Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 636 Sword Tree Level 8

Lu Yuan flew straight to the tree of Kendo.

This Kendo tree is surprisingly huge.

And the most frightening place for this tree is that whether it is a branch, a leaf or a pole, it is not bent at all. Other trees will be bent more or less, but this tree, the pole of this tree is straight up ten thousand feet, without a trace of bending, and so are the branches, and the leaves are like a stalk The small flying sword is like a very hard one. If it is a mortal on this tree, I'm afraid it's easy to be cut.

And this tree, it seems that the more it goes up, the more energetic it is.

Of course, even in the lower part, the aura is strangely lush, which is more lush than the aura on the stars of Jianmen.

In fact, this star, that is, the aura on this kendo tree, is more lush, and there is no such lush aura in other places.

And this kendo tree will produce kendo fruit, as well as tree foliage, which has all kinds of miraculous effects, which is difficult to explain one by one.

This kendo tree has a strangely large node every 1,000 feet.

Divide this Kendo tree into ten layers.

In fact, the tenth floor of the bottom layer is the air front, and the upper nine floors are residential. It is the nine parts introduced by Xuanyuan 12.

So the eighth floor was good. Lu Yuan flew straight to the eighth floor and found that the scope of the eighth floor was also very large, as high as thousands of feet high, and the trees were scattered, I was afraid that there were thousands of feet wide, but it seemed that no one was living on the leaves. Lu Yuan flew straight all the way and quickly found a

This door is about three feet high and four feet wide. There is nothing to do with it. Lu Yuan has seen thousands of doors, including the doors of ordinary people, the doors of palaces and cities, and the doors of various caves, but he has never seen such a gate on the tree hole. It's really creative!

Of course, I guess this is also the reason why I have shallow knowledge. Tut, I really can't accept it. [Middle] The Central Celestial Dynasty, hidden dragons and crouching tigers are different.

Lu Yuan's sword flew to the door and knocked on the door.

Immediately, the door was opened.

The door was opened by a tall and turbulent beautiful young woman. The tall young woman looked at Lu Yuan: "You are Lu's brother, aren't you?"

Lu Yuanyi was stunned: "I don't know who the senior sister is?"

The beautiful young woman smiled and said, "My name is Yan Qiuyue, and I am your 20th sister." Lu Yuan ranked 31st among many disciples in Tai Shikong, Qin Shuangcheng is the 23rd, and now this beautiful young woman of Yan Qiuyue is the 20th. Lu Yuan immediately said, "It turned out to be the 20th sister."

Yan Qiuyue opened the door and made a posture to invite in: "Your appearance information, the master has already sent the sword cultivation star, and the news just came just now. Among these ten people, Brother Lu is the first to reach the sword cultivation star, trying to suppress the sword show, and the sword spirit emperor Ji is really powerful."

Lu Yuan said, "It's also lucky."

When Lu Yuan was talking, he also looked into the tree hole and found that it was faintly made into a huge environment. There were at least a dozen independent courtyards in it, and there was a large environment outside. Such a huge environment would not hollow out the tree in the tree.

Yan Qiuyue seemed to see Lu Yuan's doubts: "This kendo tree is surprisingly huge. This tree hole looks huge, but in fact, compared with the whole kendo tree, it is so small that it can be almost unexpected." While talking, four people came face to face, these four People's appearance is almost exactly the same, and there is no difference, but the appearance can only be regarded as ugly.

Yan Qiuyue introduced and said, "These four people are the eleventh brother Ge Wuqi, the twelfth brother Ge Wutong, the thirteenth brother Ge Wuqi, and the fourteenth brother Ge Wusai." Hearing Yan Qiuyue's introduction, Lu Yuan secretly said in his heart that the names of these four people are strange. Such a name is

"You are Lu Yuan." Ge Wuge said, "I heard that you are very good."

"However, no matter how powerful it is, it can't be, because I'm not handsome." Ge Wutong said.

"Nonsense, I'm still handsome." Ge Wu said.

"The three of you are not as handsome as me, because I am the most handsome." Ge Wusai said.

What's wrong with these four people? One person said a word, and because of this matter, Lu Yuan has never met such a person since he was a child. In so many years of practice, Yan Qiuyue whispered, "These four people have always been stupid and fooled, but I don't know why they actually practiced to the mixed cave." Lu Yuan saw several people again. They are all their own brothers.

After the introduction, Lu Yuandao found that the strongest of these brothers and sisters is the five-fold historical tragedy of the mixed cave. Most of the other people are double, triple and four-fold in the mixed cave. There are no six-fold characters in the mixed cave. Most of the strength of this group of people is not very good. It is said that there No wonder the six-fold characters will occupy the last position in the battle for the tree.

