huan xing tu

Chapter 236 Rush Out of the Siege 1

Compared with those soldiers who have already experienced blood baptism on the battlefield, these rookie recruits who have not yet arrived at the battlefield are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They may think of the picture being depicted in front of them, but they don't expect that all this is so eager.

Although it is resisting vigorously, it is so weak. Soon, there were less than 20 people left in the original team of 40 or 50 people. At this moment, there are only five people left in the team where Xingji is located: Nanjian, Al, Ming, Da Han and Xingji.

Those crazy plants that can annihilate everyone's figure have now become the best burial place for those cold corpses.

"Haha, Sneko, just take it! You have no way out. Put down your weapons and I can make you prisoners! Haha." Goulian arrogantly looked at the starry group of people surrounded in the center, and the encirclement was also constantly contracting, as if Goulian did not intend to kill them, but to capture them alive. In fact, this is true. The task of colluding is not only to block this part, but also to get some information from this group of people. It was for this reason that those words were said.

In the face of the colluding persuasion, Sneko snorted coldly and said angrily, "Old dog, you will die. Even if we die, you can't get anything you want from here.

Sneike naturally understands how to connect his inner thoughts and is also psychologically prepared. Looking coldly and angrily at the approaching enemy, Sneko asked without looking back, "Are you little rabbits afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid!"

I don't know if they know that they have no way back, and these people are no longer afraid of death. In fact, it's not that they are afraid of death, but everyone is afraid of death. However, the current situation is not something they can avoid with fear. In front of him are countless murderous soldiers with sharp blades, and behind him are immortal meteors that I don't know how deep they are.

Looking at the blood-stained and determined faces, Sneko suddenly laughed. Then, he said, "One of your captains is listed."

Although he didn't know what Sneko wanted to do, Nanjian and the other three quickly stood up.

"Okay, it's worthy of being the warrior of my demon clan! However, you should not die here, but go to the real battlefield. Remember, take your team members and get out of here immediately. Tell your general about this situation! Go ahead!"

After Sneko finished speaking, the channel he put away was thrown out again and instantly enlarged across the fairy meteorite.

The southern blade did not hesitate to say to several people, "Let's go!" Then the first one rushed into the passage, followed by several stars.

Seeing the passage, the smile on his face became ferocious and said angrily, "Kill me, don't let go of any of them!"

The killing has begun again.

I don't know where I'm going to run. All I know is that I've crossed the channel and followed the southern blade and kept running forward. And the shouting behind him also tirelessly clung to his back.

The running southern blade suddenly stopped and said to the other captains, "We must run separately so that we can escape. What do you think?"

One of them said, "Well, take your team members and go!" Before waiting for the two to talk, he had fled quickly with his own men. The other two did not object, and then ran in different directions.

Unlike them, the southern blade stayed in place and did not move, looking at the direction of the sound behind him and frowned.

"Captain, what should we do?" As a six-star wind demon, Al has the power of thousands of eyes and downwind ears. Although he can't search for a long distance, he knows that the pursuers who follow him closely will arrive soon. Once caught up by them, there is only one result.

"Yes, captain, let's run back quickly!" Da Han also urged anxiously.

And Ming, who had never opened his mouth, snorted coldly: "Running back can only be a dead end."

Hearing this, Al and Da Han suddenly became a little unhappy. However, before they could open their mouth to refute, Nan Jian said, "Since that hook can know that we come to ambush in advance, there will naturally be a back hand behind us. We have instruments that can cross the fairy and demon meteors, so I think they will naturally have them.

Before Nan Blade could finish his words, there was a miserable shout from the direction of escape. Obviously, the Southern Blade's guess is correct.

"What should we do, captain?" Al hurriedly asked, after all, the footsteps of the pursuers were getting closer and closer.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Xing Ji's eyes fell on the immortal and demon meteorite, the insurmountable gap between the immortal and demon worlds. A bold idea came to my mind: "Captain, can we hide in the fairy meteor? I don't think those pursuers will be alert there."

Indeed, as the boundary between immortals and demons, there is a terrible name that can devour everything, and those pursuers will naturally ignore it. However, there is also a certain danger of wanting to hide in and come out alive. After all, the name of the immortal meteor is not in vain.

"Al, please investigate, which direction has a vacancy for pursuers?"

A faint light flashed in Al's eyes, and then said, "Captain, there is a vacancy in the southeast. However, those fairy dogs are constantly shrinking. I'm afraid that in a short time, the vacancy will be gone. Al also said this to hint at the Southern Blade, and he agreed with Xing Ji's idea. After all, although this method is dangerous, there is still a certain chance of success.

"Well, let's go!"

After saying that, several people ran to the southeast.

Wrapped up the wound on his body and stared at Sneko, who had been torn to pieces, holding a cyan crystal bead in his hand, also known as Xianyuanzhu. Yes, this is the essence of the vitality of all the monks in the two worlds of immortals and demons. And those who want to try to increase their cultivation through the battlefield of immortals and demons, the idea is to hit this crystal ball. After all, it takes a lot of energy to improve your cultivation, and this crystal ball is an energy-gathering object. Moreover, the energy contained in it is extremely pure, so there is no problem.

General magician-level characters will have crystal beads in their bodies, and the magician will naturally not have them. Although he killed Sneko and got his crystal beads, it was obvious that the connection also paid a heavy price. More importantly, they even ran back to the demon world. Although he had already laid an ambush on the opposite side, there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Sasha, soon, a soldier ran over.

How's it going? Have those people solved it?" He asked.

"General, all the others have been solved except for five people who did not appear."

"What? Five people didn't show up? Where have they gone?" He stood up with a hook, looked coldly at the opposite side and said.

"General, the search circle is constantly shrinking. I don't think the five people have escaped from the ambush circle."

"Search for me, and every corner should be filtered for me. If you pass the order, even if it is an ant, you have to find out its origin!"


When the messenger received the news from the opposite side for the third time, he was completely angry. Five people actually disappeared into his eyelids like this. However, the collusion can be sure that they have not escaped from the ambush circle set by themselves. Then there is only one result left, and they must be hiding somewhere.

Although there are dense plants above the top of the head, the soldiers have searched every inch of land. He believed that these people under him would not be lazy, but where have those five people gone?

"Five recruits, shouldn't they escape?" The ensuing eyes became suspicious, and then said, "Order, in groups of five, search the end area. And tell them not to come back if they can't find any trace of the five of them.


Less than three feet away from the fairy meteorite, a plant suddenly trembled inexplicably. If the suction power in the fairy meteor is still there, then it is not surprising. However, there is no movement in the fairy meteorite at this moment, even a trace of wind.

Two rays flashed from under the plant, and then Al's voice said, "Captain, the soldiers who searched are back."

"Al, didn't you just say that they were all gone? Why are you back again?" Da Han asked with some depression.

"Captain, they seem to be coming to our side. There are five people."

staring closely at the five soldiers who came here, Al's heart couldn't help but raise her throat. In his opinion, the soldiers seemed to have noticed where they were.

They stopped less than five meters away from Al's hiding place. One of the soldiers shouted at their hiding place, "Come out, we have found you."

With a thump, the heartbeat of several people suddenly stagnated in the narrow space.

"Did they find us?"