huan xing tu

Chapter 214 Jiu Yousuo appeared on

The southern blade looked at the star silence wrapped in ice crystals in horror and couldn't say a word. Gradually, with Qi Risang as the center, a cold breath spread rapidly. Under the suppression of this breath, the burning flames in the valley became sluggish in an instant, and there was even a tendency that could be extinguished at any time.

The southern blade, which was attacked by the chill, couldn't help retreating, and his eyes were full of fear. He didn't dare to believe that what happened in front of him was true. In a flaming environment, how can it not be frightening to condense ice? What's more, such a low temperature exists in the place where the three-legged Jinwu lives.

You should know that the three-legged golden crow is the sun god bird, the hottest symbol of the three worlds.

I couldn't help swallowing my saliva, and the southern blade unexpectedly found that all these strange things came from the huge tree under the sunset abyss - Qi Risang.

For the star silence, the sun behind it is like an ice cave, and the endless chill is like a flood breaking the dike, rushing towards the body of the star silence. In an instant, the flowing blood was frozen. What's more strange is that such a chill condenses not only the body of the star silence, but also the soul of the star silence.

The empty Dantian does not seem to be affected by this chill and still has no reaction. The gray gas is still floating leisurely and doesn't care at all. The surface of the silver bones actually condensed a thin layer of ice. Xingji couldn't imagine that such an ice layer was still flowing gently. The deep chill only penetrated into the bone marrow, making the soul of the star silence dare not move at all. Just like in the harsh winter, I finally have a little warmth and don't want to move. For fear of moving a little, this warmth will escape in an instant.

In the depths of the soul, the sound of the soul trembles slightly, but it is like a split on a sunny day. The crackling sounded slowly and then became rapid. Out of the frozen star silence, the soul flew towards a place lightly. Xingji didn't know where he was flying. He just felt that although this place was in front of him, it was hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Where the hell is this?" Looking at the dark world, Xingji didn't know where he was. However, the star silence has figured out that the chill felt in his body comes from here.

Endless darkness, endless chill, this is like a cold world with no end and no bounds.

Where the hell is this?

Floating in this cold world, Xing Ji asked doubtfully. However, there is no movement except his own voice.

Just when Xingji didn't know what to do, he heard a sound from a distant place. What's more surprising is that this sound is flying towards itself quickly as time goes by.

Following the sound, a black light spot appeared in the starlight vision. This light danced towards the star silence. Faster and faster, the star silence is becoming clearer and clearer. It was a long rope like a whip, about nine feet long, all black, with a cold light.

Like a cannibal vine, the one that came to the star silence has rushed up and then tightly wrapped the star silence in it.

Ah! The dead space became more dead because of the sad scream of the star silence.

In the outer space, Hongjun's ancestor quietly looked at the heart of the space. At this moment, the heart of that space has once again moved, and it, which should be quiet, is shaking violently.

With a buzz, a group of light that makes people dare not look at each other but is very soft, lingering in the heart of space. Wrapped in soft light, it is the wheel of fate. At this moment, a stream of glory was left on the wheel of fate and injected into the space.

At the same time, a gray air mass flew out of the heart of space, just like the chaotic air in the outer space. This air mass is injected into the wheel of fate as if it were in exchange with the wheel of fate. With the continuous exchange of these two air masses, some strange things appeared on the wheel of fate.

The air mass injected from the heart of space gradually condensed into a light spot on the wheel of fate. And as this light kept shining, the light spot began to move towards the center of the wheel of fate. Although it is a small step, although the speed is very slow. However, valuablely, this light spot seems to have made up its mind from the beginning of the movement. Like a snail, slowly climbing towards the high pyramid. As long as you don't give up, I believe that even a snail can climb to the top of the pyramid.

Looking at the moving light spot, Hongjun, with an expression like water, showed a little joy on his face and muttered, "It seems that fate is really going to take a turn."

Hongjun's ancestor smiled indifferently, looked at the light spot that kept moving slowly, and climbed towards the center of the wheel of fate. In the center of the wheel of fate, there is only one name: Pangu.

Uh! The star cry howled desperately, and the sad shouts echoed in this dead space. No one knows how much pain the star silence is suffering, and this pain responds fiercely to the soul.

The ice solidified on the surface of the star's body began to appear subtle white cracks. With the continuous spread of these white cracks, the body of Star Silence is also constantly trembling. It's like a seed when spring comes, hitting the frozen earth.

And the sun mulberry snuggling behind the star silence is also undergoing strange changes. The originally dense leaves fell one after another as if they had entered late autumn. And the branch, which was originally like a dragon, began to shrink little by little, like the melting of a candle.

The leaves fall, the branches shrink, and finally the trunk. The thick tree trunk also began to shrink slowly. Finally, when it appeared in the eyes of the southern blade, Qi Risang disappeared in exchange for a long rope like a long snake.

The dark rope gives people a cold feeling, reaching to the soul. The long rope as straight as a spear suddenly collapsed and wrapped around the star silence.

Seeing the long rope, Nan Jian covered his mouth in disbelief and said vaguely, "Nine-You-Suo! It's actually Jiu Yousuo!"

Yes, the result of the shrinkage of Qi Risang is the nine rope once used by the dark god Xuanming, the son of Pangu. More importantly, it is said that Jiuyousuo is the only weapon that can lock the three-legged golden black.