huan xing tu

Chapter 193 Three-legged Golden Black

The source star nucleus rushed out of the seven-star trapped array, like a burning flame, and the hot heat seemed to burn everything around it into ashes. In the distance, the dense jungle entered the late autumn and winter without warning at this moment. The plants that had just been tender green fell down in a blink of an eye. However, unlike that scene, the fallen dead leaves have been shattered as soon as they fell to the ground.

It's a time to breathe, and a thick layer of dust accumulates under your feet. This thick layer of dust is not only the dust that falls when the Star Temple collapses, but also the ashes formed by the fallen leaves around it.

The Tianshu Xingshi, who was kicked out of the array, fell into a coma on the ground with strong unwillingness. The falling dust buried it deeply. Only the position of the nose is still blank, indicating that he is still alive. However, his breath of life is very weak. The continuous bombardment of the nine source nuclei, coupled with the overdraft of power and excessive blood loss, made his injury very serious.

Although the vacant corner of the seven-star lock array was made up by the star saint. However, there is still a source nucleus rushing out.

Looking at the source nucleus suspended above his head, the star saint looked very panicked. You know, the founder of the Star Family, one of the ancient gods, fell into the hands of these seemingly inconspicuous source nuclei. He doesn't know how much disaster this escaped source nucleus will cause to the world, let alone how long he can stop the eight source stars in the array.

"Star Silence, go and stop it!" Although I don't know whether the star silence is the enemy of the source nucleus and whether it has this ability, the star saint has to stop him. Because all the people present, only Xingji is still free.

moved into the air in an instant. Facing this source star core, there was a strange feeling in the heart of the star silence. But the star silence can be sure that this feeling is by no means fear, and of course it is not a surging sense of war.

It was not until this moment that the star silence saw what the source nucleus looked like. Surrounded by a layer of gray material, the source star core is transparent with the blazing high temperature of the bear. Star Silence did not receive any images of the high temperature that can burn ordinary people into ashes. After all, in his body, there is the energy transformed by the fire soul.

"Think about it, that's why the sun is so hot!" Feeling the high temperature, Xing Ji said secretly in his heart. However, he did not know that his judgment was judged wrong by himself soon after. Moreover, he has never figured out why the properties of the nine source nuclei are not exactly the same. The answer to this question was not understood until the star silence reached its peak.

The gray material is wrapped around the surface, revealing a slight red light from it. Apart from these, the source nucleus is no different from other ordinary stones.

Although the appearance of the source nucleus looks very ordinary, the star silence that is about to compete with it is difficult. What do you think you can do in the face of a stone?

smiled bitterly and muttered, "Let me meet you, the so-called golden god bird!"

The staff of the star god in his hand came out, and the fierce cold light went straight to the source nucleus.

I don't know if it was sealed by the staff of the Star God, or because of something. Facing the stick of the star god that split on its own, the source star nucleus just dodged quickly. Although the speed of the star silence is fast, there is no better way to deal with this small and exquisite source nucleus. It's like a cannon hitting mosquitoes, which can't be used powerfully.

"It's not a way to go on like this. The source star core has been dodging, and I can't touch it at all!" While chasing the source nucleus, he thought about how to do it.

At this time, the seven-star lock array below sounded again.

In the seven-star trapped array, eight source star nuclei gathered together and continuously emitted a flashing beam of light. Facing the flashing beam of light, the source nucleus of the star silence suddenly stopped to dodge and was fixed in the air.

Huh? What is it going to do? In the face of the sudden move of the source star nucleus, Xingji was a little confused. However, he soon found that he was not only facing a stone, but also a fierce golden black.

With a bang, the source nucleus suspended in the air suddenly broke into countless fragments. At the same time, a big bird burning with flames appeared there.

Seeing the big bird with flames, Xingji said to himself, "Is this Jinwu!"

