huan xing tu

Chapter 247 Under the Immortals

When the torrent roaring like a beast knocked itself off the cliff, the star's heart was full of helpless bitterness. Indeed, after killing Sui Yanxianjun, Xingji planned to leave this small place and turn to a larger battlefield. Unfortunately, God always likes to joke like this. A Suiyan Xianjun walked away, but a Liuquan Xiandi came. Although Sui Yanxian is one level higher than himself, he still has some opportunities. But in the face of the Liuquan Immortal Emperor, the star silence is completely ruined. Like a dragonfly shaking a big tree, no matter how strong the dragonfly is, it can't shake the giant trees that are countless times bigger than it.

This long rift valley across the whole fairy and demon world is like a hungry mouth waiting to eat. At the moment when his footsteps were just empty, a strong suction pulled himself down fiercely, as if there was a secretly controlled palm in this endless darkness. Xing Ji originally intended to escape with the power of Jiu Yousuo, but unfortunately, the fairy meteorite did not give him any chance at all.

At the top of the head, the long and narrow light became farther and farther away, and the invisible wind roared past his ear. With a bitter smile, Xingshi's eyes slowly closed. At this moment, the light completely left its horizon, and what remained was the endless darkness.

I don't know how deep this deep gully he is, but it is certain that he hasn't landed yet when his consciousness was still awake. In this way, he kept falling in the darkness without the concept of time and space, knowing that the last wisp of consciousness disappeared.

Darkness, the darkness that wraps itself tightly in it, is like a quiet night where you can never see the dawn. However, there are still hidden insects singing in the quiet night, but there is no fluctuating dead silence here.

A few violent coughs suddenly sounded in the dead silence, and two lights woke up in the dark. However, for this endless dead silence, this sound is really weak and pitiful.

"Where is this? Hell?" The voice of the star silence echoed lonely in this dead world, and no one answered his question. The light in his eyes disappeared, and the stars quietly experienced the darkness around him. Yes, it's too quiet here, without any noise, let alone any breath of life.

Struggled to stand up, but helplessly found that his body was like being embedded in a stone. No matter how the stars struggled, they didn't move at all. However, fortunately, the original force in the body of the star silence is still moving slowly.

The idea sank into Dantian, which made the star silence unbelievable that the Mars closest to the sun god bird became dim at this moment, as if it could be extinguished at any time. The situation of the Star of Life is very similar to that of Mars. While it is dim, it also stops rotating. Only Mercury and the Death Star are still rotating, and the faint Death Star slowly pulls out a wisp of black power from the body. This black power is very strange. Although it is absorbed by the Death Star, the star silence can be sure that this black power does not have the attribute of death.

"What kind of power is this?"

has never been exposed to such a strange power. Although it is very similar to the death force, it is definitely not a death force. As the black power is constantly absorbed, the Death Star rotates faster and faster. At the same time, the black power has become more and more abundant, as if to feed the death star.

With a deep sigh, the star silence was also helpless about the behavior of the death star. After all, in the current state of star silence, it is impossible to control the death star to absorb the black strange power. Now that it is uncontrollable, I simply don't care about it anymore, so I just watched it.

The vast void, the depths of the universe. Pangu Chuangshen and Hongjun's ancestor quietly watched what happened in the endless abyss.

"Teacher, what do you think is the matter with Xing Ji's body? Due to the heart of space, the outer space has been integrated into the star-silent Dantian. It can also be said that that is the prototype of his world. It's just that the teacher, what I don't understand is what's going on with the nine source nuclei? Why are their attributes so strange, especially now, what is the black power? It is very similar to the power of death, but it is not the power of death. As the creator of Pangu, he is also very confused. I can't see what the black metapower is, especially as the controller of the cosmic world. If people know his confusion, I'm afraid it will surprise countless people.

Hongjun's ancestor brushed his messy beard and said with a smile, "This so-called fairy meteorite was created by you. Don't you know what's under this fairy demon meteor?"

