huan xing tu

Chapter 282 Original Space

Chapter 282 Original Space

The blazing flame has already turned the world in front of us into a sea of flames, and in this sea of fire that can't see the end, a blue light spot keeps fluctuating in it. And this blue light spot is the Jiulong fire shield that protects the star silence and the southern blade.

Nine blue ice dragons kept hovering around the two people. The size of the nine ice dragons is not small, but it is obviously a little powerless to wrap the two people completely in it without being hurt by a little flame. After all, as the flames continue to burn, the volume of the nine blue ice dragons is also shrinking. According to common sense, ordinary flames can't hurt objects in the Kowloon fire shield at all. However, there are two people in the space that can only accommodate one person. The defense of the nine ice dragons not only cannot take into account the comprehensiveness, but also shortens the defense time of the ice dragon.

Two people, two naked people, hugged each other tightly like this. Only if the two of them hug each other tightly, the range of the nine ice dragons' defense will be relatively small. As a result, the defense time of the Kowloon fire shelter will also be appropriately extended.

The flames are wantonly and ferocious around, but in the eyes of Xingji, those flames can't help themselves at all. What really makes me feel a strong burning feeling is the southern blade held tightly in my arms at this moment. Xingji had long known that the southern blade was a girl, but when the beautiful body of the southern blade appeared in front of him, he was really sure that the southern blade was indeed a girl and a woman who was more beautiful than the mink cicada in the human world.

And just as the two were about to hide quietly in the sea of fire, a resentful and sharp voice suddenly sounded in the sea of fire.

"Ha ha, Kowloon fire shield! If there is only one of them, I really can't do anything about him. Unfortunately, you are two people, and the defense of the nine ice dragons can't be taken into account at all. Hahaha, God helps me! Today, let me take the lives of you people, so that I can get out of this painful hell!"

is the sound of pebbles, but the pebbles at this moment is obviously more ferocious than the previous pebbles. From his voice, he could feel that he was a little eager to tear the star silence and the southern blade in front of him into pieces. I'm afraid it's not too much to use it on him, but it's very appropriate.

"It's you, point the stones! What about Ming? Where is the underworld?" Hearing the sound of some stones, Xingji immediately thought of theming, which chased the some stones straight into the black hole space.

"Hahaha, you're talking about that stupid boy! Haha, since you want to know the whereabouts of the boy so much, Ben God will immediately send you to where he is. However, whether you can find it or not depends on your luck. The stone said proudly, and the arrogant voice echoed in the vast sea of fire. However, I can only hear his voice. As for the location of the stone, the star silence and the southern blade don't know at all.

"Then tell me, where the hell has Ming gone?" Hearing the news of the underworld, Xingshi has long been unable to help but feel excited. You know, Dahan has fallen not long ago, and at this moment, the only person who can worry about the star silence is Ming.

"He is really arrogant! Dare to kill my god like this. However, fortunately, God was lucky to come to this black hole space. Ha ha, although my luck is a little bad, the boy's luck is not as good as my god's! I went to the sea of fire where the Brahma source fire is located, and the place where the boy went was the world of death, the underworld! Hahaha, if my expectation is good, I'm afraid the boy's soul has been eaten by those evil souls!"

Hearing the words of some stones, Xing Ji was very worried. But the look on his face has not changed at all. If this is a stone lying to himself, and he believes it again, then the conspiracy of the stone will really succeed. However, Xingji is also worried, because it may be true to point stones. If his words are true, I'm afraid his situation is no better than himself.

Just when Xingshi was worried, the southern blade lying tightly on his chest said shyly, "Don't worry, theming is no longer the same."

"Your little girl is right. That boy is really not simple. And there is also a weapon under the crown of death, the blade of judgment in his hand. However, it is the underworld. Only killing and blood can make him truly inherit the god of death. In God's opinion, you'd better give up that idea early! Instead of worrying about others here, think about your business!"

While the words fell, the sea of fire divided a line. Moreover, the line expanded rapidly and then became a road. And on this road, stones with dazzling golden light appeared there. However, in the eyes of Xing Ji, the stone at this moment is more like a " mercury" person, with metal flowing all over his body**. It is these ** that make up the body of some stones.

At the same time, there is a flash of red light in the body of the stone. From the light spot that was not too bright, the star silence felt an extremely hot feeling. This feeling is very similar to the Brahma source fire in front of us, but it is many times more powerful than the Brahma source fire.

"That's 'fire'!" Seeing the faint red light spot, the southern blade was suddenly surprised and said, "The fire is the seed of Brahma's source fire, but why is this 'fire seed' on the stone?"

"Haha, you two little dolls, you'd better go and find your companions!"

A spike grows out of the body of the pebble, forming a rapidly rotating spiral. At the same time, there are wisps of burning flames on the spiral line. The sharp spikes and burning flames are like a sharp arrow shot at the prey, stabbing towards the Kowloon fire shield.

There was a violent tremor, when the spikes collided with the Kowloon fire shield. The two people in the hood only felt that the space around them suddenly contracted rapidly, and at the same time, the nine ice dragons on the Jiulong fire shield suddenly shrank.

"Haha, I don't know if this Kowloon fire shelter that can accommodate two people can withstand the fire spear several times! I'm a little anxious! Haha!"

With the continuous puncture of the stone-pointed fire spear, the defense of the Kowloon fire shield is also rapidly decreasing. At the same time, the star silence in it also began another plan in my heart.

"See the crown of Pluto!"

A sound of worship one after another is completely integrated at this moment. In front of this sound, a chair made of tired white bones. On the chair, there was a figure holding a long cold knife. The wide black cloak completely wrapped the man's body in it.

"Who can tell me what the hell this place is?" The voice echoed in this dead space.

A trembling figure came out from the side, stood in front of Ming, and said cautiously, "To my great king, this is the underworld. More precisely, this is the underworld of primitive space!"

"Underworld? Original space? What the hell is going on?" Ming said impatiently.

The soul suddenly shook, and then fell to the ground and said anxiously with the voice that was almost crying: "Wang, this is the primitive space, that is, the most primitive state of the world. In this space, there are different worlds, but Wang enters the underworld in the world.

"How many worlds are there in this primitive space?"

"Wang, I don't know how many worlds there are in this primitive space. Because we can't get out of here at all. However, from the dead souls who came here, a few of my subordinates have been counted!"

"Quickly!" He roared fiercely.

"Yes, yes! This is the underworld where the king lives. In addition, there is the heaven where the immortals live, the Haina world where the gods live, the mixed world, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the world that we don't know. In the past, I heard from the old man that there are 3600 worlds in this primitive space, and each world has its own way. As for whether it's true or not, my subordinates really don't know!"

After saying everything he knew in one breath, the head of this soul was deeply buried in his body.

"Okay, I know, you go down!" Looking at the distance distractedly, he muttered, "Star Silence, captain, where are you? Where should I go to find you?"

And just when strange things happened in the original space, several space cracks suddenly appeared in some of the sky of the fairy and demon world. And as these space cracks opened, strange things also emerged from them.