huan xing tu

Chapter 180 Star God Instant

Waving the newborn arm, the star's face was filled with uncontrollable excitement. Just as he was about to rush out to avenge the five-winged bluebird, the voice in the whirlpool sounded again.

The sound of admiration echoed in the quiet Dantian, and a faint shadow slowly appeared in Dantian. With a black robe and black hair casually over the shoulders, the most eye-catching is the eyes, shining like stars in the night with a touching light.

Looking at the five slowly rotating elements in the star silent Dantian, the man smiled and said, "Not bad! Not bad! The result is much better than I expected!"

"Who are you?" Although Xingji was a little curious, he was not too surprised. After all, many strange things happened in my own Dantian. For example, the disappeared green dragon, the mysterious whirlpool, and the five elements have already made the stars silent.

"Ha ha!" The man laughed indifferently and looked at Xingshi. After a while, he said, "That's good, that's good! People like the Star family!"

"Hmm?!" Hearing this, the originally calm face of Xingji suddenly showed a surprised look. A thought suddenly came to my mind, that is, is the owner of this voice also a member of their star family? However, Xingji has not returned to the Star Temple, so he is not very familiar with some things about the Star Family.

"Are you also a member of the Star Family?" Xing Ji couldn't help asking.

The man smiled, looked at Xingshi and said, "Star family? Ha ha, I'm a member of the Star Family, but I'm not. This question makes it difficult for me to answer!"

This person's answer made Xingji angry and said angrily, "What is difficult to answer? Yes, no, no, there is nothing difficult to answer!"

In Xingji's view, this question is very simple, and of course, the answer is also very easy to answer. However, this person's answer is obviously not within common sense. No wonder Xingji was very angry when he heard this answer.

"You little guy, you are not old, but you have a bad temper!" The man didn't seem to be angry, but looked at Xingji with a smile and said slowly, "The reason why I answer your question so is that there was no star family before me. However, I am indeed a member of the Star Family. Do you understand what I say?"

"I was a member of the Star Family, but there was no Star Family in his era." Xing muttering, and his brain began to search quickly. Although his father did not tell Xing Ji everything about the Star family, he also told himself something he should know.

The Star family originated from Xingchen's father. After boasting that his father fell, in order to avoid the pursuit of the Emperor of Heaven, it scattered around to hide. And the line of star silence came to the ancient relic continent of the human world. However, when the ancestors separated, they had already left such words: no matter where they are, as long as the blood of the star family flows on their bodies, they are part of the star family.

Looking back on what my father said, a name came to Xingji's mind. Seeing this name, Xingji couldn't help staying there. Yes, this name is their ancestor, the Star God.

staring at the man in black with a smile in front of him, Xing Ji said in surprise, "You,,, you, you, you are the ancestor star god!"

The staff of the star god in his hand suddenly became inconvenient and seemed to no longer obey the command of the star silence. But the star silence can feel that the feeling associated with it has not disappeared.

He took the staff of the star god in his hand and looked at it carefully. Looking carefully at every place of the staff of the star god, he finally said, "I didn't expect it to be called the staff of the star god now!" Ha ha, I didn't expect that we would meet again one day.

Looking at the staff of the star god without any sign of resistance, the star silence is completely sure that it is his ancestor, the star god, who stands in front of him. So he hurriedly fell to the ground and kowtowed, "Star Silence to see the ancestors!"

"Ha ha, get up! This child! Our Star family is not that regular yet. Looking at Xingshi with a smile and a kind face, he praised his father and said, "Kid, what exists in the star stone is just a wisp of my regret. It won't be long before this remnant will disappear. Therefore, I don't have much time. You have to firmly remember every word I say.

"Yes!" Xingji hurriedly replied.

As soon as the voice fell, the two began to chat.

"Ancestor, what is the origin of this star god's staff?" Groping for the staff of the star god in his hand, Xingjing asked doubtfully. He doesn't know what the rank and attributes of this star god's staff is. Now, when I meet the owner of the staff of the Star God, I can't help asking.

"I don't know what the origin of this staff of the star god is. All I know is that this was given to me by the Night Emperor Heming when he was preparing to steal Jinwu. And the Night Emperor is the descendant of the ancient plate, the ruler of heaven and earth. I think this staff of the star god must have great power. Maybe it's because your cultivation is too low to exert its power at all. However, you must be careful and don't let anyone know the secret.

"I understand!" Xingji looked at the staff of the star god, and then said, "Ancestor, the ice spirit unicorn is also in this human world. Why don't you let me take you to see him?"

Hearing the name of the ice unicorn day by day, the star god Kuafu was stunned. The blurred eyes seem to recall something. After a long time, he said, "Forget it, let everything pass!" Boy, I should go! Remember what I told you. Your experience is strange, and he will have different achievements every day. Ha ha, I think the Star family will rise here because of you in the near future! Boy, you have a heavy burden. Be sure to work hard!"

With the sound echoing in Dantian, Kuafu's figure also dissipated. And the star silence kowtowed respectfully to the place where the shadow dissipated.

The Star God praised his father and left, and Xing Silence looked calmly at the staff of the Star God in his hand.

"It turns out that you are not called the staff of the star god, but the six-in-one maple. You don't even know your ancestors. However, I will definitely find out what you are! Hey hey!" He smiled stupidly and stared at the staff of the star god in his hand. Although Kuafu did not tell Xingshi what the six-in-one mace came from, he repeatedly told him to take good care of it and never lose it.

The silver jade slip quietly flew out, and the colorful light came out of the jade slip, like running water, slowly injected into the body of the star silence.

The water is invisible, the fire is ruthless, and the earth is infinite. The use of the three maze methods clearly appeared in the mind of the star silence. In addition, two maze methods have emerged, namely, wind without direction and thunder without respect. As expected by the star silence, as long as there is such an element in your body, it is possible for you to cultivate a method that matches it.

However, to the strangeness of the star silence, after the corresponding maze of the five elements gushed out, there was a light mass in the silver jade. But the star silence does not know what is in the light mass, because the outside of the light mass is wrapped in a solid boundary barrier.

"What the hell is this?" Xing Ji said doubtfully. I thought to my heart, is there other elements besides these five elements? Xingji knows that there are five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, but compared with the five elements of heaven and earth, these five elements are really not enough. But what exactly is in the light ball?

On the periphery of the land of wind and thunder, in front of the narrow passage, a dark shadow suddenly fell from the air. The black clothes on his body swayed violently with the strong wind. King Tengjiao, King Tengjiao actually came to this land of wind and thunder at this time.

Smelling the strong wind blowing from the land of wind and thunder, there is a faint smell of blood in it. Smelling the bloody smell, King Teng Jiao's face suddenly became fierce. Even the smell of such a strong wind can't dissipate. You can imagine what happened inside.

Looking at the narrow passage, King Tengjiao did not stop and quickly walked in. However, he didn't know that the fierce tiger king had been waiting there quietly.