Huashan Xianmen

Chapter 662 The Iron Rule of Little Cause and Effect

Chapter 662 Little Cause and Effect

The rule of the Hidden Sword Sect is that people who practice in the Hidden Sword Sect try their best to hand over the fairy sword to the Hidden Sword Sect in various ways after their death.

Of course, the Hidden Sword Sect is not for personal gain. It is for these fairy swords, the owners of these fairy swords can play a certain role in cultivating the descendants of the Hidden Sword Sect.

Therefore, most people are willing to abide by this rule.

Among them, the strongest 100 people, whose fairy sword, has turned into a hundred sword tombs, which is the inheritance of the swordsman.

And other weaker people have become the inheritance of little swordsmen one by one.

Sword diving, the sword is the only two people, and what enters is the inheritance of the little swordsman.

On the side of Jianqian, there came a laugh: "Not long after I came in, I have understood two swords. Haha, Lu Yuan, you are destined to be defeated in my hands. I don't believe that the wooden house is inexplicably judged that you are more suitable for swordsman inheritance than me. I will prove that the broken wooden house

In the inheritance of another little swordsman at the other end, the swordsman smiled proudly and said, "It's actually a world-class swordsmanship. Unexpectedly, I got a world-class swordsmanship. Lu Yuan, you just got the swordsman inheritance. My swordsman is the best in the sword, and I am destined to defeat you."

Both Jian Qian and Jian Jue are full of confidence.

At this time, the swordsman inherits this side.

The two Buddha beads have disappeared, but Lu Yuan has gained extraordinary benefits from these two Buddha beads.

Let's not talk about the two swords in the east and the sword in the west.

There is also the supreme green wood Buddha formula, which allows you to pick and plant the tree of kendo, which is equivalent to living for a day. Your kendo luck in this era needs to be strengthened for a day until it is strong enough to be compared with the son of the sword, and it is the kendo luck of this era.

There is also the swordsmanship of Shenxing, which is also the swordsmanship of the world.

Lu Yuan flew to the side of the Buddha beads in the south, and boundless thoughts immediately gushed out of the Buddha beads in the south. It didn't take long for Lu Yuan to understand the meaning of the sword of the south. This is the ninety-seventh sword meaning of his achievements, and he also got a set of Nanwu Daming man The spell has great power and can relieve some negative states. The negative state in the central Celestial Empire is not only poison, but also strange witchcraft, and even some fairy arts. With this Nanwu Daming mantra, Lu Yuan also got a powerful method. Nanwu Daming mantra is also the master of Buddha's sword practice. One of them.

Lu Yuan also learned the sword meaning of the north from the Buddha beads in the north, which is the ninety-eighth sword meaning of his achievements. Here he also got a set of Beidou master swordsmanship. This set of Beidou master swordsmanship is also a world-destroying swordsmanship.

At the Buddha beads above, what I learned is the meaning of the upper sword, which is the ninety-ninth meaning of my own achievements. Here I got a set of upper swordsmanship. This set of upper swordsmanship is also the world-level swordsmanship.

Not to mention that there is no Nan Daming Mantra, Lu Yuan now has a total of three sets of world-killing swordsmanship.

The world-class swordsmanship, there is no set of swordsmen.

In fact, it is not only the sword gate, but also in the whole central Celestial Empire, a set of world-level swordsmanship is also quite precious.

A set of swordsmanship, compared with a set of world-level swordsmanship, is worthless. The gap between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.

But now, Lu Yuan has obtained a total of three sets of world-class swordsmanship.

If this is said, it is estimated that countless people will drool to death.

Of course, now Lu Yuan has no time to pay attention to these. At this time, he has achieved ninety-nine swords, which seems to be the same as Yan Cangtian's so-nine swords in the State of Jin. At that time, when he heard the ninety-nine swords, he only felt that Gaoshan looked up and couldn' For a moment, I also felt a little sad.

And, that's more than that.

The space iron is divided into three parts.

The first part of it is to understand the space itself, and the space itself is divided into seven sword meaning, that is, the upper, middle, lower, east, south, west and north.

Previously, he understood the meaning of the middle and the lower sword, and at this time, with the help of the Buddha's sword practice, he understood the other five kinds of sword meaning. At this point, the upper, middle, lower, east, south, west and north have been complete. Lu Yuan looked over. At this moment, the seven kinds of swords

The space itself has already been understood.

After that, all those who want to play space illusions with themselves will suffer great losses.

So, there are two Buddha beads left at this time.

These two Buddha beads are empty and ethereal, and he can't even determine the position. Lu Yuan was surprised. He said that he had all seven swords in his space, and it was difficult to play space illusions in front of him. As a result, he couldn't tell where these two Buddha beads are now. I really don't believe that

The Buddha's sword practice nodded slightly. In fact, the five Buddha beads in the front are basically delivering vegetables, and the real difficulty is the two Buddha beads in the back.

