Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 408 The elixir of immortality!

The news that the undead tree is going to bear the undead medicine caused a great sensation in the Huashan camp.

When it comes to the eight-fold and nine-fold life of Changsheng, it is time to prepare for the famous and difficult check-to-attack the road.

Not to mention the abundance of long life, it is also necessary to prepare for it.

Once you encounter something that can increase the probability of impacting the road, everyone is completely desperate. For example, in the last time, there were so many people fighting to fight to death. All the ten demons, the ten elders of the demons, all took action, and this time, it is more effective than the rule elixir. The elixir of immortality.

This is natural and even more attractive.

Now, I don't know how many people are moving.

It only said that Beifeng, Fang Ru, Ye Yangrong and Lu Yuan were very moved. Thinking about this time, the attack on the underground world was almost crushed, and the danger was not very great. Therefore, Fang Ru planned to go. Ye Yangrong also felt that he had some opportunities. Finally, he simply led the team by Chu Fei and Dugu Ye.

Anyway, there are also several figures in the avenue, who have long been hidden in the crowd, and Beifeng's team can't have any problems.

Fang Ru smiled and said, "This time, I need Lu's nephew to take care of one or two." Lu Yuan nodded: "Uncle Fang laughed."

Nowadays, on the surface, it seems that Fang Ru is the highest combat power, with ten times of long life, plus the master of one peak, but it is said so, but in fact, everyone knows that Lu Yuan is the first combat power on Beifeng's surface. In the battle of 100,000 demons attacking Huashan, he showed a rather strong strength to win seven The demon elder's combat power has surpassed that of Fang Ru.

On the other side of Dongfeng, there are also three sword immortals to go. Naturally, the first one is the single sword fairy stone rushing to the sky, walking the well sword fairy Ling falling stone, and the miscellaneous sword fairy Ximen chaos that I have encountered in Si Guofeng. There is also a sword fairy, a total of four people. On the other side Li Duan Qingzi and two other sword fairies, there are three people in total, and there is only one person in Zhongfeng, which is the Jade Sword Fairy Nangongbi.

Huashan, including Lu Yuan, has a total of 14 sword immortals.

These 14 minimums also have the realm of immortality and ninefold, and many of them are the realm of immortality. By the way, let's talk about the single sword fairy stone rushing to the sky. The single sword fairy stone has been built to the realm of half-step the realm of the road before, and its strength has risen. Although it is Less.

Lu Yuan looked at the thirteen people other than himself and found that these thirteen people were all old acquaintances in the battle of 100,000 demons attacking Huashan. Although he may not have said much, at least they all know them.

Naturally, Lu Yuan found that these Jianzong Qizong looked at his eyes, which was not very friendly. No wonder, the undead tree will make undead, but there is absolutely not much undead.

And Lu Yuan's combat strength is absolutely extremely powerful. No matter which one in it is, it can be said that it is not Lu Yuan's opponent.

So Lu Yuan is a strong competition. It is also helpless to shrug against Mao Lu Yuan.

The next group of 14 people set out together and went straight in the direction of the undead tree, which was a little far from here.

"Let me tell you, these days, those who cultivate immortals in the State of Jin still use swords is the king's way. All spells are all paths." The sword fairy of Jianzong said.

"The man's law, the earth's law is heaven, the heaven is natural, and everything has a law. This spell, of course, is the supreme road. The sword is the acquired thing, which is the way of the future. It is not the innate way. If you want to prove the innate position, you The immortals of Qizong are also used to sword immortals fighting, and they also fight back with this. Originally, the people of Qizong used spells and should not be called sword immortals, but everyone is used to it like this, so they are used to it. Those who use magic are also called sword immortals. In the State of Jin, there are actually more people

The people of Jianzong and Qizong fought with each other.

The people of Jianqi Sect naturally make soy sauce, but they will also be involved in the reckless disaster with soy sauce. They will be scolded by the people of Jianzong and Qizong, saying that they are not good at swordsmanship.

Okay, and then there are three quarrels.

In fact, everyone understands that in the current situation, it is necessary to find the medicine of immortality, which is a matter of two benefits and two evils. If it is normal, everyone will put up with it, but the last three sects are like water and fire, especially now that the prestige of Chu Duan is high, and the Jianzong is getting

Finally, just take a shot and break up.

Three cases, do their own.

If it's scattered, it's dispersed.

Fang Ru, Ye Yangrong and Lu Yuan went to the place of the immortal tree. In the process of moving forward, Ye Yangrong said, "I have studied it. Next to this immortal tree, it is divided into two layers. The first floor is the undead floor, the first floor is the undead floor, the undead tree is the second You have to go through the undead layer. In addition, whether it is the undead layer or the undead second layer, there are a large number of monsters, and it is said that the undead second layer of the monster is also a strange medieval monster. It is said that it is a different species left by the medieval monster, which is quite difficult to mess

During the conversation, a piece of snow-white land appeared in front of him. This land is completely different from other lands. The land in other parts of the ground is dark, and the land here is snow-white, obviously not snow, but there is a feeling of snow. Stepping on it, the texture is extremely soft.

