Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 521 The end of this battle!

It is as vast as the sky.

At the beginning, it was just empty, but it seemed to be ubiquitous. Later, the infinite sunset turned into an endless sky, as high as the sky, as majestic as the sky.

The sky is supreme, and the sky is great majesty.


Everything is in the range of this eve.

All enemies are below this night.

This evening gives people an incomparable feeling.

Is this a shocking night?

Lu Yuan lay on the ground, recalling what he had just now. The sudden inspiration came to his mind and asked, "Is this the meaning of the night of heaven?"

'-Not bad, Brother Lu, this is the meaning of the eve. Gu Qiushui turned a sunset flower and took his long sunset song back into the sheath.

Sure enough, the night of heaven! One of the top ten most difficult to decide.

Lu Yuan was still recalling the meaning of the night of heaven, and wanted to take the opportunity to understand one or two of them, but it was not easy to understand the meaning of the night of heaven. Recalling the night just now in his mind, he felt the supreme majesty of the night of heaven, felt the infinity of the determination of heaven, and

However, it is not easy to understand the meaning of the evening.

Forget it, I don't want to do it for the time being.

If you want to take the opportunity to understand the meaning of the night of heaven, even the best among the peerless geniuses like Gu Qiushui also have adventures. It took so many years to practice the original meaning of the day. The top ten most difficult thoughts are not as easy to understand than the ordinary sunset.

Stand up and exited the small venue.

'-Gu Qiushui wins in the west.

Although Lu Yuan lost this game, there was nothing to be depressed about. At this time, Lu Yuan was actually sighing. Indeed, the 40,000-day party was really wonderful. It turned out that he couldn't see so many stunts in the State of Jin at all. Now it's better. It's the ten most difficult to determine, such as Several have appeared.

However, he did not find that Zhou Zhongyong and other lords were also secretly calling him that Lu Yuan was also a perverted figure. In such a year, he easily understood the realm of the Sword Emperor.

The Emperor! Such a young emperor!

At the end of the battle, Fu Ying and Li Qiuhuan followed the battle. Fu Ying's thick-backed knife was close to the attack of a knife and chased Li Qiuhuan, forcing Li Qiuhuan to have no extra time to use Xiao Li's flying knife. In the end, Li Qiuhuan suddenly had a physical problem and coughed up blood

So the last three are Fu Ying, Gu Qiushui and Xiao Fengxiong.

Next is the three-in-two battle. In the three-two battle, Gu Qiushui met Xiao Fengxiong. This time, it was Fu Ying's turn. After the difficult battle, Xiao Fengxiong won the victory.

In the last battle, the final battle of 40,000 talents is finally about to begin. This battle is between Xiao Fengxiong and Fu Ying.

The small field is the desert.

The sky is vast and the wind is low, the grass is low, and the cattle and sheep are low.

The desolate sky, the withered yellow earth, occasionally some withered grass, and some cattle and sheep in the distance. This is the desert.

Xiao Fengxiong is extremely tall and stands on top of the desert. He has been living in the desert since he was 200 years old. At this time, he has a sense of familiarity standing on the desert. Fu Ying also pressed on the handle of the thick-backed knife and breathed a sigh of relief. He had been in the desert for the first two hundred years of his life, and once chased and killed the desert sand pirates all the way.

The desert is an extremely familiar environment for both of them.

It's just the final battle, who will win and who will lose.

Xiao Feng shouted, swallowing the mountains and rivers and patted the twenty-eight palms of the dragon. In an instant, dozens of mana dragons appeared in the void. These mana dragons may be a little vague, not as clear as the real dragon released on the dragon sculpture, but there is definitely a dragon power. This is the group of dragon .

Fu Ying's thick-backed knife was cut out with a knife. This knife was extremely domineering, and a knife spirit spewed out like a long river. The huge knife spirit was afraid that it was dozens of feet long, and he abruptly cut off dozens of mana dragons. What a domineering knife was. Compared with Lu

Xiao Fengxiong saw that his group of dragons flying to the sky was broken. He didn't care at all. He laughed and said, "Well done. See the dragon in the field." He patted the long river of knife with a pair of palms like a dragon, and the rolling mana poured into the river of knife.

The time is getting longer and longer, and it has been played for an hour. Originally, the previous battle was the end of one hour, and one hour did not end with a draw, but this battle finally became a time limit of three hours. In the current hour, Fu Ying and Xiao Fengxiong have done their best and played extremely wonderfully, but It's still hard to part with it now.

