huan xing tu

Chapter 288 Escape

Chapter 28 Escape

Fire? Xingji really doesn't know where the tiny but daunting flame has gone. Yes, the fire was indeed absorbed into his body. However, Xingji, who was all on the stones, did not notice the where the fire was going at all. Now, when the southern blade mentioned the name of the kindling again, Xing Ji remembered to search for the whereabouts of the kindling. However, the result was very surprising to him.

Yes, I don't know where the fire absorbed into the body has gone. No matter how the star silence searches, there is no trace at all. He frowned tightly, and the starry look suddenly became a little unnatural. He can experience the power of the fire firsthand, but why did he not react at all after being absorbed into his body, even without even the minimum trace.

"What's wrong? Don't you feel well?" Looking at the unnatural look of Xing Ji, Nan Blade asked eagerly.

Shaking his head slightly, Xing Ji didn't know how to answer, so he said lightly, "Nothing, but the kindling I absorbed into my body can't find any trace now. I searched every corner of my body, but I didn't find any clues.

"What? You said you couldn't find any trace of the fire? Where the hell has the fire gone?" Xingji's words shocked Nanjian very much. His frightened eyes stared at Xingji tightly, and his worried expression filled his whole face.

Feed the uneasiness of the southern blade, Xingji smiled leisurely and comforted him, "Don't worry. If the fire does any harm to me, I can't wait for now. Maybe the moment it entered my body, I had turned into ashes and even nothingness.

The explanation of Xingji is not unreasonable. After all, the fire is so powerful that if you really want to be unfavorable to Xingji, the Xingji has no power to resist at all. But now, why is it that the fire inhaled into the body by the star silence can't be found? Looking at Xingji's comforting smile, Nan Blade also reluctantly smiled. But slowly, the smile of the southern blade became stiffer and stiffer, while the look on the starry face became more and more strange.

The huge Easter eggs emit a circle of gorgeous light. With the increasingly strong light, the breath released by the Easter eggs is becoming stronger and stronger. At first, the people who felt very comfortable bathing in it became more and more uneasy, and their hearts were covered with a very bad feeling.

"Uh! Why do I feel that the momentum of this Easter egg is constantly increasing, and it seems to be becoming more and more active? Dongtian Emperor Aoki didn't believe in his feelings, but he really felt all this.

The Northern Emperor's weak water echoed: "Your feeling is not wrong! The smell of this Easter egg is indeed constantly changing. And I feel carefully that the life conceived in this Easter egg seems to be awakening.

"But what exactly is conceived in this Easter egg?" Dongtian Emperor Aoki said doubtfully and frowned high. Although he can feel the stronger and stronger breath of life emanating from the colored eggs, he can't see what kind of creature the life in the colored eggs is.

Listening to the comments of several immortals of the immortals, several venerable demons also began to discuss in a low voice. After all, several of them have personally experienced the seductive benefits of Easter eggs, so they don't simply hand over such a good thing to either side.

"Ghost Emperor, what do you think?" As the only venerable woman of the demon clan, Yue Ming, the head of the Cangyue clan, asked hesitantly. It is said that a woman's intuition is very terrible, and the patriarch Yue Ming faintly felt an extremely dangerous breath from it. Moreover, as the smell of Easter eggs continues to increase, this feeling becomes stronger and stronger. She even suspected that the danger she had foreseeed in her heart came from the increasingly horrible breath of life in the Easter egg. I really don't know what kind of creatures will be conceived by this increasingly strong breath of life.

The ghost of the ghost emperor stared at the Easter egg with a pair of cold eyes, and then suddenly said without warning, "Let's go!"

Before Yan Tian, the head of the Yanri clan, who was about to ask, had time to speak, was stiffly pushed back by Yue Ming's eyes. Then he sighed helplessly, and the three people quickly disappeared in place.

Looking at several figures that disappeared in the sky, the dragon demon Ao Tian's eyebrows beat slightly, and then his calm expression was mixed with some confusion.

The sharp eyes of the purple lightning Lei Pengwang have been firmly fixed on the Easter egg, but the shocked look in the sharp eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

"No, let's get out of here immediately!" Lei Pengwang's eyes suddenly shrank, and then hurriedly shouted.

Ao Tian, together with the phoenix demon phoenix dance, had no hesitation at all, and the three quickly fled from the same place. He flew away as if he were running for his life.

"What's wrong with them? Why did it all suddenly go away?" The Northern Emperor muttered doubtfully.

"I don't care, maybe they are afraid of the strength of our immortals! Anyway, this magical egg finally belongs to our immortals. There seemed to be no doubt about the reason why the two demons left, Dongtian Emperor Aoki said proudly. In his eyes, the Easter egg in front of him became bigger and bigger, filling his limited eyes.

Aware of the changes of Dongtian Emperor Aoki, the North Heaven Emperor's weak water has understood that Aoki's mind has been completely covered by Easter eggs. So he hurriedly reminded, "I don't know what the other two ethnic groups have any intentions. I think we'd better catch up and have a look!"

The North Heavenly Emperor's weak water is very clear that if he directly says that this Easter egg is strange now, then the Eastern Heavenly Emperor's Aoki will never leave. Therefore, she can only try another excuse.

"What are you going to go! As you said, there are things related to me in this world, and I think it must be this huge Easter egg.

When Nantian Emperor heard Aoki's words, his face suddenly became a little unhappy. Then he said fiercely, "Aoki, we must get out of here immediately!" Do you understand! The split wind has fallen, if the two demons unite again to deal with Emperor Yan. Needless to say, you should know the consequences!"

I don't know if it's because of Huo Kemu, but Qingmu, as the Eastern Emperor, is very afraid of the Southern Heaven Emperor from fire. Hearing the anger in Lihuo's words, Aoki could only nod his head.

When the three figures disappeared into the sky, the area around the Easter eggs gradually quieted down. However, the breath that broke out from the Easter eggs is still growing.

"Star Silence, where are we going now?" Nanjian's head was almost buried in his neck, on his shy face, and his eyes were dodging desperately.

smiled helplessly, Xing Ji's eyes turned to the right front, and then raised his finger and said, "Where! There is a strong voice calling me!"

Star silence does not know that strange changes are taking place far away in the direction of Star Silence's fingers.

A piece of land slowly sinks, and a green plant grows crazily. And in the soil where the roots of these plants are located, a stream of blue ** slowly emerged from it.