huan xing tu

Chapter 163 Land of Wind and Thunder

The towering mountains tower into the clouds, and at the top of the peaks, the white snow shines in the sun. The breeze blew, bringing a cool freshness, which suddenly shocked people and woke up a lot in an instant. Standing on the clouds, looking back at the vast forest sea behind him, his breath became extremely comfortable in an instant. It's been a month, a full month. In a hurry, Xingsil finally came out of it.

However, it is a little puzzled that no one has appeared since the Lone Wolf was defeated. Even those shrimp soldiers and crabs were not there, and everything became particularly calm. But this calmness is so strange when it comes to the star silence. Intuition tells itself that under this calm, the undercurrent may burst at any time.

The five-winged bluebird glides down from the sky and bathes in the arms of the wind, which obviously makes it feel extremely comfortable. In flight, wisps of blue wind elements poured into the body of the five-winged blue bird at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is also the reason why the five-winged blue bird in flight always shines cyan.

Landing on Xingshi's shoulder, the five-winged blue bird seemed to be very intimate, just like a child, constantly kissing Xingshi's cheeks. Since defeating the lone wolf, the two have gradually adapted to each other's existence during this period of time. However, Xingji still doesn't figure out what the five-winged blue bird is.

However, these days, the five-winged bluebird has changed a lot. It used to be the size of a fist, but now it has grown dozens of times, almost the size of a lamb. More importantly, the wings are like two sharp long knives, emitting a sharp breath all the time.

"Xiaoqing! Are you going to follow me like this? Did you see that mountain? After turning over it, you walked out of your hometown. Pointing to the distance, the continuous mountain, the star said slightly.

And the five-winged bluebird also sounded sadly as if it had understood. The relationship between the two these days has also led to a relationship between the two. However, sometimes, it is a word that has to be said.

Feeling the sadness that the five-winged blue bird wanted to express, Xing Ji reluctantly smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you home first, okay?"

Although extremely reluctant, the five-winged bluebird still chirped in agreement.

Walking in the endless deep mountains, you will encounter a slowly flowing stream from time to time. The plants are lush, the animals are playing leisurely, and everything seems so calm. Even Xingshi, a monk who survived the disaster, couldn't help but be moved.

But it has been shuttled through the vast mountains, and the star silence has never figured out where the five-winged blue bird is going to take it. However, he also knows that the five-winged bluebird will not be against him. Therefore, Xingji followed the cheerful little guy and walked towards the depths of the mountains.

Ji-jiu, a cheerful cry, and the cyan light flew quickly. Hearing the sound of the five-winged bluebird, all the monsters around crawled on the ground and remained motionless. Seeing this scene, Xingji became more curious about the identity of the little guy.

Ji-jiu, choo,,,

Standing in front of Xingji, the five-winged bluebird quickly chirped, as if telling Xingji something. The current five-winged blue bird is the size of a tiger. Xingji found that this size seemed to be the limit of the five-winged blue bird. However, the cyan feathers on the body seemed to be brighter, and even the star silence suspected that it was not easy to break the solid feathers of the star god.

Wow! Waiting for the star silence to understand the meaning of the five-winged blue bird, the guy has quickly flown away and flew away to the distance.

The star couldn't help laughing bitterly and followed closely. After the five-winged bluebird disappeared, the warcrafts crawling on the ground slowly stood up.

Walking on the barren mountain road, the environment of the star silence suddenly became very strange. The big trees towering into the clouds that could be seen everywhere suddenly disappeared here, with only some oblique and low plants. Needless to say, those monsters are also difficult to see. There was even a warcraft running out of here in a panic, as if there was something terrible inside.

In the vast mountains, there is such a special existence.

There, the fierce wind no longer roars all the time, and in the wind, it is sometimes mixed with faint thunder. Under the night, ferocious lightning, teeth and claws, shuttled through the storm. There is only one creature living there, and there is only one creature. This creature is a five-winged blue bird respected as a holy beast by the demon realm.