Two hours, the battle is still going on. Although Fu Ying and Xiao Fengxiong have a long breath and endless mana, they also feel extremely tired at this time. In fact, there are not many people watching now. The fight between the two is so wonderful that people can't help but think about the changes, and a bunch of knocks are over. I can't figure it out.

Three hours, the battle is still going on.

And the time limit is three hours, so the final game of this battle is a peace.

In the end, the first war is finally over. Up to now, it is also wonderful, and there is no trace of shock.

Zhou Zhongyong looked at the crowd: "Now the final battle is over, starting the ranking of the top 400 this time." Hearing Zhou Zhongyong's words, everyone couldn't help but get nervous. Who is in the top 400? Who is in the top 20? Top 50? Top 100?

Zhou Zhongyong said: '-First place, Fu Ying, second place, Xiao Fengxiong, third place, Gu Qiushui, fourth place, Li Qiuhuan" will rank normally, because Fu Ying's score is the highest in the ability to adapt to the environment, and he is one of the last two people in this battle, so he ranks first.

'-fifth place, Guo Kan, sixth place, Feidingke, seventh place, Wang Shitou, eighth place Fu Chong, ninth place Shifei Xian, tenth place Yin Wuji" The top ten do not have Lu Yuan's name, but it is also normal. Lu Yuan's ranking of more than 400 in the environment will definitely delay a certain score, not Mo Zihe deducted one point, which naturally ranked lower.

'-11th Wan Wan, 13th, Jing Wuqiu... 15th, Nie Chougui... 19th, Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan finally heard his name. After sum up, he removed the deducted one point. Did he rank 19th? It's also a good ranking.

The top 20 have finally been signed up, and the top 20 are enviable. These 20 people are free to choose which civilization to join, which is a great advantage.

Then the twenty-first to the fiftieth place. These people can join civilization. Of course, they can't choose freely. Zhou Zhongyong reported 30 names all the way. The bloody man Lu Yuan defeated, Han Qingbai, and Murong Huangfu, who was defeated by Fu Chong, are all in this ranking. Inside.

After that, it is the 51st to the 100th, and these people are free to join the sect.

The final report is the names of the 300 people from the 101st to the 400th, and these people can join the sect of the Central Celestial Empire.

Zhou Zhongyong finished reading these people's names, and most of the 400 people cheered. Although they may not be able to join the civilization, they can enter the Central Celestial Empire, so they will make great achievements. Before the water mirror, I don't know how many countries and how many sects began to celebrate. It's not easy. Finally

There are many countries like the State of Jin that no one can enter the Central Celestial Empire for many years. Don't forget that there are a total of 999 countries. Yes, there are still lost places, which can be equal to more than 1,000 countries, and the index of entering the Central Celestial Empire is 400, on average, three per 200 countries One person in the country can enter the Central Celestial Empire.

Because the four powerful countries of Dayong, Darui, Dagu and Dayi account for a lot of indicators, under normal circumstances, it is difficult for one of the three countries to enter the Central Celestial Empire.

And this time, it is naturally extremely happy to enter the country of the Central Celestial Empire.

For example, the State of Jin is also full of national joy, especially Huashan. Huashan has not entered the Central Celestial Empire for hundreds of years. Now it has finally determined one, and it ranks 19th. This is a free choice of which civilization to enter. It's really great. How not to make people's blood boil.

After the ranking of 400, especially those who are close to the 400 will vomit blood, but there is no way to vomit blood. We can only look forward to the assessment of the Central Celestial Empire in two hundred years. After two hundred years, we will fight again and fight again to enter the Central Celestial Empire.

Of course, there are some people who are more active. These people are not the assessment players this time, but the people sent here by major countries in various countries. These people have also moved now to find those who have deep potential, such as Xiao Fengxiong, Gu Qiushui, Lu Yuan, Nie Choufeng and others, who want to send some resources.

They sent resources just to get a good relationship.

Those who can enter the Central Celestial Empire have an endless future in the future. Now they have a good relationship, and the reward will be huge in the future.

After reading this, Zhou Zhongyong said: 'Well, happy people, also pause for a moment. Next, you will be happy later. Next, I will briefly introduce the major civilizations and sects of the Central Celestial Empire, so that you can join. ......

Hearing this sentence, the field was instantly quiet, so quiet that the needle fell to the point that it could be heard, and there was no more irritable sound.

This sentence really has infinite magic.

How mysterious the power of the Central Celestial Empire is.

Most people don't know at all how many forces the Central Celestial Empire has. For everyone, the Central Celestial Empire is superior, mysterious and unpredictable, just like the sky overhead.

Now, some people can choose to join the civilization and join the sect. For the civilization of the Central Celestial Empire, the sect naturally cares about Baidang. You need to understand it before you can join.