huan xing tu

Chapter 177 Whirlpool

When the last breath of life of the five-winged bluebird completely dissipated, the mutilated body also turned into nothingness with the blowing wind. In a blink of an eye, the place that was originally blood-stained became clean as if it had been washed by water. Only the faint smell of blood in the air can prove what happened here.

The five-winged bluebird disappeared like this, but did not notice a faint colorful air mass, which was swept into the center of the land of wind and thunder by a gust of wind. If it is normal, maybe the people present will find it. But now, no one will notice such a detail. One reason is that the movement of the strong wind is too fast, and the other reason is that the attention of both sides is completely condensed on each other, and they can't separate the energy to pay attention to these. What's more, who cares about something that has completely dissipated?

The wings of the wind entered his body, and the half purple Lei Yuan also followed into the body of the star silence. He didn't care about the two things that entered his body at all, and his angry eyes stared fiercely at the bloody Tiger King. The staff of the Star God clenched in his hand trembled slightly, and Xiong Xiong's murderous spirit firmly locked the Tiger King.

And the fierce tiger king also stared at Xingji with the same angry eyes. If the eyes can kill people, then in the eyes of the fierce tiger king, the star silence has died at least hundreds of times. After all, what you have worked hard to get is now in other people's bodies.

Lei Wentian's eyes flashed and carefully looked at the star silence standing in the distance. In his impression, he always felt that he had seen him somewhere. After thinking for a while, the look on his face suddenly shocked, and then a strange smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"I didn't expect it to be him! I just don't know if he got Tu Yuanzhu. However, since he can come out of Juxian Valley alive, it must be very possible. Because all parties are not allowed to reveal anything that happens in the valley before entering the valley. Therefore, Lei Wentian didn't know what happened after he left. However, since it is possible to come out of the Juxian Valley, it is not small.

Thinking of this, Lei Wentian looked at Xingshi coldly and secretly made up his mind.

The Tiger King stared at Xingji, as if he were afraid that he had run away. The claws in his hand have come out silently, flashing with a cold light. And against this cold light, it is the faint light emitted by the staff of the star god in the hand of the star silence. Two distinct lights are intertwined.

Within before the Tiger King launched an attack, Xingshi took the lead in moving. Because he knows that he doesn't have much time. In case the film breaks, he really doesn't have any chance. Because of this, the attack of Star Silence is completely ignored.

Fire is ruthless!

The violent fire element gushed out of the staff of the star god, like a flood that broke through the dam. In an instant, the surging fire element condensed into a huge fire dragon, roaring angrily, and the fire dragon rushed towards the fierce tiger king.

At the same time, a layer of frost condensed on the surface of the claws in the hands of the Tiger King, and ice knives flew out of the claws. And the Tiger King also followed closely and went straight to the fire dragon.

As soon as the ice knife touched the fire dragon, it turned into a water mist, permeating the body surface of the fire dragon. In the cover, the originally burning flame went dark, and then went out. In an instant, there were patches on the body of the fire dragon. The claws in the fierce tiger king's hand were even sharper. When the claws passed, streams of flames were torn off alive. However, the Tiger King did not suffer any damage at all, and even the high temperature generated by the flames did not affect it.

Water is invisible!

Before the fire dragon was completely torn by the Tiger King, the rolling water element gushed out of the staff of the star god at the same time and condensed into a water dragon. In an instant, one water and one fire, two long dragons are intertwined. Kaka, strangely, the two dragons of water and fire were safe, and the blue water dragon even slowly condensed into a white ice dragon.

Although the Tiger King is powerful, he is still a little unstable at this moment. After all, Xingji is a completely desperate way to play, and every move releases all the power in the body. In just a moment, the power in the star silence almost disappeared.

Although the angry Tiger King wanted to solve the immediate trouble quickly, he had to take care of the thunder standing behind him. Although the relationship between the two is an ally at this moment, who knows that once he is injured, he will stick a knife in the back? Therefore, it was because of this that the Tiger King did not dare to do his best, and the two were so deadlocked.

The demon realm, a mountain that towered straight into the clouds.

Suddenly, a loud cry came from the peak, and then a dark shadow landed lightning from the sky.

A eagle with an anxious face kept wandering on the ground. Until he heard the loud call, he was overjoyed, and the uncontrollable joy filled his face in an instant.

"The domain owner is out! The domain owner is out!" The person standing not far away heard the call and shouted excitedly, and the excited shouts echoed throughout the demon realm.

I let the world travel, and in an instant, the king landed silently. Looking at Yingyang, Teng Jiaowang asked, "Yingyang, what's wrong? Look at your unconcealed anxiety?

Ying Yang hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "Lord, the Tiger King went to the Land of Wind and Thunder with the Thunder Mountain. Not long ago, I heard that the subordinates of the Tiger King, the fierce bear, the white fox and the lonely wolf, were chasing something in the field. I'm worried,,"

Looking at the solemn look of the eagle, the king said, "Your worry is not impossible. Since the return of Juxian Valley and the fall of the fire and phoenix king, the fierce tiger king has been a little unbearable. If he could still win the position of domain owner by competition before, but the owner obtained Jin Yuanzhu, he would not even have any hope. Therefore, maybe he will really take risks and attack the holy beast.

"Lord, the cultivation of the holy beast is unfathomable. How can the Tiger King be possible," Ying Yang said doubtfully.

King Teng Jiao shook his head, turned his eyes to the direction of the land of wind and thunder, and said, "There is nothing impossible in this world!" Ying Yang, I will immediately go to the land of wind and thunder to investigate.

The eagle saluted respectfully, and at the same time, the figure of the king turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"Ky, hurry up! I can't stand it anymore!"

When the star silence fought with the fierce tiger king, the voice sounded abruptly. When the star silence heard this sound, his expression suddenly changed. And the thunder that had been waiting for a long time quickly touched the sky, and the violent thunder and lightning rushed straight to the star silence.

The eye-catching thunder and lightning suddenly stopped the surrounding gale. After the thunder and lightning, the ice and fire dragon burst in an instant. The fierce tiger king dodged from afar with residual fear on his face.

The speed of thunder and lightning comes in the blink of an eye. There was no time to avoid, and Xingji immediately released all his earth power and condensed into a solid defense.

However, due to the urgency of time, this layer of defense could not resist the long-planned attack of Lei Wentian, and it was broken in an instant.

With a bang, the powerful power of thunder and lightning bombarded the star silence to the center of the land of wind and thunder again. And the explosion of thunder and lightning also made the whole land of wind and thunder completely angry.

And the star silence that had just fallen into the center of the land of wind and thunder had not yet taken a breath. Only the voice in Dantian suddenly sounded: "No! It's going to break!"

Before the words fell, the silent soul immediately sank into Dantian. But seeing the whirlpool that stayed in Dantian, three distant places instantly tore the film that blocked his progress into pieces. However, the three elements are like three beasts. Although he got rid of the bondage of the film, he did not fight immediately. It's as if they are worried that the third party will profit from it when the two sides fight. The forces formed by the three elements are gradually advancing towards the center of the whirlpool, and the space in the center is getting smaller and smaller.

"Ky, find a way! If the three elements intersect, then you will really be lost!" The voice shouted anxiously.

Looking at the three elements that would come together, Xingji smiled indifferently: "Ha ha, what can I do! It's just a death, don't be afraid! It's just a pity that I can't avenge Xiaoqing!"

With that, Xingji took out the wings of the wind and half of the thunder. Before I could take a closer look, these two things suddenly changed dramatically.