I don't know if it's because of the flame burning, this so-called golden black body is as dark as ink. The three sharp claws under his feet condensed a red flame. Two angry eyes stared at Xingshi fiercely.

"It's a three-legged golden black! Be careful, Ji'er!"

The next moment, a spewing flame roared towards the star silence.

The speed is extremely fast, and the speed is unexpected and dazzling. The claws are sharper and powerful, and the staff of the Star God intersects with them, which can only make a dull impact sound.

The incarnation of a three-legged golden black has confused the star silence, and this almost flawless attack and defense makes the star silence extremely depressed.

Flames spewed out of the mouth of the three-legged golden black, but there seemed to be endless flames in the small body. Moreover, the flame is very strange, not only because the temperature is high, but also because the flame will not go out by itself.

For a short time, from the earth under my feet to the air, this narrow space was all filled with flames. Although Xingji is not afraid of the burning of this flame, it is really uncomfortable to fight in such an environment that is not conducive to him.

The blazing flame burns not only everything around, but also the degree of patience of star silence.

"Ah!" With a shout, the stick of the star god in his hand slammed down!

"Fire is ruthless!" Looking at the gushing flame, Xing Ji said angrily, "I'm going to see whose flame is stronger!"

Facing the ruthless fire released by the staff of the Star God, the three-legged golden black did not show a look of fear. Instead, a black flame spewed out of his mouth and collided with it.

There was a loud noise, and the two flames blended together. Incredibly, nothing exploded after the loud noise, but formed a huge fireball. As the flames of both sides kept pouring in, the huge fireball began to rotate rapidly.

The stronger and stronger suction erupted from the fireball, and the flame still burning on the ground was forcibly pulled up and rolled in.

When the last drop of flame was absorbed by the fireball, the huge fireball began to contract rapidly. Circle by circle, it is constantly shrinking at the speed of seeing with the naked eye. Although the volume is constantly shrinking, the high temperature emitted is getting higher and higher, and even the star silence can't stand it. However, the three-legged Jinwu on the other side made an excited cry. The dark wings flashed quickly and kept beating in the air.

"What is it trying to do?" Xingji is becoming more and more confused about what this three-legged Jinwu is going to do.

"Star Silence, smash that fireball!" Xingsheng's eager shout came from his feet. Looking down, Xingsheng, with an extremely anxious and fearful expression, continued, "Three-legged Jinwu wants to devour this fireball. As long as we devour this fireball, I'm afraid we really have no chance! Stop it quickly!"

At the moment when Xingsheng spoke, the three-legged golden black, which was still in the distance, quickly jumped on the fireball. The unfolded bird's beak made a proud cry and swallowed the fireball into its stomach.

When the fireball was swallowed into the abdomen of the three-legged golden black, there was a muffled sound, and the flame burning on its surface became more fierce. However, looking at the three-legged golden look, it seems to be very enjoyable.

"Uh!" Xingji was stunned. He really didn't figure out what was going on. When Xingsheng spoke, Xing Ji was rushing to the fireball, but it was still a step late.

Ga! Ga! Ga!

The three-legged golden black made several harsh screams, and then a fireball shot out of its mouth. This time, the target is not the star silence, but the seven-star lock array below.

With the sound of roaring, the fireball fell on the seven-star lock array. There was no sound, but the star silence knew that the energy of the seven-star trapped array was passing rapidly.


The star saint shouted loudly, and then quickly pulled up the unconscious Tianshu Xingshi and fled to the distance.

There was a loud noise, and the seven-star lock array was completely broken. The Star Temple, which turned into ruins, also disappeared completely on the ancient continent with the loud noise of this life.


The headache cry, looking around, nine three-legged golden blacks waved their wings and rushed towards the crowd.

PS: The school is disconnected, Lei, now I'm sending books to everyone in the Internet cafe, hehe!

Although it violates some school discipline! However, for everyone, Lei still crossed the thunder pool!

Please collect it and float down! Hehe