huan xing tu

Chapter 173 Change of Heart

A huge golden net fell from the sky and accurately hovered over the head of the five-winged bluebird. The five-winged bluebird, who was eager to escape, stayed motionless. Accidentally mixed with a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and there stood a white fox in every direction. Using phantoms, any monk can create his own virtual shadow, and high-level monks can create many. But the five-winged blue bird is frightened that these white foxes standing in different directions around them are entities, not virtual shadows.

"What's going on?" The purple eyes kept scanning at each one, but the final result was still the same, that is, every white fox in the field of vision was real.

The faces of the nine white foxes showed a cold smile at the same time, and their slender fingers changed rapidly. The soft light spread rapidly towards the five-winged bluebird like ripples.

Fear can't overcome difficulties, let alone escape can't solve problems. In the face of the strange white fox, the fear in the eyes of the five-winged blue bird was torn to pieces by the bottom of his heart. The two iron wings waved crazily, and the wings of the wind roared out.

The sharp wings of the wind cut on the slender light. However, the seemingly weak light was not cut off by the wings of the wind, but continued to stretch back with the impact of the wings of the wind.

The squeak sounds, and the rays of light seem to be about to reach the limit, and there is a possibility of breaking at any time. At this moment, the light is like a bow string, and the wings of the wind are the feather arrows on it, and the two are deadlocked.

With a bang, the heart of the five-winged blue bird suddenly jumped. Looking at the sound, a light is still trembling rapidly. And the feathers of the wind on the light came straight to themselves like arrows. Looking at the wind wings flying towards him, the five-winged blue bird was angry, but more surprised. The wind wings he released became a sharp weapon to attack him.

Even though the wing of the wind is still related to itself, the five-winged blue bird can no longer control it. He could feel that the thoughts he had left on were wrapped in a thin light curtain. Although it can be sensed, it can't be contacted to manipulate the wings of the wind.

Burning in anger, the iron wings waved again, and a wing of the wind came out and collided with the one that flew to him. With a bang, the two collided and burst into nothingness. Just as the five-winged blue bird took a long breath, there was a banging sound in its ears. Looking around, the wind wings I released all turned around and shot at me.

Time passed minute by minute by second, but the star silence standing still, like a sculpture. The look on his face was unusually solemn, and in the face of whether to attract the heart of the stars, the star silence also fell into a dilemma.

Looking at the hesitant look of Xingji, the owner of the voice seemed to be a little angry. He shouted angrily, "If you are indecisive, you can't make a big deal! Is it so difficult to make a decision? The worst thing is to die. Is it difficult to choose?"

The angry voice was like a blow on the head, and the star silence was shaken, and the heart suddenly became clear. Yes! I'm dead now, so what's so scary? The most is the scattered soul. Instead of waiting so hesitantly, it's better to let go.

made up his mind and Xing Ji shouted, "You're right! The big deal is death! Nothing to be afraid of! I did it!"

The voice seemed very satisfied with the performance of Xingshi, and said with a smile, "Ha ha! That's right! Then let's start now! Although it's only two hours, there may be an unexpected turnaround!"

Transfer?! Xingji smiled bitterly, but he didn't have such an idea. All he thought of was to attract the heart of the stars and then help the five-winged blue bird tide over the difficulties. As for two hours later, Xingji dared not think about it, and he was no longer willing to think about it.

The thoughts of star silence slowly moved the heart of the stars, and the round ball of the yin and yang fish pattern slowly squirmed upward. Just as the star silence felt that the bottom of the heart of the stars had separated, a transparent substance lightning penetrated through the gap between the heart of the stars and the three elements. Without the isolation of the heart of the stars, the three impetuous elements boiled up in an instant. However, before they could react, the transparent substance had already filled the gap.

With the infiltration of this transparent substance, the three elements were suddenly suppressed. Feeling the suppressed violent energy, Xingji took a breath of cold air. He secretly said in his heart, "If the three elements are really mixed together, then you may be out of your soul now!"

The heart of the stars pulls up little by little, and the transparent substance fills the extra gap in time. It seems that no matter how fast the star silence moves, this transparent substance always surges up at that moment. Realizing this, Xingshi's trembling heart slowly put down. He was already worried that his speed was too fast. In case the transparent substance slowed down, he really didn't have any chance.

However, it turns out that these worries of star silence are superfluous. Thinking that I only had two hours, the action of the star silence not only accelerated. Only in this way can he save more time and help the five-winged bluebird.

The string in my heart remained tight until the heart of the star was completely pulled out of the vortex.

When the heart of the stars was completely out of the whirlpool, the star silence carefully looked at the ball in front of him, which was called the year of the heart of the stars. The ball is black and white, just like the pattern of a yin and yang fish. Differently, this yin and yang fish lacks those two fish eyes. A standard ball rotates slowly. The surging power escaped from it and felt this power, and there was uncontrollable excitement in Xingji's heart.

"Ky, hurry up! You don't have much time!" The voice shouted sharply, as if very angry with the complacency of the star silence.

Hearing the reminder, Xing Ji's heart was ashamed. However, now is not the time for self-examination, rushing to urge his thoughts and guide the heart of the stars to move towards his heart.

In the center of the land of wind and thunder, which looks very violent from the outside, has a very strange calm space. Here, there is no gale blowing, no thunder and lightning roar, only a quiet corpse and a starry body.

Due to the obstruction of wind and thunder, no one can see what is happening here.

At this moment, the body that had no vitality suddenly came from Dantian's abdomen. This fluctuation brings a strong energy, which instantly fills every part of the silent body. The staff of the star god inserted in his heart also began to tremble slowly with the emergence of that energy. A stream of energy is like a huge wave hitting the coast, constantly hitting the dark staff of the star god.

buzz! When the first trembling sounded, the staff of the Star God slowly pulled out a piece upward. Although it is almost invisible, it is indeed pulled out.

"I really didn't expect that I could pull out the staff of the star god like this!" At the same time of gratifying, the star silence also began to regret. He regretted why he didn't pull out the staff of the star god at the beginning? In that case, you can save a lot of things now.

But now is not the time to regret. With the impact of a stream of energy, the staff of the star god began to pull out from the body of the star silence.

The wings of the wind keep shuttling through this narrow area. It's like a feather arrow, and the five-winged bluebird has obviously become their target.

Facing the many wings of the wind, the five-winged bluebird dare not release it at all. I don't know if it was seen through by the white fox, when the first wind wing was broken. The wind wings released by the five-winged bluebird will be dodged in time when they are about to hit the target. The angry five-winged bluebird released more wings of the wind, and as a result, the wings of the wind never broke one. Instead, the released wings of the wind became a sharp arrow for the white fox to attack itself.

Wow! The five-winged blue bird gasped rapidly. In such a limited space, I have to avoid the wings of the wind flying to me all the time. In this case, the power in the five-winged bluebird is consumed quickly. To make matters worse, the soft light released by the white fox began to interweave and shrink little by little. It was not until just now that the five-winged blue bird realized that the white fox wanted to catch itself alive.

The intertwined light quietly became a huge net. Even the wind wings are windless and broken light, and there is no possibility for the five-winged blue bird to break through.

With countless wind wings, energy began to pass rapidly. Soon, the number of wind wings began to decrease rapidly. And the newly woven light network also rushed to the five-winged blue bird at this moment.