Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 125 Is it really a practice period?

The peak is nearly ten thousand feet high. Even if it is in midsummer, the peak is not very hot.

The sun after the cow shines on people, which is quite warm.

Zhongzheng Pingzhai is usually a little strict, but today, a few friends are reunited, but there is no need for such a serious atmosphere.

Several chairs were moved to the courtyard of Zhongzhengping and Zhai. Sitting in the courtyard of Zhongzhengping and Zhai were Yuanyuan himself, Ye Yangrong, Li Yuanbai and Fang Ru. The beginning of the matter was like this. Fang Ru originally planned to report something. It happened that Li Yuanbai had something to do, and the matter reported by Fang Ru It's a thing in those years.

Remember those years!

I can't help but recall the four sword immortals who have been famous for a long time.

"In those years..." Sitting in the courtyard, basking in the warm afternoon sunshine" Yuanyuan Shangren couldn't help sighing. When the ninth generation was still a true disciple, at that time, everyone's relationship was not bad. He was the eldest brother, Yuan Ling was the second brother, the third brother Li Yuanbai had always been old and heavy Calm personality.

During that time, I had a very happy time.

In those years, recalling that year, the businessman-like smile on Ye Yangrong's face faded, and the fake smile disappeared a lot.

Recalling that year, Li Yuanbai also fell into the memory of that year.

And Fang Ru usually has a much less old-fashioned face.

"Now I remember Jiangnan Music" At that time, the young spring shirt was thin..." Yuan Yuan Shangren seemed to ring such a poem in his ear, and other people were almost the same, most of them.

In the lazy sun, several nine generations of well-known sword immortals fell into memories and talked about some things in those years. Everyone knew that there were not many such opportunities in the future. They could see that Li Yuanbai only had a life expectancy of a little more than a year. Several people chatted, but finally stopped.

The latter part is the sect infighting. Finally, the Yuanling villain, the top ten true disciples in the past, died three, defected one, and only the remaining six today.

At the beginning, the ninth generation was called the Golden Generation.

As a result, the golden generation died and betrayed a lot in the infighting. The golden generation will no longer become the golden generation.

It's really... sad!

Several people talked about what happened in those years with infinite emotion, and then at this time, a Taoist boy came in: "Emergency report..."

Urgent report, there must be an emergency.

There is only a temporary interruption of the memory of a few people.

Yuanyuan Shangren took over the urgent report, but after reading the urgent report, Yuanyuan Shangren's expression was quite wonderful. After a long time, he turned to Li Yuanbai with a smile: "Brother Li, Brother Li, you disciple..."

This sentence made Li Yuanbai confused: "What's wrong with my disciple?" Yuanyuan was not in a hurry: "The emergency report said that Hua Yin, a prisoner with a practice period, escaped from prison on the third floor of the third floor of the heavenly prison. As a result, he bumped into the top ten true disciples who were eating lunch in the first Rong and Fang Ru couldn't help but be slightly anxious. Their disciples were all in it, so they couldn't help but not be in a hurry.

Yuan Yuan Shangren brought a cup of tea, took a sip slowly, and gently knocked on the teacup: "Then, the prisoner wanted to catch the top ten true disciples to negotiate terms with us. As a result, Lu Yuan fought back. Brother Li, your disciple" unexpectedly surpassed the prisoner in the practice period. Your disciple is also in the practice

"What..." Ye Yangrong was slightly surprised. He had never heard the news. At this time, he couldn't help but be surprised. Fang Ru also raised his eyebrows.

Exercise period!

I don't know how difficult it is to practice qi. Everyone knows that Lu Yuan is particularly talent and seems to have good luck, but they all thought that it would take at least two or three years to reach the practice period. Unexpectedly, he broke through so quickly. Now, all eyes looked at Li Yuanbai.

Li Yuanbai smiled bitterly: "Not long ago, I cleaned my hands, and you should know.

Everyone knows this, but this is Li Yuanbai's personal matter. It's not easy for everyone to intervene, and no one to investigate.

Li Yuanbai said, "That cleaning was because Murong, one of my four swordsmen, secretly entrusted Li Feng to assassinate my disciple. As a result, my disciple broke through in this battle and reached the practice period. As for the reason I asked him, he said that he also broke through inexplicably..."

Inexplicably wonderful.

What an inexplicable wonder.

The four sword immortals present, Yuanyuan Shangren, Li Yuanbai, Fang Ru, Ye Yangrong, all of whom were well-known sword immortals, and they were also true disciples in those years. However, they broke through and reached the practice period, which were all difficult. After many efforts, Lu Yuan made an inexplicable breakthrough. The four sword I am speechless and have the impulse to shed tears.

These days!

