huan xing tu

Chapter 157 Weird Birds

The demon realm is located in the southeast of the ancient heritage continent, which is said to be the most species-rich area on the ancient heritage continent. Of course, some people say that the southernmost species of the ancient continent is the largest, but no one knows whether it is true or not. First, the area of the ancient continent is so large that few people can reach all the places. The second reason is that this bloody forest in front of the star silence.

After looking at the map, Xingxi knew that the demon realm was almost connected to the fog forest, and only a mountain across the ancient continent dangerously separated them. Therefore, if you want to reach the southern end of the ancient continent, you must first cross the mountain range, and then walk through the demon realm. Few people take the risk of doing this, and the reason can come from the smell of blood in the air.

When the sun in the sky climbed to the top of the head, it was still dark in the jungle where the stars were located. Under the cover of these impenetrable leaves, the light in the jungle is not very bright, but you can also see everything around you.

Wow, the stars gasped silently, and the air in the jungle was too stuffy. And there is no air flow, which is particularly dirty and disgusting.

I found a slightly clean place, and the stars sat cross-legged, accumulating the power in the air and quickly recovered. It has been almost a month since I walked into this jungle, but I still can't see the end. Xingji really can't imagine how big the area of this jungle is.

Hmm? The star silence immersed in practice suddenly opened his eyes, and his vigilance flashed in an instant. Then, his figure quietly faded away and disappeared.

A blue and purple shadow quickly shuttled through the dense jungle. It is incredible that although the speed of the blue and purple shadow is not as fast as thunder and lightning, it is not much worse. What's more amazing is that although the speed is fast, it is so flexible, like a gust of wind.

Ji-jiu! The blue-purple shadow stopped on a branch, a bird, a strange bird. The bird is not very big, only the size of two or three fists. Almost all the feathers on its body appear a cyan color. In addition, it is more striking that there is a pinch of purple feathers above the bird's head. Surprisingly, this pinch of purple feathers is in the shape of lightning.

"What kind of warcraft is this? Why don't I remember?" Looking at the strange bird, Xing Ji asked doubtfully. The information in "Spiritual Records" quickly unfolded in my mind, but there was still no clue.

The strange bird looked sharply at the place where the star silence hid. Xingji's heart has already, although his cultivation is not a master, it is not so bad. Such a strange bird can actually see through its own place. Thinking of this, the doubt in Xingji's heart became even stronger. What kind of bird is this?

However, although the bird's eyes are sharp, there is no malice.

Not long after, bursts of sound came quickly from a distance. In an instant, countless black shadows appeared in the jungle, covering the earth, forming a big net.

"Thunder Eagle! There are so many thunder eagles. What are they going to do?

The light flashed, and the vigilant eyes stared at the countless thunderhawks. Finally, his eyes fell on the strange bird. He muttered, "Is it because of this strange bird?"

However, looking at the size of the bird, Xingji denied it again. Ordinary monsters dare not fight against thunder eagles, not to mention such a small bird. However, the suddenly silent body was shocked, and the scene just in my mind: the sharp eyes actually saw through my concealment.

Thunderhawk, a high-level creature in Thunder Warcraft. From its name, you can probably guess some of their characteristics. Thunder Eagle, which is extremely fast and good at using some low-level thunder attacks. But what confuses Xingsil is how so many species that like to live alone suddenly appear.

Just when the stars were puzzled, the thunder eagles had surrounded the blue and purple birds. Thunder Eagle's sharp eyes like a sharp sword tightly locked the bird parked on the branch.

With a whistle in the distance, a thunder eagle swooped down from the sky, like a falcon. The sharp eagle's claws flashed with cold light and seemed to tear the bird into pieces easily. Lightning passed through, and the branches and leaves around the thunder eagle instantly turned into flying ash. Looking closely, there was a slight electric snake flashing on the black feather.

ho~ho! The cry of the thundereagle echoed in the jungle, murderous.

In a blink of an eye, the thundereagle has reached the top of the strange bird's head.

Hmm? Xingjing sighed softly, and he was sure that he had read it wrong. The bird actually disappeared, indeed disappeared. Where did the thunder eagle go when it was about to catch it?

There! When it appeared again, the blue-purple bird was strange on the back of the thunder eagle. The open wings actually lit up a blue light. This light is like a sharp blade that can easily cut off everything.

Even before she had time to tweet, the head of the thunder eagle was separated from the body behind it without warning. What's more strange is that the lightning power stored in the thunder eagle's body spewed out of the wound and rushed to one place. There is only one place, that is, the blue-purple bird. With the continuous absorption of lightning, the size of the blue-purple bird has increased to a certain extent. At the same time, the purple feathers on the top of the head look more eye-catching.

"Uh!" Seeing this scene, Xingshi couldn't help but be stunned. This bird doesn't look very eyey, but it can get rid of the thunderhawk so easily. What's more strange is that it can actually rely on the absorption of lightning power to make its size grow.

The hidden people in the distance seem to see all this in their eyes. Then, the whistle began to become rapid and dense.

The message conveyed in the whistle, except for some accidents on the periphery, all the other thunder eagles took action. The smell of blood in the air completely stimulated the bloodthirsty side of these warcrafts.

Black figures are intertwined into a huge network, constantly shrinking. But it didn't give this strange bird any escape gap. Seeing that the Warcraft was controlled to this extent, Xingji couldn't help admiring it.

The thunder eagle keeps impacting and the electric light shines. But the bird doesn't seem to be very afraid. Bathed in thunder and lightning, its size is constantly growing. However, I don't know why. As the strange bird's size continued to grow, its speed began to slow down. Slowly, its strange advantage in speed disappeared.

At this moment, the bird is about the same size as the thunder eagle. The cyan light is getting weaker and weaker, and it can't even cause any harm to the thunderhawk. However, Thunder Eagle's attack on it is becoming more and more effective.

The sharp eagle's claws passed its body mercilessly. The cyan feathers were scattered in an instant, and the flesh and blood were blurred where they were scratched by the eagle's claws. Smelling the blood flowing from the bird's body, these thunder eagles looked even more crazy. With his claws, a thunder eagle even jumped on the bird's back. The hook-like eagle's beak tore off a piece of flesh and blood and swallowed it straight down.

The loud sound of thunderhawks echoed in the jungle. Compared with these thunder eagles, the bird is silent. However, the purple feathers above the head are getting brighter and brighter.

Whether it was unintentional or intentional, the bird actually looked at the star silence again. This time, the eyes looked so desolate, as if they were pleading. Just as the star was puzzled, the feathers all over the bird suddenly rose, followed by a sad cry. The song was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the place where the bird was flashed a dazzling purple light.

After the thunder, the thunder eagles that participated in the round-up all turned into powder and disappeared in the wind. And a blue light fell straight down.