huan xing tu

Chapter 205 Crossing to the Demon Realm

Chapter 205 Crossing to the Demon World

The Gate of Ascension is the last barrier connecting the immortal world and the human world, and it is also a guarantee that the immortal world can be quiet. If there is no obstruction from the gate of ascension, the immortals in the fairy world will countlessly descend to the human world. After all, compared with the human world, the fairy world is a more cruel world. Therefore, many monks who flew there were not very satisfied with their lives. In the human world, he is a big boss, but in the fairy world, he may be a little fairy who is slaughtered by others.

It is precisely because of the existence of the gate of immortals that the immortals of the fairyland cannot freely shuttle between the two worlds, and the human world can get peace. However, now, to anyone's unexpected, the gate of immortality is suffering a very serious crisis at this moment.

The gray thunder and lightning lingered around the chaotic thunder arrows, like vines wrapped around the big trees in the sky. The majestic momentum surging out, shocking everything in the world. And such a sharp arrow that is enough to destroy the world shot at the gate of immortality that blocks the interconnection between the immortals and mortal worlds. Compared with others, the strength of the Gate of Ascension is simply a demonic level. After all, if you want to stop those immortals, the strength must be bad. However, for chaotic thunder arrows, such a strong barrier can be easily torn to pieces like a thin paper.

In the chaotic thunder arrow, the soul of the thunder demon became extremely excited. The crazy howling turned into the sound of rolling thunder. Gray thunder and lightning shine ferociously between heaven and earth, like crazy dragons.

Compared with Raytheon, Thor's face looks extremely ugly. The frightened and angry eyes fixed fiercely on the chaotic thunder arrow that shot at the gate of immortality. Except for the thunder demon, only he can understand how bad the result will be once the gate of ascension is destroyed. It is because of this that the Thunder Demon will use the chaotic thunder arrows to shoot at the gate of immortals. Of course, this is also the reason why Thor is so worried.

Thor knows that with his own ability, he can't destroy the chaotic thunder arrows at all. However, he has a way to change the direction of the chaotic thunder arrow so that he can't hit the gate of immortality. But if you want to change the direction of the chaotic thunder arrow that is about to touch the Gate of Ascension, you must have an urgent can with an object that can slightly block it for a while. Only in this way can we win time for Thor to change the direction of chaotic thunder arrows.

What should I do?

This chaotic thunder arrow was handed over by Thor to Lei Wentian, but now it has caused itself a very difficult trouble. Looking at the approaching chaotic thunder arrows, Thor turned his eyes to the star silence only one line away from the Gate of Shengxian. If anyone can stop the chaotic thunder arrow now, then there can only be one person, and this person is exactly the star silence.

With a sigh, Thor looked at the star silence standing next to the gate of immortality and said helplessly, "You are very lucky, because you can fly to the fairyland without suffering the nine-nine days of disaster; however, you are another unfortunate one, because you can't step into the fairyland through the gate of immortality." After a moment of hesitation, Thor suddenly launched an attack on the star silence. Like the flood peak that broke the embankment, it pushed the defenseless star silence to the tip of the storm - chaotic thunder arrows.

Yes, Thor's idea is to use the body of the star silence to block the chaotic thunder arrow. Even if the star is silent, it will not hesitate to stop it for just a second. As long as there is this second, Thor can change the direction of the chaotic thunder arrow.

Star Silence did not expect that it was a high god and a Thor who enjoys the name of justice in the human world. Such a god secretly pushed the star silence to the attack of the unstoppable chaotic thunder.

Xing Ji's heart is very unwilling, but now is not the time to be angry and scolded. As long as the murderous and unstoppable chaotic thunder arrow hits you, there is no doubt that you will be bombarded into nothingness.

The staff of the star god in his hand may be the only thing that can stop the chaotic thunder arrows. Thinking of this, the star silence does not hesitate. The staff of the Star God flew out and crashed into the chaotic thunder arrow. However, just the moment of contact, the dark staff of the star god was bombarded back. Without waiting for the call of the star silence, the staff of the star god wrapped in thunder and lightning flew back to the body of the star silence.

