huan xing tu

Chapter 305 Battle 1

Chapter 305 Battle of Extinction (1)

A streamer passed through the sky, and meteors flew towards the center of the black hole space. Several people in the immortal and demon world who were originally hesitant have also caught up with the weak water of the Northern Heaven Emperor. Even if they follow closely, everyone has prepared for the worst.

At the same time, the rosefinch with Nanqing also flew desperately to the distance at the urging of Nanqing. And as she kept approaching, Nanqing, who looked worried, became more uneasy. I don't know when the weak little hand has been clenched tightly and looks so pale.

"Don't worry, girl!" He couldn't help smiling, and the rosefinch said helplessly, "This boy's life is hard. Since the white tiger bastard couldn't kill him last time. Then this time, he won't die so easily!"

Although the rosefinch's words are very reasonable, Nanqing doesn't know how to answer. With uneasy eyes, he stared firmly in the distance, trying to break through the layers of obstacles.

"You boy are not dead! I clearly remember that you have lost your soul!" Looking at the star silence standing in front of him intact, Feng Zun Baihu's face was incredible. He also doesn't believe that what happened in front of him is true. After all, how can a soulless person be resurrected?

Facing Fengzun White Tiger, Xingji looked at Shura standing behind Fengzun White Tiger and said with a smile, "Just like what you said to him, nothing is impossible in this world!" I just said that I forgot it so soon!"

A joking smile hung on his face, with a strong mockery in his eyes.

Humph! With a cold hum, the muscles on Feng Zun's white tiger's face trembled slightly.

"Kid, if I can kill you once, then I can kill you again! Moreover, I will never give you any chance this time!" In the cold eyes, the murderous atmosphere overflowed.

"Ha ha, isn't it?" Turning around and looking at the emperor who had recovered his cold expression, Xing Ji said with a smile, "Ming, do you believe it?"

The empty palms sounded, and the bloody blade of judgment suddenly appeared, full of fighting spirit.

The figure suddenly disappeared in place, and in a blink of an eye, the star silence had come to Xinghuan.

"Are you the patriarch of the Star Family?" The faint voice trembled slightly, and Xingji couldn't believe it was true. However, it is undeniable that there is a strong power to attract stars on Xinghuan.

Xinghuan nodded, looked at Xingshi, and asked confusedly, "You are,,,"

"Thousand years ago, the star god praised his father and fell, and the star family was also brutally poisoned and fled. And I,," said, and the dark staff of the star god appeared in the hands of the star silence. However, what Xingji didn't expect was that the staff of the star god that had just appeared from the storage space suddenly shook violently. It seems that there is something around it that attracts its powerful existence.

"The Staff of the Star God!" Some people couldn't believe that what was in front of them was true. Their wrinkled hands slowly touched the staff of the Star God.

"Yes, really. It's really true!" At the moment when the authenticity of the staff of the Star God was confirmed, Xinghuan fell to his knees.

"The descendants of the Xingchen family, Xinghuan, see the head of the family!"

Xinghuan's sudden move made Xingshi very surprised. What the hell is going on?

"Mipno, what's going on?" He hurriedly picked up Xinghuan, and Xingshi asked eagerly.

"Since the family chaos thousands of years ago, the Star family has passed down ancestral teachings. The descendants of the Star Family who can obtain the staff of the Star God will automatically become the owners of the new generation of Star Family. So,,,"

So that's it, Xing Ji said secretly in his heart. Although this ancestral motto is a little inappropriate, now is not the time to discuss it. After all, there is also a murderous white tiger on the side.

"You go away, he, you can't deal with him!" Looking at Xinghuan and Yandi behind him, Xingji said.

"Haha, the owner laughed! The descendants of the Star family will never bend their backbone because of the strength of their opponents! So, I won't leave!" Xinghuan said with a smile, and the smile on his face was so calm that it seemed that he had already seen through life and death.

And Emperor Yan was also like a sculpture, motionless, and his determined eyes radiated a flash of light.

Xing Ji knew that he could not change Xing Huan's decision, and he understood what Xing Huan thought. The descendants of the Star family will not bend their backbone because of the strength of their opponents, which is just one of the reasons. In addition, Xingji believes that there is still a trace of worry in Xinghuan's heart. I am not worried about the life and death of the star silence, but about the staff of the star god in the hand of the star silence.

Although I know it in my heart, the star silence is not broken and I don't speak anymore. Returning to the emperor, Xingji said with a smile, "Ming, this time,,,"

"No need to say anything! War!"

"Good! Fight as soon as you fight!" The heroic laughter of the star silence went straight up to the sky and echoed in the black hole space.

"I don't know if I'm alive!" Fengzun Baihu looked at Shura behind him angrily and said, "Go and kill them!"

Shura's expression suddenly stagnated, but he had no choice. Even if you know that once you go up, there is only one result, you have to rush up.

" Shura! How dare you!" Looking at Shura rushing towards Xingshi, Xinghuan shouted angrily and greeted him.

Xingshi's eyes were as stable as a mountain. When he saw Xinghuan meet Shura, the corners of his mouth gently raised.

"Fire is ruthless!"

The dark staff of the star god suddenly turned blood red, and an unparalleled flame spewed out of it. The moment the flame rose, the temperature of the whole black hole space suddenly rose. Even Emperor Yan, who was at the peak of the fairy and demon world, was caught off guard and his expression was suddenly shocked.

Feeling the sharpness of the flame, Fengzun White Tiger said with some surprise, "It's Brahma's source fire!" How can it appear on you!"

"Since you know, taste him!" The star shouted with great pride.

"Hmm! Even if you have Brahma fire, what can you do with this? Tear it up!"

The rolling wind elements are like endless floods, rushing directly to the burning flames. Water and fire are incompatible when two powerful energies hit each other. An explosion resounding through the dome, and the strong airflow made everyone like a broken kite. They retreated and fell.

"Haha, you think I only have so much ability! What is wind? Air flow is wind! The wind and white tiger standing in the midst of the violent airflow smiled wildly.

Hearing Feng Zun Bai Hu's words, Xing Shi's heart suddenly trembled. He understood that the violent airflow at this moment was giving Fengzun Baihu an excellent opportunity.

Rift stone and gold flow!

However, the wild turbulence gradually merged together, and finally merged together. Form a feather arrow shining with cold light!

Wh! With the shocking sound, this feather arrow went straight to the star silence.