Well, after a long time, everyone finally accepted that Lu Yuan reached the practice period inexplicably. Of course, even if he reluctantly accepted this information, everyone felt difficult to accept it. Even Li Yuanbai knew about it for a long time. In fact, it was difficult to accept it in his heart. This breakthrough was too fast.

"Well, in the future five peaks, with Lu Yuan, we should have a good result..." This is the first thing Yuanyuan discussed. Others naturally nodded and said yes.

Ye Yangrong thought more and said, "Isn't it too bullying in this way? A true disciple has reached the practice period again, and he has practiced swordsmanship. His mana and swordsmanship are so excellent. It's too much for such a person to participate in the five peaks ratio..." Ye Yangrong feels that he is too in

Yuanyuan Shangren laughed.

In the end, the reason why some prisoners escaped from prison was finally found out.

Simply put, the prisoner himself has been prepared internally for ten years, which is only the most secondary reason. The relatively secondary reason is that when Li Yuanbai and Chu Fei handed over their work, some places were still not clearly explained, and Chu Fei was not familiar with it, so he made some mistakes.

Of course, these are secondary reasons. There is only one main reason, that is - m - Bi Yuanling's body and nose are in it.

That's right, it's Yuan Ling, the greatest genius of the ninth generation and the greatest traitor of the ninth generation.

According to Uncle Chu Fei, the ninth generation of other sword immortals speculated that the reason why Yuan Ling wanted to participate in it was that he wanted to see the top ten true disciples of this generation and what interesting characters there were. As a result, there was such a prisoner escaping from prison and then being killed by himself.

Lu Yuan understands now that he is actually a chess piece now.

Some chess players just play chess pieces with each other.

Yuan Yuan Shangren and Yuan Ling kept playing games. The two were chess players, and the others were chess pieces.

After knowing that he was a pawn, Lu Yuan was not angry at all.

When people live in the world, they are progressing little by little and strengthening their strength little by little. Just like Yuanyuan Shangren and Yuanling are now chess players. In fact, when they were young, they also played chess pieces in the eighth generation. When people live in the world, when their strength is weak, it is inevitable to be chess pieces for some time

It's just a myth that you can be invincible all over the world as soon as it comes out.

It's just a myth that you will never be a pawn and always be above everyone.

As soon as something comes out, it's even more a joke. It's not so easy to go against the sky.

Of course, I am not a chess piece of peace. I have always been a chaotic chess piece. For example, at the end of the battle of the host government, I didn't follow the chess path stipulated by the patriarchal Association, and killed the main few people at once. This time, Yuan Ling wanted to see the strength of many real disciples, so he came to such a scene where the prisoner escaped from prison and rushed straight to the real disciples. He didn't have a chance to mess around, otherwise hehe.

Or, Yuan Ling, if you dare to come to such a play next time, maybe we will mess around. Although it is just a chess piece, it is a bold chess piece that disturbs the overall situation.

Of course, you should also work harder to get rid of the status of chess players as soon as possible and reach the status of chess players. Of course, if you want to play chess by yourself, I guess you won't be willing to doze off.

Anyway, you have to be a messy chess piece or get up to the chess player earlier.

Lu Yuan shrugged his shoulders.

Forget it, let's start practicing yourself. During this period, other brothers are practicing and watching themselves. Of course, your practice will never be in the first layer of heaven, the second layer of heaven, but in the third layer of heaven. The third layer of heaven has prisoners from the exercise period, one heavy imperial qi from the air to the practice period of

Maybe it's not easy to get along in the third level of heaven, but you can also fool around and fight more with the immortals in the physical training period.

Stepping into the third heaven, and then he stepped into the third heaven, and there was a strange laugh.

"Oh, here comes a true disciple..."

"Really courageous disciples dare to go to the third level of heaven to practice..."

"He is looking for death..."

"Let's torture him to death..." Haha, the prisoners looked strange, but when a prisoner recognized Lu Yuan as Li Yuanbai's disciple, the voices of the prisoners immediately changed.

"It turned out to be Li Yuanbai's disciple..."

"Very good. If we don't kill, I'm really sorry for ourselves..."

"I don't want you to die alone, we also want to have a hand-on..." The cold and murderous words sounded in the third layer of the heavenly prison, like the words in the second layer of the heavenly prison, showing how angry and hatred they are about Li Yuanbai. Lu Yuan's Chen Jiao couldn't help raising: "You really don't have any new lines. The second layer of heavenly prison is the same. The second layer of heavenly prison has been subdued by me. Now, I will immediately report to the third floor of heavenly prison. In return to these prisoners, it is Lu Yuan's absolutely arrogant words. Lu Yuan will naturally not be polite to these prisoners. Then, the practice begins again... At this time, the time to the ratio of the five peaks is getting closer and closer.