Pangu smiled awkwardly and replied, "Teacher, you know that this fairy meteorite is just the first trace left by my creation. At that time, the world was still in chaos, and of course, I was also confused. How can you understand what will happen here?

Indeed, when Pangu woke up, the universe was just a chaos. Then he split the endless chaos and came out of today's world. And the fairy meteorite is the mark of the first axe left by Pangu when he woke up and opened up the world. Although Pangu has some impression of this fairy meteorite, he doesn't know much about what happened there.

"Hey, that's the first trace left by your creation, so what is left there is the most primitive breath in chaos. That is to say, all the original forces in the chaos at the beginning of heaven and earth are reserved there. However, as for the black power absorbed by Xingji now, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the power of the dark.

"Is the power of underworld the main force that forms hell?"

"That's right, but in addition to the power of the underworld, there are also some other powers in your hell world. Now the death star of the star is the same. In addition to the power of the dark, there is also a kind of death power. Although the composition of the death star of silence is clear, I don't know what the result will eventually be.

For the answer to this question, Pangu couldn't help but feel bitter. What on earth does this boy want to do?

Crazy, for the current state of the Death Star, Star Silence only wants to use the word crazy to describe it. Indeed, looking at the power that poured into the death star like a flood of beasts, the star couldn't help palpitations. If these forces enter your body and there is nowhere to vent, then the star silence at this moment may have been bursting. Thinking of this result, I couldn't help sweating coldly.

However, as these black forces were constantly absorbed, Xingji also found a gratifying situation. That is, with the continuous absorption of these black forces, the pressure around the star silence began to slowly ease and gradually loosened. As these pressures are reduced, Xingji's body can move slowly. Although the magnitude is very subtle, it is better than being embedded in it motionless.

With a long breath, Xingji slowly sat up and crossed his knees to absorb the black power. Although it is not clear what these powers are, there is such a wonderful feeling in Xingji's heart. This black power is not harmful to itself, but will have unexpected benefits.

In the black space, there is no concept of time. I don't know how long the star silence has lasted like this, but only that the rotation of the death star in the body slowly fell down. And the black forces that pour into the body also show signs of reduction.

Wow, the moment I opened my eyes, Xingji suddenly felt that the eyes around me had become no longer so blurred. On the contrary, as the eyes continue to adapt, the space where I am also began to become clearer.

Time flies. When the star silence woke up from practice, the Death Star had stopped absorbing that strange power. And Xingji also stood up slowly, although there was still some pressure all over his body. But compared with before, this pressure is negligible.

After taking a long breath, I only felt that my body suddenly felt much more comfortable. And the face, which had no expression, also showed a slight smile.

"Is this the so-called fairy and demon meteorite? What the hell is in here?" Looking at the world around which is completely boundless, Xing Ji muttered in his heart. Although there is no fluctuation of life in the spiritual consciousness of the star silence, the vigilance in my heart has not been relaxed. After all, this is the place where the whole fairy and demon world changes the color of the conversation, so there must be something hidden in it that makes them afraid.

Before coming here, Xingji had already heard of the tearing force covering the fairy meteorite. However, when the star silence came to the fairy demon meteorite, they did not see the so-called devouring scene. However, from the discussion, the star silence has to be careful.

Looking at the head without a trace of light and feeling the hidden pressure around him, Xing Ji knew that he would not be able to leave the world for a while. In this case, Xingji stopped thinking about the way out and walked around the fairy and demon meteorite at will.

I don't know how long I have walked, and my legs are as heavy as lead. For every small step, the star silence almost needs to mobilize all the power in the body.

He gasped violently, and his clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

Just as I stopped, a slight sound suddenly came to the star's ear. Yes, it's indeed a sound, and it's the sound of running water.

"That's..." couldn't suppress the excitement in the heart, and the star silence quickly walked towards the place where the sound of water came.