Although the staff of the star god collided with the chaotic thunder arrow, it could not change the direction of the chaotic thunder arrow at all, let alone make the chaotic thunder arrow stop even for a moment of blinking.

Uh! No!

The angry roar of the star silence overshadowed the roar of thunder. In his wide eyes, the flying chaotic thunder arrow was getting bigger and closer. Without any suspense, the chaotic thunder arrow hit the star silence. And the position is exactly the belly of the star silence. That's where Dantian is.

Before the blood gushed out, it was burned into a rolling fog by the roaring thunder and lightning. Half of the chaotic thunder arrow is still ** outside the starless body, and in his body, the chaotic thunder arrow is accurately inserted on Dantian and is where the most central thunder force is.

Boom! Gray chaotic thunder burst out from the arrows, and Dantian, who was still safe, instantly became a mess under the bombardment of this chaotic thunder. The power of the chaotic thunder instantly bombarded the power of the thunderyuan into a chaos and merged with the chaotic thunder. Then, the four power of land, feng, water and fire around the power of Lei Yuan were also intertwined under this bombing. The turbulent water power will rush the Tuyuan force to seven or eight, and the wind force will encourage the fire power to rush towards the water force. Water and fire are incompatible, and the two forces are intertwined and the explosions are continuous. And in this interweaving water and fire, there is also earth power and wind power. The four powers are mixed together and chaotic.

Just when the four elements were intertwined, the thunder demon in the chaotic thunder arrow was completely angered by the star silence. His goal, the gate of immortality, is right in front of him, but it was completely destroyed by the obstruction of the star silence. On the other hand, the anxious Thor is also accumulating all the power in his body to give the chaotic thunder arrow a fatal blow.

The buzzing sound, and the lightning hammer appeared in the hands of Thor. The two divine soldiers slowly flew up and merged into one after several collisions in the void.

At the moment when the two weapons merged, Thor suddenly launched an attack. That weapon hit the chaotic thunder arrow exposed outside the body of the star silence.

"Ah!!" In the chaotic thunder arrows, the thunder demon roared crazily.

With a bang, with a crisp metal impact, the chaotic thunder arrow broke into two parts from the middle. One part remained in the body of the star silence, while the other part continued to shoot at the gate of immortality.

Hahaha! The ferocious laughter of the thunder demon turned into a rumble of thunder.

"You can't think about it! I won't let you succeed!" Thor said angrily, and his mind suddenly turned, prompting the fusion thunder hammer to meet the chaotic thunder arrow shot at the gate of the immortals.

There was a loud noise, and a gray fog rose in people's eyes. That's where the stars are. In the gray fog, nothing can be seen. But the star silence is very clear that all the original forces in Dantian have turned into a gray matter under the bombardment of chaotic thunder. However, the energy released by the half chaotic thunder arrow has not been released yet. If it continues to burst, the star silence will also turn into this gray fog.

At this critical moment, the whirlpool once again appeared in the silent Dantian. The chaotic thunder arrow did not stop at all and continued to bomb. However, the power of this bombing was absorbed by the whirlpool. The star silence looked away in fear, but saw the five original forces in the whirlpool, land feng shui fire and thunder. Under this bombing, it also became a result of the star silence Dantian and became a gray substance.

When the chaotic thunder arrow completely shattered, the whirlpool disappeared again. However, looking at Dantian, which no longer has any power, Xingji didn't know what to say. Just as the star silence was a little relieved, there was another thunderbolt behind him.

The fusion thunder hammer electric chisel collided with the chaotic thunder arrow, and the thunder sounded through the dome trembled violently.

After the loud noise, the fixed fog is rapidly disappearing. In the fog, a space crack like a giant mouth crazily devours everything around it. Under that powerful suction, the resistance of any object can play no role at all.

"Space crack!" Thor screamed and his figure retreated quickly.

But the star silence still in place was pulled in by the powerful suction force in the space crack before it could react at all.

The star silence, which was pulled into the cracks in space, did not know that he had crossed like this. Moreover, he traveled to a world parallel to the fairyland - the demon world. And there, Star Silence will also begin his new journey.

PS: When will there be cheating in the exam! Think about it, the questions on the test paper are so familiar, but you don't know the answer! How pathetic this is!