And this strange place is the "land of wind and thunder" that people talk about in the demon realm.

The towering cliff surrounds the land of wind and thunder, and there is only a narrow passage leading to it. And this place that any Warcraft does not want to approach welcomes two uninvited guests today.

In the narrow passage in front of him, the star silence did not know where it would lead, but the fierce wind gushed out like a sharp knife. The ground of the passage is clean, without any dust, not even rocks. The whole ground is like a stone connected to the whole mountain.

Wow, the roaring wind came from inside like thousands of running horses, and it was very difficult to walk in the star silence. On the other hand, the five-winged blue bird is like a swimming fish into the sea, which is particularly cheerful. The chirping sound expressed its extremely excited emotions, echoing in the storm.

Even if the ground is very glorious, it takes hundreds of times more effort to take a step forward. After a few steps, my legs seemed to be filled with lead water and could not be lifted at all. There were even several times, if the star silence had not reacted quickly, I'm afraid he would have fallen and been blown out by the strong wind.

Jiao, the five-winged bluebird, which had already flown into it, suddenly flew out of it again. It seemed that the star silence had not appeared for a long time, waiting anxiously. Landing in front of the star silence, the five-winged blue bird spread its huge wings. In an instant, the star silence was like a boat suddenly returning to the harbor in the storm.

He gasped and smiled helplessly. Looking at the five-winged blue bird, Xing Ji shouted, "You guy, I really don't know what to bring me here! Don't tell me that this is your home!"

It seems that the five-winged blue bird chirps and beats because the star silence guessed right. The star silence, which had just relaxed its vigilance, was suddenly blown out by the strong wind due to the loss of the protection of the five-winged bluebird wings. Watching the star silence being blow away, the five-winged blue bird jumped up quickly, stopped the desperately struggling star silence, and took him to the land of wind and thunder.

With the continuous depths, the storm inside is getting stronger and stronger, and the almost naked star silence at this moment is the best proof.

Through the narrow and long passage, the starlight vision suddenly opened up. In front of me is an open basin, the center of which is the center of the storm, from which there is a faint thunder.

Seeing this scene, Xingshi couldn't help sighing and said to himself, "Only this perverted guy can live here!"

I don't even know that I'm really right.

The five-winged bluebird home looked particularly excited. However, facing the center of the storm, the five-winged bluebird is still a little afraid. Obviously, with its current cultivation, it can't go inside.

The star silence that had just been released fell into the smooth cliff with a bang. That's why he was not thrown out by the hurricane again. However, I'm afraid it's not very comfortable to carry it motionless.

"Xiaoqing, why did you bring me here?" Caught in the stone wall, Xingji's face was full of helplessness, and he was very confused about the five-winged bluebird's behavior. But at this moment, he forgot that the five-winged blue bird could not speak at all, so he had to smile bitterly again.

Ji-jiu! In the storm, the five-winged bluebird kept singing, and their sharp eyes were aimed at the center of the storm. There was no time, and even it flew inside, but the strong storm threw it back without mercy.

The cyan feathers on the body keep falling, just like the cyan rain mixed with the storm. In some places, there is even blood flowing. However, this did not discourage the five-winged bluebird, but appeared more excited.

"What the hell does this guy want to do?"

For more than half a month, the five-winged bluebird kept flying in the storm and never landed. If it hadn't been for the eyes that looked at itself from time to time, Xingji would have thought that it had forgotten itself.

Ji-jiu! With the excited chirping, the five-winged blue bird landed in front of the star silence. The feathers all over the body seem to have been replaced. At this moment, they are like armor, flowing with cyan light. The five-winged bluebird polished by the storm, the iron wings are like knives, the claws are like spears, and its sharp eyes emit purple thunder and lightning, which is heart-pating.

seemed to be showing his achievements, flying in front of the star silence for several weeks, and then flew away again. This time, the target of the five-winged bluebird is the center of the storm, the real land of wind and thunder.