huan xing tu

Chapter 234 Special Mission 1

Chapter 24 Special Task (I)

I remember someone said that things are often two-sided, and blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. The team where Xingji is now completely understands the meaning of such a sentence. Indeed, the Blue Blade team has no military uniform and is not willing to collect. Because of this, they also avoided some training for new soldiers during the daily march.

"Alas, I just found out that there was no military uniform and no brigade wanted it, which was not a bad thing! Hey," said leisurely with a simple smile on his face, looking at the team of recruits training in the hot sun not far away.

"Yes, but to be precise, these trainings have no effect on the battlefield for these recruits." Unlike Da Han's thought, Al muttered.

When almost all the soldiers in the whole regiment were immersed in the hot atmosphere, the Blue Blade team really became a group of lazy people, lying leisurely on the grass and basking in the sun lazily.

It has been several days since I left West City. Don't tell me, it won't be long before my regiment will reach the Immortal meteorite. At the thought that he could go to the eastern fairyland where his parents were, he couldn't help but be excited.

Just as the stars were thinking about themselves, a stream of light fell from the sky rapidly. As he fell to the ground, a man appeared and said a few words to the soldier guarding the door, and then the man was quickly taken to the big tent in the center of the barracks.

"What happened again?" Looking at the figure who hurried into the big tent, Xing Ji muttered in his heart.

A dark shadow suddenly broke into his vision, and under the conditioned reflex, Xing Ji grabbed the dark shadow in his hand. Looking down, I grabbed a red jade slip, but the color was not very bright.

At the same time, the southern blade, which was still expressionless, came towards him.

"What is this, captain?" He looked at the southern blade with confused eyes and asked puzzledly.

"Aren't you a fire magician? A magician who doesn't know how to release magic is really puzzling. This jade slip records the release formula of fire magic. Take it and learn it well!" The southern blade explained.

"What about me, captain?" Hearing that it was a magic formula, he asked impatiently.

"Everyone will." As he spoke, the southern blade handed over the magic formulas that matched the attributes of the team members to the team members.

"This is a record of the killer's cultivation. Give,," holding a jade slip in his hand, the southern blade came to Ming reluctantly. For Ming, the southern blade is not annoying, but it is not likeable.

"I don't need it." Ming didn't even open his eyes and refused the southern blade. The tone was still so cold, as if the moment he spoke, the temperature around him suddenly dropped to below zero.

"You,," in the face of the indifference of the underworld, Nanjian has actually been unable to stand it for a long time. What's more, it was because of him that the Blue Blade team he led had such a tragic experience. Although he was very angry, Nan Jian didn't know what to say. The angry eyes stared fiercely, and then sat down angrily.

Looking at this map, Xinghen's eyes kept swimming on it and muttered, "There are still three days left. You can arrive in three days, and you can finally feel there."

There was a burst of rapid footsteps, and then the doorman rushed in and said, "General, someone is coming to you outside."

"Who is it?" The star's eyes stayed on the map and did not lift them up.

The doorman's voice did not sound, but another voice sounded: "The star has arrived, and the star mark is receiving the order."

Hearing this sentence, Xinghen suddenly raised his head, and there was an accident in his eyes, which turned into a surprise.

"Brother Xinghan, why are you here? You should be in the family, how,, "

Looking at Xinghen's surprised look, Xinghan said with a smile, "I came here to convey orders on behalf of the family elders."

"Family order?" Xinghen couldn't help frowning, because according to the regulations of the demon clan, the family, generally does not issue family orders for children of the family in the army of the demon clan. However, looking at Xing Han's expression, it doesn't seem to be lying. This has to confuse the star marks.

nodded, and Xing Han said, "Yes, the family order."

Looking at Xing Han's solemn look, Xinghen hurriedly retreated, and there were only two of them left in the camp.

"What's the matter, Xinghan, I'm still serving in the fairy meteorite. How could the family send orders to me?"

smiled gently, and Xing Han said, "I don't know exactly why. I know that the content of the order is that you can rush to the immortal capital of the East Immortals and rescue the Yuege Demon King with the Moon Dance of the Cangyu clan and the Yanfeng of the Yanri clan."

"Ah?" Hearing the content of this order, Xinghen couldn't help screaming. Indeed, on the one hand, he did not expect that the Moon Song Demon Sect would not fall. On the other hand, he did not expect that the family would give him such a task to go to the distant immortal capital to rescue the demon Yuege.

"Brother Xinghan, you're not mistaken, how can this happen?"

"I don't know. Well, you should start quickly. I think your regiment will also receive orders in a while. I was going to have a good chat with you, but now it seems that I don't have time. Then wait for you to come back from the Eastern Fairyland, and then our brothers will get together. Well, I have to go back to recover quickly. I'm leaving."

I saw the star man disappear into the sky, and the star marks seemed to be still in a dream. He didn't expect such a situation at all. Later, news also came from the fairy meteorite. Then, Xingji cleaned up casually and immediately ran in the direction of the immortal meteorite. One is because of the urgency of the situation, and the other is because there is a moon dance in this operation.

What Xinghen didn't know was that after Xinghen left, the blue blade team, together with four or five teams, also secretly left the camp and ran towards the fairy and demon meteorite. Their task is to help Xinghen and several people successfully cross the defense line of the fairy and demon meteorite.

Sitting in a magic prop, several team members were crowded in.

"Captain, where are we going?" Al asked with some understanding.

The southern blade shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's just a sudden order. It's not clear exactly what you are going to do.

"The direction we are flying now is facing east. According to the speed of our flight, I'm afraid we should reach the fairy meteor limit soon. Another team member said.

Fairy meteorite?!

One sentence aroused thousands of waves. When it came to the name Xianmo meteorite, there was a little dull space, and it suddenly became very lively.

"Chen Ji, why do you think we are going to Xianmo meteorite now? Is it because our speed is too slow and the people over there come to pick us up? Da Han looked at Xing Ji and asked.

Xingji shook his head and said, "It's impossible. I can feel that there is a certain error in the direction of flight with the direction we were going to go. So you shouldn't have said it."

"What the hell is that?"

"Then I don't know."

At this time, the magic props that were flying suddenly shook. Xingji knew that they had landed.

In front of us, a strange environment. The desolate grass can be seen everywhere. In the distance, a strange barrier stood there.

Feeling the surging breath coming from there, Xing said silently, "Is this the fairy and demon meteor? Crossing here is the Eastern Fairyland.


The order came from the front, and a veteran-like officer stood in front of the team.

After clearing his throat, the old officer said, "There is only one task for you to come here. Then go through the boundary of the fairy and demon meteorite and go to the opposite side to inquire about the news."

When everyone present heard the news, they couldn't help but be stunned. Through the fairy meteorite? Go to the opposite side? How is this possible?

No one knows the two worlds of immortals and demons that almost no one can pass through. But now such an order has been issued, so the discussion began to sound.

"Don't worry, your safety will be guaranteed. This is a special period of fairy and demon meteors, and anyone can travel through the past. Moreover, our clan will send someone to take you there, and someone will order your task when you pass the fairy and demon meteorite.

As he spoke, a figure landed in front of the team from the air and glanced at the crowd. The man said to the old officer, "Is it just these people?"

Seeing the old officer nodding, the man shouted to the crowd, "You, come with me."

After saying that, the man walked towards the fairy and demon meteorite, and the team where Xingji was located also followed in a daze.