huan xing tu

Chapter 303 Return 1

The Return of Chapter 303 (1)

Even if there is a roaring wind in the black hole space, it invisibly gives people a very depressing silence. In the vision of the whole space, there is only a cold figure quietly suspended. The blade of judgment that releases a strong breath of death is full of wisps of flames. But this flame gives people the feeling that it is composed of flowing blood and suffocating fanaticism.

All living beings tremble slightly in front of this flame, as if the flame in front of them is not blood, but the invisible life that goes deep into the soul. Contrary to this flame, it was the cold eyes hidden under the black cloak. Like two sharp blades that can easily harvest life, it makes people tremble from the soul.

The blade of the ruling in his hand waved aimlessly, and the red blood roared out and burst in an instant. With the sound of cracking, it was Fengzun White Tiger who roared full of surprise and pain.

How is it possible? How can you attack me!" In the empty world, the roar of Feng Zun white tiger echoed. He didn't expect that the Pluto could attack him so easily. He should know that he had completely turned into a breeze and integrated with heaven and earth at this moment. Even several peak gods in the divine world are helpless about themselves in this state. After all, the wind comes and goes invisibly, and it can't catch the trace at all. However, he did not expect that the Pluto did not seem to be affected in any way. In addition to the indifference as usual, his eyes also had a wisp of sarcastic smile.

"There is nothing absolute between the universe! You are so confident!" The Pluto said with a cold smile.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! I have been invisible like the wind. How can you detect the trace of me! Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The anger turned into a roar, and the roaring wind became stronger.

"It seems that you have forgotten something! Then let me remind you! The identity of the emperor is your biggest nemesis!"

"You,,, Pluto?,," the intermittent voice passed by like a breeze, and the white tiger fell into deep thinking.

"Don't you understand? Then let me remind you again!"

Another red blood light, roaring out, like a falling meteor in the night, dragging its elong blood-colored tail and rushing towards the distance.

Boom! Another crack, and this time the wind and white tiger could not escape this time.

After a violent cough, Feng Zun Baihu said, "The power of death, the power of the underworld!" I didn't expect that the power of the underworld was so strange that it could lock the breath of life! No wonder even if I hide my figure, you can easily catch it.

The two extremes of life, death and the state of heaven and earth elements. As the master of death, the master of the underworld, the emperor of the underworld, naturally has an unusually keen perception of life. Even if the wind and white tiger have changed into a wind element, the breath of life brought by itself cannot be hidden. It is also for this reason that the Pluto was able to find the traces of the white tiger.

Wow, a rapid wind sounded, and the figure of Fengzun White Tiger reappeared in the air. Broken armor, resentment, two pairs of burning angry eyes, staring at the Pluto in the distance.

"Since you have the ability to restrain me, there is no reason for you to continue to live! Go to hell, "

Before Fengzun Baihu could finish his words, he only heard a loud noise from the black hole space. Four eyes looked at the sound at the same time, but the targeted target in the field of vision suddenly shocked the two people's nerves.

Yes, it's the giant egg. There is a crack on the surface of the giant egg. The cage of Fengzun White Tiger, which was bound to the Dome, was also broken by the power of this crack.

Moreover, with the emergence of this crack, there is also a strong atmosphere that seems to come from ancient times.

Feeling this mysterious and powerful breath, the two retreated quickly, but their eyes were tightly locked on the changes in every moment of the Dome. However, with this breath, there were also people who surprised the two of them.

In another part of the black hole space, the fast-flying rosefinch suddenly couldn't help beating wildly. Although the changes on the Dome have not been seen, the spread of this powerful breath has spread to the whole black hole space in an instant.

The look on her face suddenly turned pale, and Nanqing looked very weak under the pressure of this sudden strong breath. If the rosefinch hadn't scattered part of her strength to protect her, maybe she would have fallen off the rosefinch's back.

Looking at the distance in shock, Nan Qing said in panic, "God, what's going on there? Why did such a powerful breath suddenly emerge? Is it the white tiger?

The rosefinch also couldn't understand where this powerful breath came from, but she was sure that this breath was definitely not from the wind and white tiger. Because from this breath, she felt a distant strange and familiar feeling.

"It's not him! This breath is very strange! It seems to come from ancient times. Could it be that the idea that the white tiger found the source of heaven and earth made the rosefinch's body tremble involutably. If Fengzun White Tiger gets the source of heaven and earth, what will the world become? The rosefinch dared not think about it or imagine it.

" girl, hold on!"

The fire wings of the rosefinch for a while, and the speed increased again and flew towards the center of the black hole space.

"I hope nothing will happen to you," Nanqing, who sat on the back of the rosefinch, stared at the distance and prayed silently in her heart.

Wow! Whew!

Without any warning, several figures fell from the air. Although the falling force slowed down at the moment before landing, it still seemed a little embarrassed.

"What is this? There is such a powerful momentum in the breath!" Nantian Emperor looked at the north in horror.

And the sharp eyes of the purple lightning Lei Pengwang flashed, and then said regretfully, "It's the direction of the giant egg!"

As soon as his words fell, several people's faces suddenly became very rich. Regret, surprise, greed, desire,,,

But in any case, this sudden breath gave them a very uncomfortable pressure.

"No! It's the breath of immortals and demons!" After a moment of hesitation, King Lei Peng suddenly said in surprise, "It's Shura, Emperor Yan and Xinghuan!"

Before the voice of the purple lightning Lei Pengwang fell, several figures who had just fallen from the air have turned into a streamer and flew in the direction of the Dome again.

Because the cultivation of Fengzun White Tiger and Pluto is much higher than these immortals, the Purple Lightning Leipeng King and others could not notice their existence at all. However, they did not know that what was waiting for them was not a divine object, but a disaster.