Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 424 Finally become a road! Next

The strongest emperor-level disaster is coming.

The shadow of the Water Emperor came here.

Easily patted the five emperor swords, and the power of the emperor-level disaster has undoubtedly appeared so far.

Lu Yuan also played his last resort. The two puppets of Xuanhuazi and Ming Jianzi were displayed together. These two puppets were used. One of the Xuanming's double snake swordsmanship was focused on turning into a mysterious snake, and one was focused on turning into a snake's snake. The two snakes danced, the snake's head The smell of snakes.

In ancient times, there were two snakes, which were snakes of destruction, swallowing everything and destroying everything.

This mysterious dragon secret was originally different from the general dragon secret. It has a taste of ancient destruction of double snakes. Now it is used, and the cold and dark cold air fills every inch of space, while Lu Yuan's backhand sword, and the sword of the water emperor Tianwei and the sword of the fire emperor Tianwei are cut out at the same

The Water Emperor and the Fire Emperor, combined into one.

Lu Yuan's full of skills, two puppets, and two Kendo collided with the virtual shadow of the Water Emperor. At this moment, Lu Yuan no longer thoughtless and thought. Everything was fighting for the last time. If he won in the end, he would have survived this disaster.

The Water Emperor's Shadow has come here.

This is not the reappearance of the water emperor of heaven, but the unconsciousness between heaven and earth, which should not allow Lu Yuan's thoughts to interfere with the operation of heaven and earth when reaching the road.

Lu Yuan had already fought at this time. At the moment of the battle, the seven orifices were bleeding in an instant, the muscles were severe, the internal organs were broken in many places, and the bones were even smashed in many places. This... Lu Yuan roared, and at the same time, he had absorbed the aura of many wells Beasts, giant spirit beasts, endlessly provide aura into their bodies. However, even so, I also felt the great pressure of the Water Emperor's virtual shadow, and my whole body was under this huge pressure.

The imperial disaster is really terrible.

There's nothing we can do. Let's use the strongest sword move.

Lu Yuan roared wildly, and Zhenyue Lingjian was collected in the sheath. He focused on using a spiritual sword to raise my spiritual sword and cut it out.

The first sword cuts to the right side of the water emperor's shadow, and then cuts in little by little. "Every landing point is a perfect landing point." Each one has no error at all. Every falling point combines the advantages of many sword moves. Every moment of cutting is so perfect.

This is the perfect sword.

This is a killing move that combines the nose. Once it starts, there will be no shortcomings.

This is an incredible sword.

This sword combines all of Lu Yuan's energy, essence, and god into one.

This sword was still a sword at the beginning, but behind it was not a sword. "Sword spirit" sword blade, these have turned into a white dragon, a white dragon with teeth and claws. The white dragon turned into a sword roared at the virtual shadow of the Water Emperor.

This is a swordsmanship!

The legendary swordsmanship is a dragon. It is rumored that the swordsmanship has reached a very high level, and such a sword can be played. This sword will make people's essence "qi, gods, all moves" and all sword intentions, etc., all of which are released into destruction, attracting the testimony between heaven and earth.

How can it be a swordsmanship? After being shocked, many leaders and many people in the world also understood why Lu Yuan caused such a strong imperial disaster.

It's too normal for people who can even beat a dragon with swordsmanship to attract the imperial disaster. This kind of evil has arisen. How can this evil not be killed by this catastrophe? Not to mention the demons in the Black Water River, but also the characters in the road on the ground, many of them are muttering in their hearts Under the dragon of swordsmanship, the water emperor's virtual shadow finally clammed and had been perfectly dismembered, and the noble and incomparable virtual shadow also turned into a void.

The pillar of the sword fell on the ground. Lu Yuanchang breathed and finally got through the disaster. Once the swordsmanship was used, the whole body mana was completely used up, which was not left at all. Now his whole body is weak. Fortunately, there are too much aura and vitality next to him. He kept absorbing aura, vitality, and wanted to recover the injury of his whole body, but it was not so easy to recover from such a serious injury. However, at this time, Lu Yuan's spirit was not on it. At this time, Lu Yuan had faintly felt the door of heaven and earth.

It turned out that when the exercise period reached the elongsheng period, I already felt the door of heaven and earth.

The gate of heaven and earth exudes the spirit of heaven and earth, and the gate of earth collects the spirit of heaven and earth. In this way, it circulates repeatedly, just like human breathing. However, no one knows where the gate of heaven and earth is. Everyone can feel it, but they can't know it. It is said that there is a The court disappears, the mystery of the departure of the heavens, and once the gate of heaven and earth is found, the gate of heaven and earth is included in its own mixed hole. Naturally, it is the ability of the power giants in the mixed cave. Legend has it that once the gate of heaven and earth is collected, he can become the only eternal person between heaven and earth, immortal and in charge of a world.