Ye Yangrong said, "Look at the snow-white land nearby. This is already an immortal layer. Once you enter here, there are many monsters." The three of them are planning to enter the land of the immortal land. There is a group of sword fairies flying next to them. This group of sword fairies are afraid that there are more than a dozen, and OK, many of them are using strange-shaped treasure light, some with a green hu bowl, some with Meng Bo, basically the speed is not too fast, but the magic weapon with extremely high defense. Obviously, it is the people of Kunlun Xianmen, and only. That's why the people of Kunlun Xianmen do so.

This group of Kunlun sword immortals is a Qingyi immortal who is a Qingyi immortal who is holding the imperial flame wheel under his feet. The Qingyi immortals are as fast as the wind. He is the character of Kunlun Xianmen's half-step road. Nie Chenfeng is also a strange figure. It is said that his attack power is not high The biggest advantage is that no one has ever been as fast as him.

Moreover, this Nie Chenfeng had a grudge against the North Peak of Huashan Mountain. He once lost to the Shangren of Yuanyuan in those years. This man regarded this defeat as a great shame. This time, when he saw Fang Ru, Ye Yangrong and Lu Yuan, couldn't help sneering: "Oh, isn't this the person Why are there only three, and one of them is filled by the descendants." As soon as he opened his mouth, the others in Kunlun Fairy Gate immediately laughed and said, "Maybe people think they can create miracles."

"It's just the north peak of Huashan Mountain." The flame sword Xian Nie Chenfeng looked at the three people in the north peak." He laughed: "Fang Ru" Ye Yangrong, Lu Yuan and the three of you remember that if you met me in the lower area of Xiaokunyu, or in the second floor of the We were directly beaten into serious injuries, alas. Nie Chenfeng showed his revenge against the north peak of Huashan Mountain without hesitation.

What is Lu Yuan waiting to say?" Fang Ru raised his hand and stopped Lu Yuan's words. Fang Ru looked at Nie Chenfeng: "Brother Nie, you can do it." Obviously, he disdained the quarrel.

Nie Chenfeng laughed a few times. He was extremely rampant and left with a group of sword immortals of Kunlun Xianmen. When he left, he had already regarded Fang Ru, Ye Yangrong and Lu Yuan as ants. He was strong, and there were more than a dozen sword immortals together. Lu Yuan and others, only three people were together.

Fang Ru, Ye Yangrong" Lu Yuan and the other three have entered the immortal layer. At this moment, the fire crows flew over one by one in the distance. As soon as these fire crows came, they almost dyed the sky in front of him red. Fang Ru's color changed greatly, and his hand had already shown his spiritual sword, and his whole body exuded a magnificent momentum.

And Ye Yangrong's face also changed: "This is called a fire crow, which is a demonic spirit composed of the essence of fire. It is said that this kind of monster usually exists in places close to the sun. Unexpectedly, it is also in the ground. Brother Fang, Lu's nephew, be careful, this has reached the moment of life-and-death crisis.

Ye Yangrong said this, which is really not an exaggeration.

This kind of fire crow is incredibly strong. Many of them are the six-fold and seven-fold cultivation of the Changsheng period, and even other leaders will reach the eight-fold of the Changsheng period. Although these mana are not too exaggerated, there are thousands of them. Ye Yangrong's own limit to deal with more than a hundred, and now it Thousands.

Naturally, if you can kill these fire crows, there are many benefits. Each of these fire crows is the reincarnation of the essence of fire. Once killed, it will return to the state of the fire spirit stone. The fire spirit stone is much more valuable than the ordinary spirit stone. There can be a lot of fire spirit stones that burst out by the Many, extremely valuable.

However, thousands of people gathered together, which is too dangerous.

Fang Ru shouted, "The three of us are triangular, each with a corner to attack the enemy." The triangular battle array is one of the most commonly used battle formations in the world of immortals. The three people occupy a corner of the triangle and back to back. In this way, it is enough for everyone to deal with the opponent in front of I think it's a big deal now. I didn't know that I entered the little Kunlun area, so I met this kind of fire crow, and there were as many as a thousand.

"It's not that troublesome. Just wait for me to kill them." Lu Yuanchang laughed and Yangwu's spiritual sword turned into his hand. The water emperor's kendo suddenly launched. With this water emperor's kendo, an endless huge water sword appeared and attacked the fire crow. With one sword, dozens of fire crows were hit and turned into pieces of fire stones.

Water Emperor Kendo is here. Naturally, it is not as powerful as it is in the sea, but the water and fire are restrained, and the power is small, but it is also easy to deal with the fire crow.

Dozens of them with one sword!

In this way, more than a thousand is the matter of more than 20 swords!

For a moment, Fang Ru was stunned, and Ye Yangrong was stunned.

The two of them think that it is time to shut down the worries of life and death, and as a result, Lu Yuan solved it easily and easily.

And it is solved so freely.

Incomparable contrast!

They have always known that Lu Yuan is very strong. In the battle of 100,000 demons attacking Huashan, they showed the strength of the strong. However, they have never cooperated with Lu Yuan. Now when they cooperate with Lu Yuan, they find that Lu Yuan's strength is so powerful.

I don't know much more than the two of them! Yes! Strong! Big!