Lu Yuan looked in the tree hole and found that on the remaining branches of a thick tree in the center of the tree hole, it said: "The battle for the tree."

The four words are engraved there, but there is a strong momentum, showing everyone's determination to rush to the top. No one wants to stay on the eighth floor, this position is already the worst position.

Lu Yuan was about to ask this question. At the moment, he asked, "What's going on with the battle for the tree?" Yan Qiuyue introduced: "The battle for the tree is divided into three parts. The first part is to watch the root of the sword and create a sword move. Of course, you must create a move of level six or above to On the tenth floor, there are some roots of the Kendo tree, and the Kendo tree represents countless kendo. I remember that the ancestors of the past once learned the three iron principles of reincarnation, time and space on the root of this tree. This is also the three major iron principles of our sword gate, with a lot of inherited iron rules, and now the requirements are We go to the tenth floor to watch the root of the sword, and according to the root of the tree of Kendo, we create corresponding moves. We must have sword repair points above the six-level swordsmanship.

"This second part is trophies, all kinds of combat goods. On the sword cultivation stars, there are all kinds of monsters. As long as you leave the siege of this Kendo tree, there are monsters in most areas outside. If you can get more monsters, you can get the corresponding combat items, and then you can get them. To more star points." "The third part is the battle of the eight veins, which will only start every ten years.

"The sword move of Guanshu root accounts for occupied for 30% of the total score, the trophy accounts for 30% of the total score, and the battle of the eight veins accounts for 50% of the total score, one is more important than one." "Of course, the Guanshu root creation move and the trophy ." After introducing the whole battle to seize the tree, Yan Qiuyue smiled bitterly: "However, the battle of the eight veins is easy for this friend. The eight poles of Kendo represent the eight extremes of Kendo and eight atmospheric transporters. As a result, we didn't get any of them. Among the eight poles of Kendo, there are There are also six-fold characters in the mixed cave under the human door. Only we, there are no six-fold characters in the mixed cave at all, and there is only one person in the five-fold mixed cave, that is, the sad brother of Taishi." Lu Yuan lived on the eighth floor of Kendo.

But the next day, he was called by Yan Qiuyue to go to the tenth floor of the Kendo Tree.

Yan Qiuyue is actually quite curious about Lu Yuan. Since Yan Qiuyue entered the school, she has always heard that under Taishi, Yan Cangtian is the strongest. She has always been extremely curious about Yan Cangtian, but she has never seen it. Now the comments given by the master actually say that this brother Lu's qualifications and understanding luck are absolutely not On top of that, Yan Qiuyue was also curious, so he took Lu Yuan to the tenth floor.

Go to the tenth floor, the root of the tree of Kendo is originally one of the important practices of sword towering the stars. I don't know how many people polish their swordsmanship here.

The tenth floor is actually quite close to the ground, and the Kendo tree, a huge tree, has grown for many years, and many roots have floated out of the ground. The first generation of the master of the sword gate in the past was in this enlightenment.

When Lu Yuan reached the tenth floor, he found that many people on the tenth floor were here, and there were people from all sides, including Xuanyuan Supreme's door, and Shangguan's supreme door. Among the Shangguan's supreme door, there was Jianxiu, which was defeated by his own hands yesterday, and even saw Jianling Diji.

Many people watch the roots of the tree here. After these people saw that Lu Yuan went in, they couldn't help looking at Lu Yuan. Although Lu Yuan was the beginning of Jianxiu Xingchen, he was also quite famous in Jianxiu Xingchen. After all, Lu Yuan won the sword show, one of the eight poles of kendo in the flight test, Some people are still talking about some information about Lu Yuan.

When Lu Yuan just entered the tenth floor, he was attracted by the roots of the trees floating on the ground. A vigorous and powerful roots floated on the ground and plunged deep under the ground. There were also some roots, which were even empty on the ground. Each of these roots was hundreds of feet long. This It is the length on the ground and the length under the ground.

It's not like a root whisker. It's like an old dragon, sling on the ground.

Lu Yuan was simply shocked.

Such a tree root! This is the tree root of the Kendo tree. Among these roots, Lu Yuan found countless mysteries. It seems that there is a true meaning between heaven and earth, infinite mystery. Lu Yuan Douran found that he can practice all kinds of swords, especially the space-related swords that he urgently needs now.

Here, it is really a gift from God.

Here is the tree and the tree of kendo that condensed countless kendo luck in this era.