Lu Yuan lined up all the miscellaneous thoughts and began to seriously sense the door of heaven and earth. At this moment, his divine consciousness had penetrated countless time and space, and sensed the door of heaven and earth. This time, the door of heaven and earth was clearly clear, and you can even see the most subtle huā pattern on it, the ancient breath, The feeling of cold.

The huge gate of heaven and earth was originally closed, even when breathing the spirit of heaven and earth.

Now, the door of heaven and earth has begun to slowly open, and a huge amount of pure air of heaven and earth like a long river has fallen down. This time, it is not the ordinary spirit of heaven and earth, but the pure power of heaven and earth, which is far better than the ordinary spirit of heaven and earth. Lu Yuan absorbed the pure spirit of heaven Every pore is full of comfort, and not only that, the cloud system is originally the power of tenderness, and the pure cloud gas began to constantly repair Lu Yuan's body, seven orifices, muscles, broken parts of the internal organs, and broken bones, all of which began to be constantly repaired.

Boom! It seems that something that can't be seen has broken, the laws of heaven and earth like landslides and seas, all kinds of information, mysterious roads, keep pouring out.

Looking at it with the naked eye, I saw a huge long river penetrating into Lu Yuan's brain and body.

Lu Yuan now only feels that not only his body has been repaired, but also after his whole body mana has been turned into pure mana, he is still constantly rising. The more it rises, the more terrible it is. The incremental strength, far above any imagination, the power is constantly growing.

In the back, Lu Yuan felt that he not only had mana, but also had some mana full attached to the surface of his skin, which would not disperse at all. His whole body was involved in a huge amount of mana, which was so comfortable that it almost made people moan. It was so cool!

At the same time, many laws of the road began to enter Lu Yuan's [body]. Lu Yuan only felt that he saw the boat world, which was completely different from before. He could see the vein of anything. No matter what friends could escape from this vein. This is the eyes of the road, and he could see so many things.

The road is finally done!

At this moment, Lu Yuan had infinite joy in his heart.

It's not easy to succeed this time.

After saving for so long and preparing for so long, there are still so many people to protect themselves, and there are many rare things. In the end, it was a dangerous success and reached the realm of the road.

"Congratulations." "Congratulations on arriving at the Avenue." The people next to him came to congratulate him one after another. Congratulations to Lu Yuan on reaching the road. As soon as he arrived at the road, his identity was completely different. After that, he was the hero of the State of Jin, and his ranking in Beifeng also rose to the seventh place. Naturally, he ranked first on the surface.

The realm of the road is also divided into ten layers. These tenfold are the first chapter of the first chapter of the road, the second chapter of the law of heaven and earth, the third chapter of many laws, the fourth chapter of the law of one rule, the fifth chapter of the Yuanying, the sixth chapter of the chapter of the chapter of the chapter of the

The first priority is to get the road for the first time. This is just arrived at the realm of the road, and the mana has turned into pure mana, which is far more powerful than the realm of everlasting. The tenfold of long life is just a joke in the first realm of the realm of the road.

The second weight is called the law of heaven and earth. The important feature in the realm of the road is that you can see the traces of heaven and earth, the law of heaven and earth, and the second priority is to control a law of heaven and earth, which is called the realm of the law of heaven and earth.

The third law is to master many laws.

And the fourth law is the one, which is the one of many laws, which turns into a charm and hangs overhead.

The fifth meta-child transformation is to find the original law among many laws and transform into a meta-child.

The sixth Yuanying dominates all the laws that Yuanying can dominate.

The seventh head on the Qingyun is the combination of many laws into one. Yuan Ying was the master of him and gave birth to the head of Qingyun. At that time, Zhou Qingxuan, Chu Duan, the Oriental Demon, the Abandoned Emperor of Heaven and others fightd, and they sacrificed the Qingyun on the head.

The eighth Dharma phase of heaven and earth is a lot of laws, which began to be integrated into the Yuanying and transformed into the Dharma phase of heaven and earth.

The ninth supreme golden body is the method of heaven and earth to feedback itself, strengthen the body, and reach the supreme golden body.

The tenth major perfection is the impact of the realm of the road to the realm of perfection. As soon as you arrive at this realm, you can prepare to impact the next realm and the mixed cave realm.

The tenfold of the road realm is more powerful than one weight. It can control the spirit of heaven and earth, and the laws of heaven and earth have been used. Among them, those Yuanying infancy, as well as the formation of head-to-top celerating clouds, turning into the law of heaven and earth, and condensing into the supreme