened eyes, the torrent once again ran towards the eagle elder who had just moved out.

Breathing rapidly and watching the torrent chase again, it was like a vengeful viper, chasing reluctantly. It seems that it will not stop if it doesn't eat its prey.

The wings behind him are getting lighter and lighter, but the elder eagle's face is getting whiter and whiter. The power consumed by each teleportation is not a star or a half.

"See how long you can hold on!" Lei Potian said fiercely, as if he had seen the Eagle Elder being swallowed up by the torrent.

The wings disappeared, and the elder eagle stood staggering in the air. Looking at the torrent of thunder and lightning, he closed his eyes in despair.

"Boom!" Another loud noise, and Elder Eagle clearly felt that the feeling of being stared at disappeared. Suddenly opened his eyes, and a magnificent figure stood in front of him.

It's him, King Tengjiao!

King Tengjiao is King Tengjiao, the domain owner of the demon realm, and one of the peak strong men on the ancient heritage continent.

The cold eyes looked down at everyone under their feet, and an invisible pressure weighed on everyone's heart like a mountain.

"The domain owner,," looked at the magnificent figure, and the elder Eagle was so excited that he didn't know what to say. You know, if it hadn't been for the timely action of King Tengjiao, he would have been a cold corpse now, or even wiped out.

"Eagle Elder, you step back first."

Elder Eagle didn't say anything more, but solemnly saluted the king in front of him and retreated quietly. This is not only because the order of King Tengjiao cannot be questioned, but also because his stay now can only be a hindrance.

Everyone present is very clear in their hearts that Lei Li is not the opponent of King Teng Jiao at all.

And King Teng Jiao had no intention of cracking down with Lei. His majestic face turned to the stone platform and said to Lei Zhen, "Don't you come out yet?"

"Ha ha, King Teng Jiao, why do you have to be like these juniors!"

Lei Zhen came over slowly and gave a pill to Lei Potian. Looking at the arrogant King Tengjiao in the sky, Lei Zhan smiled and said, "King Tengjiao, I didn't expect that after so many years, your temper has not changed!" He shook his head helplessly, and in the blink of an eye, Lei Zhen had already stood in front of King Tengjiao.

Teng Jiaowang snorted coldly, "You haven't changed much. There's still as much nonsense as before!"

The two looked at each other with a smile in their eyes. But everyone can feel that in this smile, the strong fighting spirit is brewing and upgrading!!

The wind roared through everyone's ears. The difference is that I don't know when the wind began to get cold. Just like the cold wind in winter, every time it blows, it is like a blunt knife cutting your own wound.

Feeling the increasingly strong fighting spirit in the air, Elder Eagle commanded everyone to leave the same place and hide farther away.

In the air, King Tengjiao and Lei Zhen did not use any moves, but only hit each other with the strength of their bodies. Bang! The two quickly separated at the moment they came into contact! Everyone who clearly felt the power of their bodies couldn't help trembling. Because the force of the impact alone makes the air burst.

Looking at each other again, Lei Zhen and Teng Jiao Wang raised a smile at the corners of their mouths. This smile gives people a sense of satisfaction. It seems that both of them are gratified by each other's action just now.

A cold light cut through the darkness of the night, and a long sword with a purple halo appeared in the hands of Leizhen. Gently touching every corner of the sword, Lei Zhen said pitily, "Run Lei Jian, let's meet you as an old friend again!"

The thunder sword trembled, and a whisper was filled with boundless fighting spirit. It burst out with gorgeous light and rushed towards the Tengjiao King in the distance.

Feeling the strong fighting spirit of the thunder sword stabbing him, Teng Jiaowang snorted coldly, and a long black soldier appeared in his hand, which was his weapon - a three-pointedged two-edged knife.

At the moment when the three-pointed two-edged knife appeared, although there was no cold light flashing. But everyone couldn't help shaking. Suddenly, there is a strong bloody smell in the air. The murderous atmosphere contained in this smell enters the range of people's sense of smell and pushes them into the depths of people's souls through the bottom of their hearts.

"What a strong murderous atmosphere!" Feeling the fishy smell in the air, Xing silence said unconsciously.

The thoughts of the two people quietly feel the breath emanating from each other. The bright light in his eyes shattered the last calm, and in an instant, the two figures once again converged.