Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 318 Ice Palace

Let's say that Lu Yuan was about to enter the poisonous waters of the Second Ring Waters, but at this time. A strong suction came over. With the strength of Lu Yuan's mana, he did not have much resistance in the face of this suction. Lu Yuan instinctively pulled out his sword out of his sheath and raised my sword. He wanted to wave it with the momentum of anti-ling, but the suction was too big to inhale Lu Yuan.

What a strong suction!

Lu Yuanyi was sucked into the depths of the water, and then saw the word Bingzu, which had just been fluorescent, and began to be a little blurred.

Shortly after Lu Yuan was sucked in, there were some changes in the poisonous waters of the second water.

In this second poisonous water, its water is blue and miserable green, and there are many poisons living in it.

For example, there is a kind of fish with grouper. This kind of grouper, number and snake**, if it can be with a hundred poisonous snakes**, it is called a hundred grouper. If it can intersect with thousands of snakes, it is called a thousand grouper. This kind of grouper, gathers the venom of I have a headache.

There is also the crabfish, which is poisonous in its urine.

And the eight mullet, this kind of eight mullet, with eight tentacles, can release a ball of dark sweat, and it will be poisoned if it is stained.

By the way, I forgot to say that a kind of mother fish belongs to the mother. This kind of mother fish is different from the mother fish. The mother fish of the mother fish is released from the attack of the fish, and the mother fish returns to the mother fish. However, the fish is extremely small and penetrates into the enemy's abdomen. Once it is

It's just these poisons, and it's not too terrible.

In part, these poisonous fish converged in one place, and dozens of terrible venoms converged into a mass and turned into more terrible venom.

When it comes to the second poisonous waters, it is the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical power.

All the immortals of the six-fold immortals have become a virtual elixir. They can be regarded as the middle-class characters of each immortal sect. How can there be not much means? So far, each of them has their own means. Each has its own wonderful and unique skills. For example, Sun Dingyin of Qingcheng Fairy Gate used the sound soul Constantly using soprabos to push away the poisonous water around him is also regarded as applying the sound soul killing sword to the extreme. Sun Dingyin had already mastered the meaning of the sound sword.

Shi Yingyue of the Sword Sect used the Chaoyang Yiqi sword, and the Chaoyang Yiqi sword was used in the back. As long as the poisonous water was close to her, all of it was lost, and she did not leave it at all. "She did not evaporate the poisonous water with magic power, but forcibly evaporated the poisonous water with the

The machine of the South China Sea Xianmen summoned out a snail in his hand. This snail is called the poisonous snail, which is the snail that is often used in the South China Sea. There are also many poisons in the South China Sea, but they have no choice but to use the machine.

And Li Thief of Tianji Fairy Gate hit the void with a palm, and immediately the compass appeared under his feet. Many runes on the compass "released a milligram of light and kept flying forward, and those poisonous water kept encroaching on these milligrams of light." But at such a speed, he could indeed rush out before the This poisonous water.

These four captains are easy here, but the other immortals are not easy.

The immortals of the immortals were impacting in the poisonous waters for a while. At this time, they were about to leave the poisonous waters. They were in the weakened area of the poisonous waters. They were about to enter the weak waters of the third heavy waters. Li Thi, the captain of the third team, changed his face: " Let me count it."

Li Thief has a Tianji Sanction. He sent this Tianji Sanji to the other 86 immortals practitioners. If anyone is in danger, he can help him.

However, now Li Thief found that there had been nine heavenly jets that could not be sensed, and he also said that nine people had died, and many people had exited the heavy waters and returned to the original road. It is normal for the most important thing to return to the original road, and one of the nine that could not be sensed was actually Lu

Li was curious. According to reason, Lu Yuan's strength should be more than that.

Unexpectedly, it will disappear here in the second poison water.

"Lu Yuan is missing, is he dead?" Sun Dingyin, the captain of the first team, asked, and he was also a little curious.

"After all, he is still young and has not experienced too many dangerous environments. It is possible to die in the current environment." A six-fold immortal grower said.

Let's say that Lu Yuan was sucked in by a strong suction. Although he wanted to try to resist the suction, the suction was really too big for him to resist. He was dizzy for a while and felt that he was constantly rotating in the whirlpool of water. After a moment, this huge power of rotation stopped. Stop it.

Lu Yuan then opened his eyes and found that it was a huge ice palace.