A Buddha bead contains the meaning of the sword.

In another Buddha bead, it contains the meaning of the sword of fruit.

Once these two swords are achieved, you can practice small causal iron rules.

The iron rule of cause and effect, ranked second is the ancient Buddhism, and only a few people will know the real iron rule of cause and effect. In fact, not only the iron rule of cause and effect, but also the small iron rule of cause and effect are very few people. Yes, what the Buddha's sword practice really wants to teach Lu Yuan is the small

The ten most difficult swords are life, death, light, darkness, heaven, earth, good, evil, and cause and effect.

Where there is cause, where there is fruit.

And the two swords of cause and effect are more difficult than the other eight swords.

When the Buddha's sword practice thought in his mind, Lu Yuan had already snorted and reached the side of a Buddha bead. It was really not easy to determine the specific position of the Buddha bead, but he finally practiced the seven swords of the space itself, and he also found the location of the Buddha bead. Only when he approached the A thought spreads to your brain.

In fact, not next to one Buddha bead, but to two Buddha beads.

The two Buddha beads are actually next to each other.

Two thoughts kept coming to Lu Yuan's side.

Lu Yuan closed his eyes and realized the two swords of cause and effect.

It's hard!

This level is a difficult point. The Buddha's sword practice secretly said in his heart. Lu Yuan, let's see if you can understand the two swords of cause and effect at this time. Of course, it is not easy to fully understand the two swords of cause and effect. As long as you can understand one of the causes and effect, it can be

The Buddha finished his sword practice, but he saw Lu Yuanchang shouting, "It's because of the sword, it's done!"

On the top of Lu Yuan's head, a huge ancient charm has slowly risen. This ancient charm is probably about seven times that of ordinary charms, which is much larger than that of life and death.

The Buddha's sword cultivation couldn't help but be stunned. It was too fast to achieve the meaning of the sword so quickly.

Before the Buddha's sword practice could react, Lu Yuan shouted again: "The sword of fruit, it's done!" With the same long cry, a huge ancient charm floated above his head. On this ancient charm, the word "fruit" of the ancient script was written.

Why is it so fast! How can it be!

If it is acceptable for the Buddha's sword practice to see Lu Yuan's sword intention at the beginning, but at this time, he saw that Lu Yuan had achieved another sword meaning of fruit in the blink of an eye, which was already incredibly fast. It was also amazing to cultivate the Buddha's sword to become the vice master of civilization before he was born. Compared.

He really hasn't seen such a ridiculous thing.

The two swords of cause and effect, at least they are also recognized as among the 3,000 swords, the most difficult two swords. How did Lu Yuan cultivate these two swords so quickly?

This is completely impossible!

In fact, there is a reason why such a strange thing will happen.

There is a reason why the two swords of cause and effect are difficult to practice. In the world, it is impossible for people not to be contaminated with cause and effect. The older the age, the more causes and effect, the more desires, and the more causes and effects.

And Lu Yuan basically has no desire in his life, such as hegemony, status and so on. He only loves two things in his life, one sword and one wine. That's all. The cause and effect are pitifully few. Among them, the cause of loving the sword leads to the opening up of the supreme road of the sword. This cause and The only reason that has no cause is the cause of love for wine.

Therefore, Lu Yuan's cause and effect is extremely rare.

Of course, there is also the cause and effect of Huashan, and the cause and effect of Jianmen. Many causes and effects have been turned into a line to bind people. However, these causes and effects have not been invested much in Jianmen. The cause and effect is shallow and easy to understand. On the other side of Huashan, there are other reasons, so that the cause and effect are not very deep.

In terms of age, basically, unborn children have the least cause and effect. Once born, with the growth of age, the cause and effect will become deeper and deeper, while Lu Yuan is only more than 40 years old, so there is very little cause and effect. With the help of the Buddha's sword practice, these causes and effects can be seen through, while This kind of practice can't be done with cause and effect, but when it comes to cultivation, it is too old and the cause and effect is too deep, but it can't be done with cause and effect.

The third point is that Lu Yuan has another chance. The thousand magic wine sent by the Fasheng Emperor actually has a Hongchen. Of course, the Fasheng Emperor himself doesn't know it. This is another opportunity. There are other big shots in it. Once the Hongchen is added, the Hongchen is reduced, and the cause and effect suddenly disappears.

Because of the cause and effect around Lu Yuan, it is actually too little and too little, so that he can see through the cause and effect and practice the cause and effect. Of course, there are also the reasons for Lu Yuan's own great luck, kendo talent, and the monk Buddha's help with great wisdom.

For others, the cause and effect is dozens of times more than Lu Yuan, hundreds of times, thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times, making the cause and effect difficult.

Anyway, no matter what, Lu Yuan has achieved a small iron rule of cause and effect that is difficult for the world.

And the swordsman's inheritance has come to an end.

The day to deal with sword greed is approaching.

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