huan xing tu

Chapter 196 Preparation before sealing

When he saw the silver jade slip in his hand, the familiar face appeared in his mind - the star mark. This silver jade slip recorded by the staff of the Star God was given to him when he gathered in the fairy city, but now, the jade slip is still there, but the star mark doesn't know where it has gone.

The star silence that fell into memories was suddenly awakened by the cry of the star saint.

"Star Silence, what does this jade slip say? What do you need to seal the three-legged golden black? Xingsheng asked with concern. He guessed that it would not be a simple thing to seal all these nine three-legged golden blacks.

Xingjing came to his senses and said, "It's nothing! According to the jade slip, if you want to seal these three-legged golden black, as long as you gather the five major forces of feng shui, fire and thunder. Then with the help of the staff of the star god, they can be sealed.

Originally, they were still discussing how to gather the nine three-legged golden blacks together. After listening to the words of the stars, they suddenly looked at the stars silently. And the star saint beside him also has a very ugly expression.

Aware of the abnormality of everyone's expression, Xing Ji asked doubtfully, " Uncle, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Xingsheng replied awkwardly, "Xingshi, I don't know if the great gods like the ancestors have the ability to gather the five power of feng shui, fire and thunder. But now I'm afraid that you are the only one practicing the power of elements, and we are only practicing the power of a single star. So,,,"

Indeed, the descendants of the Star Family only practice the power of the stars, except for the freak of Star Silence. Therefore, Xingsheng feels how unrealistic it is to gather the five powers of feng shui, fire and thunder to seal the three-legged golden black.

Looking at the silent people, Xingji said with a smile, "Do you want to worry about this uncle?" I have a way!"

"Alas!" Xingsheng sighed and said, "Okay, Xingshi, don't comfort uncle. Because the bloodline of your family is not very pure, you can cultivate the power of elements. However, if you want to use the seal, you need the five powers of feng shui, fire and thunder. How can you alone...

Although it is impossible to practice the power of elements, Xingsheng still understands such a truth. That is, no matter how a person practices, he can't gather five elements. However, he never thought that at this moment, the star silence in front of him was an accident.

"Ha, uncle, you are half right!"

Huh? Ji'er, what do you mean by that? Xingsheng was a little puzzled by the words of Xingshi. What do you mean? You are only half right.

Xingji did not speak, but slowly carried the power in his body.

Seeing the power in Xingshi's hands, all the people were stunned. No one can believe that what happened in front of them is true. The five colors, yellow, blue, red and purple, represent the power of the five elements between heaven and earth, feng shui, fire and thunder. Although they know it, they can't believe that a person can cultivate all the five elements.

The five constantly changing colors reflect in the eyes of the star saint and become a complex look. It was an accident, joy, unbelievable, unquestionable, in short, the inner world of the Star Sage is now completely boiling.

"Jier, how is this possible? How can you cultivate the power of five elements alone? This is not common sense at all!"

Looking at the stunned and unbelievable expressions of the crowd, Xing Ji said with a smile, " uncle, nothing is impossible in this world! Ha ha, while the attack of the three-legged golden black has weakened now, uncle, you'd better think about how to gather these nine three-legged golden blacks together! I also take advantage of this free time to adjust my state.

Star Saint stopped talking, and he knew it was not time to ask those things.

The comments of the people that echoed gently in their ears gradually disappeared. At this moment, the consciousness of star silence is completely immersed in his thoughts. No matter what the result of the seal is, whether it is a success or a failure, it has nothing to do with you at the last moment. There is only one result, falling.

Throwing this idea behind his mind, Xingji carefully sorted out the text about sealing the three-legged golden black in the silver jade slips. Even if his own result eventually falls, Xingji still hopes that this seal can succeed.

The power of the five elements needed to seal is all in your body. This almost impossible thing in the eyes of others was easily solved in this way. Running these five powers, an idea came to Xingji's mind. Is it all God's will?

Do you have the fact that it is almost impossible to exist? Is it to seal the nine three-legged golden blacks that escaped?

"Even if it's God's will!" Xingji sighed and said.

However, when Xingji saw the second half of the text, he frowned tightly. The record on Yujian said that if you want to seal them, you must integrate the five elements into one. Only in this way can they be permanently sealed. Otherwise, the three-legged Jinwu after being sealed may escape from the seal again.

"Integrate into one? What does this mean? Is it like a kind of pigment integrated into the water? If it's really like that, how can it be? Five elements can't be done at all. Each element has its own characteristics. How can it be integrated?

Xingji's heart kept thinking about the meaning of this sentence. In his opinion, in any case, these five elements are impossible to integrate. Not to mention anything else, just the two elements of water and fire are impossible to be compatible.

In Dantian, although the power of water and fire can be freely converted, the star silence cannot truly integrate them. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid that even his ancestor, the god Kuafu, didn't do this. Otherwise, these nine three-legged crows will not rush out of the seal again.

"What should I do?" Xing Ji said to himself in his heart.

At this time, the star saint, who had discussed countermeasures with several star envoys, slowly walked to the star silence. Looking at the star silence still practicing, he did not wake up, but stood there quietly.

Aware of the arrival of the Star Sage, the star silence woke up from thought.

"What do you think? Otherwise, let's wait!" Seeing the worries hidden in the star silence, Xingsheng asked. However, he didn't know that the worry of the star silence was not his own state.

Xingji shook his head, smiled reluctantly and said, "It's nothing, uncle, have you come up with a way?"

"Hmm! We have figured out that it is not difficult to gather nine three-legged golden crows in one place. But if you want to trap them, I'm afraid the time will be a little short, and I don't know if it's enough?

After thinking for a while, Xing Ji replied, "There should be no problem! Sealing them is only a short time, and there should be no problem!"

In fact, when he said this sentence, Xing Ji left a word in his heart. That is, although the seal is only a momentary thing, it is unknown whether it can be sealed completely.

"Then when will we start?" The star saint asked.

"Now!" Looking around the excited triped Jinwu, Xingji knew that if he delayed, it would only be detrimental to his side, so the sooner he did it, the better.

"All right! In that case, I'll get ready!"

Looking at the shadow of Xingsheng's departure, Xing Ji said in his heart, "Integrating into one? How can we integrate the power of the five elements? Why is there no record on the jade slips? Alas! Regardless of this, let's wait until the nine three-legged golden blacks are sealed.

I made up my mind, and the star silence also walked towards everyone. And the sealing operation of nine three-legged golden blacks also began at this moment.

PS: Today's first update!

Ha ha, review for the exam in the morning, and take time to code words in the afternoon! Ray really wants to take a break! Unlike professional writers, Lei is still a student. In addition to writing, he also has to learn! Otherwise, Ray may want it in the future, brothers, don't believe it! The house price is so high that I can't afford it, and the cemetery is so expensive and I can't afford it! It's not easy to live, and it's not easy to die! This reminds me of a sentence: there is no place to die! Hahaha!

Okay, Ray will continue to code the words, and the party will be uploaded!

There is no collection, collect it!