It's really a beautiful ice palace. In the palace, no matter what, it is made of ice. The ice wall, ice floor, ice long table, ice high chair, everything is ice cubes, but although it is an ice floor, people can't step on it, and there are also some different kinds of light in the palace, constantly rotating, making The palace is even more beautiful.

Looking up, I found that there were some different places. I looked up again. It turned out that there were some big words engraved on the huā board of the ice sky.

"I am Li Bing, the ancestor of ice. In the past, I sacrificed with the divine soul river, and all the divine souls were in my palm. After that, within five thousand years, in the divine soul river, the divine soul was extinct. After five thousand years, it was restored."

"For me to practice alone, and destroy the soul of the river for 5,000 years, I have regret in my heart, which is convenient for this small compensation."

"In the Ice Palace, there are five places left, five prohibitions, and five benefits. If you can find and break the five difficulties, you can get these five benefits."

"If you can't do it, you will fail and leave the predestined person in the future."

"Today, with the soul river, this cause and effect."

People who cultivate immortals talk about constitutional cause and effect.

The cause of today, the result of tomorrow.

Although Li Bing was a generation of ice ancestors, he also knew this, so he casually left five benefits here for the descendants of Shenhunjiang, with this cause and effect. It's Lu Yuan. Many things he has done today have received a lot of benefits, and there will be cause and effect in the future, but now the mana is low, only at the time of failure, before the time to pay back the result.

When the mana gets deeper and deeper, you have to return these fruits one by one.

Otherwise, the cause and effect are not over, the dust is not over, and you can't soar.

Of course, there is a reason why the Ice Palace appears now, and Lu Yuan is sucked into it. The water order, called the water order, is actually the order to open the ice palace. Only when the water ape king imposes the water order to the limit, the ice palace will appear, and the ice palace will enter The mouth is in the triple waters.

Naturally, although Bingzu wants to end the cause and effect, he also needs to give it to the predestined person. Bingzu is known as the Bingzu, and he is the best at ice. The predestined person he is looking for at least one of your water system, and Lu Yuan used the four-fold water system sword in the first

Five benefits? Lu Yuan couldn't help but be slightly surprised. What are the benefits of these five? Lu Yuan was looking for nothing strange in the ice palace. Well, he found that there were some benefits in the ice palace. At least he could drink here, drink a sip of wine, and wandered everywhere. After this time, he found that there were five gates at the corner, marked one to five numbers. .

Lu Yuan couldn't help it. It seems that it should be here.

The ice wall there says: "Five benefits, from one to five, one is more beneficial than one, but it also needs to be tested. If you don't pass, you can't get the benefits and leave it to the next predestined person."

In this way, it was also a little interesting. Lu Yuan opened the first door. As soon as the door opened, he saw a whistling sound. Several white cold lights shot out from the door and swept his cheeks. Lu Yuan almost instinctively flashed by. Although he was far away from the cold lights, he also felt a slight coldness passing by

Looking at the appearance, there was no cold light passing by. Lu Yuan walked into the first door and only found that the first door was empty inside, and there was nothing. What's going on? Lu Yuan walked over and found that the word was engraved on the reverse side of the first door: "In the first door, there are my magic weapons in the past, broken star ice edges, broken star ice edges, which is that I went to the extreme north, to visit the cold blue ice of the Arctic, with seventy-seven or forty-nine days to attract the star power The star shoots the enemy silently. Once hit, it can freeze the opponent.

Lu Yuan was stunned at this time. This magic weapon is absolutely useful. Forty-nine cold stars can freeze the opponent as soon as they hit the opponent. If it's useless, it's a strange thing, but it can't be found here at all. Maybe it's really possible that the magic weapon that flew out just now is the broken star ice

It's too tricky. Open the first door and the magic weapon will fly out automatically. If you don't respond in time, the magic weapon will fly away immediately.

However, I wrote it before I entered here. It needs a test to get it. This is called a failed test.

It's so sad!

But after thinking like this for a while, Lu Yuan found that he was sad. That's the magic weapon! Attention, magic weapon! I practice swordsmanship. I can't be moved because the magic weapon is easy to use. Once the magic weapon is used, I am no longer sincere to the sword, and the possibility of reaching the highest level of swordsmanship is greatly reduced.

Only when you are stupid can you use the magic weapon, and a single sword is the king's way.

Of course, this also teaches yourself a lesson. There are four benefits next. I hope you don't fly away like the previous one. In fact, you are just one of the predestined people. If you are not careful, you can't get a benefit. Be serious. Don't be the first to find this ice palace, and the result will People, that's the great sadness.